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King Kong's finger

Guest tommmy

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Answer, camp in Big Ground or Kidney Mead by the nice porcelains at the top of the field. It was nice last year to have an early morning dump there as they were well clean! After that try for the toilets around where the Leftfield tent was, opposite entrance to the Holts field, they are usually ok, , try to avoid dumping anywhere around the Park drops or down by the JP, although the ones between walk from the JP to the Pyramid are ok, just avoid the ones where there is heavy traffic during the day.

Edited by ghandi
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Before my first Glastonbury I'd only been to Leeds fest where the state of the portaloos is truly, truly awful and I assumed that the bogs at all festivals must be like that so for 2 days before we went I took a load of laxitives to give myself a good clear out, then took loads of diacalm and stuff to block myself up, taking more tablets each morning in an effort to not poop during the weekend (normally I'm a once or twice a day man). My plan did work but I didn't go from the Thursday until the following Friday by which point I was in so much pain I had to take some laxitives just to get things moving again. I really wouldn't recommend my plan, the long drops are fine and I actually look forward to my morning drop off with my copy of Q daily, the breeze on my legs and the sun on my head.

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I go multiple times a day, and Glastonbury is no exception. In my time I've seen toilets far, far worse than than those at Glasto though, so they don't bother me in the slightest.

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Not really a dump anecdote but a few years back I went to Leeds Festival. We went on the big Divebomber funfair ride that they have there. Next to p it was a ladies 'sheee' that allowed females to go for a number one without a queue, as long as they were prepared to stand and piss into something like a chip cone onto a piss tray.

When we got on the ride and it rose to the top you could see all the lasses with their trousers down trying to piss like blokes....... surreal stuff!!

I hope they've moved the ride now.

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