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Drinks prices?

Guest JovTea

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Hi there, first Glastonbury this year for me, looking forward to it. Went to Leeds festival last year, looking forward to this one (BB King, QOTSA, Chemical Brothers to name but a few awesome acts).

Anyway, I was wondering how much drink prices were here? I'm intending on bringing a lot of my own beer (as I know, you can bring your own beer into the stages at this festival, which is decent to save money) but was wondering what the prices were, as it's nice to have a cool Cider or Lager (hoping for some decent southern Ciders :P).

The official website says they're the same as "London prices", or words to that effect.

Cheers people.

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About £3.70 - £4.00 a pint. Slightly less for the lager-piss, slightly more for real ale. Wine and spirits are massively overpriced at the bars - if you want wine, go to Pennard Organic Vineyard's stall near Avalon where it's a bargainous £6.50ish for a 500ml bottle.

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Bringing your own is a must. Buying cider in kegs from the side of the road as you make your way to the festival is a done thing (mind the Black Rat though. Orchard Pig is sold right outside the Red Gate entrance and is yum).

If you are driving to site, start maybe looking out good beer/cider case deals already. Will still be in date for the fest. You can keep your cans cool by sticking them under your tent usually.

There are many bars across site, lots of real Ale too (we even have a Real Ale meet on the Thursday usually). No worries about finding a cool drink if you need it although buying ice isnt available.

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Will have a very good idea as the first WBC event is a few days before Glasto { 18/19 June }but as I will be working there and then diving about like crazy to get ready for the London coach on the Tuesday I may forget to post.

Sure you can bring in bevy { at least for this year } but unless you have a handy refrigerated truck cans will get hot + they have to be humped in.

I live in London and apart from the discount pub chains it is roughly London prices.

Its highly likely draft will start at £ 4 { with premium brands around £ 4.20 } but this is all just a guess at this stage as I am not sent the price lists in advance.

No matter the main bars are staffed with volunteers and their earnings will go either to the Labour Party or various charities and there is no share holders so any profits go back into running the WBC { the WBC does not just work at big events - we run bars at Social gatherings that other Companies would refuse to do as its not worth it } so your spending is not going to waste.

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Bringing your own is a must. Buying cider in kegs from the side of the road as you make your way to the festival is a done thing (mind the Black Rat though. Orchard Pig is sold right outside the Red Gate entrance and is yum).

If you are driving to site, start maybe looking out good beer/cider case deals already. Will still be in date for the fest. You can keep your cans cool by sticking them under your tent usually.

There are many bars across site, lots of real Ale too (we even have a Real Ale meet on the Thursday usually). No worries about finding a cool drink if you need it although buying ice isnt available.

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About £3.70 - £4.00 a pint. Slightly less for the lager-piss, slightly more for real ale. Wine and spirits are massively overpriced at the bars - if you want wine, go to Pennard Organic Vineyard's stall near Avalon where it's a bargainous £6.50ish for a 500ml bottle.

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The Labour Party? The WBC web site says "the Labour movement" which isn't quite the same thing.

it would be nice if the WBC web site had a list of organisations they donate to. Yeah, us lefties will probably be fine with it all, but it's good to be open.

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