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Pukkelpop 2011

Guest johnybegood

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They are just reporting the death toll has been downgraded to four. I'm not sure which of the five victims I listed above didn't die. (My information came from a local paper)

The confusion came because another guy who was critically injured in a completely unrelated incident died in hospital, and he was listed as a Pukkelpop victim. He wasn't anywhere near the festival.

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What kids on the televison said is hardly a representative sample, most of the people I spoke to wanted to continue maybe others had a different reaction.

And doing a post mortem isnt really looking for blame but more for improvements, id be shocked if there was no rebranding or rejigging of stages.

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Cancelling was absolutely the right thing to do. Initially they had worked through the night to get things operational again, and yes they could have run a limited festival on "2 or 3" stages. But at the press conference next morning they said they took the decision to cancel out of respect for the dead and injured. I fully support that. Besides, every single Belgian kid they interviewed on TV said the party atmosphere had gone and they just wanted to go home.

I'm not sure a postmortem will solve anything. It was a totally freakish once-in-a-century occurrence, and Pukkelpop just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Finding people or things to blame won't solve anything. What changes could they have made? They had a tree surgeon in there in July to make sure any vulnerable trees were removed (they took out 15 old and weak trees back then, as they do every year). And European law says festival tents must be designed to withstand 100km/h winds. The Pukkelpop tents were designed with an extra 30% safety margin on top, and would have stood up to 130km/h wind. But a) the wind was way above that, and b ) the rain and hail was just supernatural and the wieght of it combined with the wind was too much. 36mm of rain - half a normal month - came down in that 10-minute spell. Belgium probably won't see another storm like that in any of our lifetimes.

Another mark of how unlucky Pukkelpop was. From aerial pictures of the damage path they worked out the killer nucleus of the storm was a mere 300 metres wide. But fate brought it right through the festival site. If it had gone 500 metres north or south 99% of the damage to the site may never have happened...

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If anyone is interested in making a small gesture (admittedly a minor one), Hasselt is holding a minute's silence to remember the victims at 18.15 this Thursday (17.15 UK time) - precisely one week after the storm struck. Obviously most of us have travelled home far and wide and can't get back to Hasselt for it, but if you want to, please stop whatever you are doing at that time for a moment's quiet reflection...

I will be.

Edited by Trufflehound
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If anyone is interested in making a small gesture (admittedly a minor one), Hasselt is holding a minute's silence to remember the victims at 18.15 this Thursday (17.15 UK time) - precisely one week after the storm struck. Obviously most of us have travelled home far and wide and can't get back to Hasselt for it, but if you want to, please stop whatever you are doing at that time for a moment's quiet reflection...

I will be.

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I think most of you have summed up what happened pretty well but actually getting my head round it is proving to be a difficult task. As much for my own catharsis as to let others know the events, I'll give a review of how things unfolded for us.

The journey over for my two friends and I couldn't have gone any better. We left early on Wednesday morning for the airport, had no delays, went into Amsterdam for a couple of hours and were then on the road in the car by 3pm. By 6pm we were sitting in the bar on the corner from the hotel having the first of what we hoped would be many beers with Trufflehound and his wife. We reminisced about past events and compared timetables for the weekend, vowing to meet up the next day for more beers and bands. We headed off into town to eat and then went to the site to get our wristbands and exchange tokens. The atmosphere in and around the Boiler was electric and we even spoke to Chokri who was just wandering around the crowd with his young daughter. We had a traditional look in the campsite and then spent the rest of the evening in the hotel bar, chatting to a few of the bands who were also really up for the weekend.

We were at the gates by 11am and watched the likes of Wolfgang, MNDR, Eliza Doolittle, Noah and the Whale, White Denim, the Go! Team and Modestep during the day. The weather was fantastic and we were even half complaining at times that it was too hot to stand in the tents. It was shaping up to be a vintage day when I left the rest of our group after the Naked and Famous to see Netsky in the Boiler. I got there around 5.45pm and the place was rammed. I always go in at the back and follow the side of the tent round to the left so I was pleased to see that they'd actually opened some of the side panels behind the mesh fence to let the air through. I went and stood by one of the gaps and started chatting to some Belgian guys who I actually arranged to meet up with later on to see more DJs.

It was just after 6pm that I looked out of the gap and saw the sky change. It had become a bit overcast but it then turned a nasty shade of grey and it was obvious some bad weather was on the way. Most people in the tent probably didn't even realise it had started to rain when I made the decision at 6.15pm to leave the Boiler and head across the site to the Club where Trufflehound and all the rest of our group were. I came out of the Boiler and almost immediately had to start sprinting as the rain was coming down so heavily. As I ran up the field towards the main entrance and the gate that leads through to the rest of the arena, I was actually shouting and cheering (like most of the others I could see) as we were all completely soaked and it just seemed like a mad experience.

When I passed through the gate (the one with the 'PUKKLEPOP' sign hanging down) and headed between the Marquee and Chateau, the weather turned again but this time it got really serious. I remember hearing the loudest thunder and seeing lightning go across the arena but it was the wind and rain that was the most worrying. I could hardly see my hand in front of me and, although I didn't get knocked down, the wind was violently pushing me from side to side as I struggled to run through it. I carried on up the path towards the Main Stage/Club area and it was somewhere near the food stalls to the left by the rest area that I took the decision to stop as it was getting too bad. I briefly stood by one of the stalls but then thought that it was getting too dangerous there so I ran again through all the flags that were placed in the ground until I reached the Club.

I couldn't initially get in as there were too many people already inside so I stood on the edge looking towards the rest area. I may as well have been outside though as I was getting hammered by the horizontal wind and rain - they combined together to form what I can only describe as a wall of sorts. I then saw that the side walls of the tent were badly swaying so I ran over with many others to help prop them up. I hadn't found Trufflehound and my friends at this point but it turned out later that he was further down the side of the tent helping to hold some of the other panels up! Another guy and I were holding one panel but I had to eventually tell him to move away as I thought it was going to come in. I ran out of the tent at this point and immediately was pelted by huge hailstones which felt like I was being beaten up. I moved back into the tent and could then see that the TV screen outside the Club was down.

After what seemed like an eternity, the wind started to ease off but the rain still came down. Security were trying to clear the front left corner of the tent but people didn't really want to go out, either because they didn't want to get went or were too scared. I was completely soaked through - everything I had on was wet, liked I'd jumped in a swimming pool and stayed there for half an hour. As people left the tent and the sky cleared, it was possible to get the first impression of how bad things were. The tent over the rest area was down and many of the flag poles were bent over. I could also see that a ‘Humo’ sign next to the Main Stage had toppled over and a large tree had fallen onto a promotional mobile phone stand. It took a few minutes for me to find any of the rest of the group but thankfully we were all ok.

The mood immediately afterwards was very strange as no one seemed to be able to grasp how serious it was. Initial reports were that some of the stages would open again that evening but the longer we stood and looked around, the more apparent it became that things wouldn’t be back to normal anytime soon. We saw a camping tent over someone at the edge of the rest area and with what we now know, I’m pretty certain it was for the person who died there. There was no real sense of panic though and we actually stayed near the rest area for half an hour or so to have another beer. I don’t think we got any official word that it was off for the night before we left but there was no way anything was going to happen. The hotel was actually quite lively when we got back but mostly people exchanging stories about where they were and what they saw – I think a lot of people were in shock. A few of the bands were in the bar too and they were showing us text updates they were getting from the festival about the state of play.

I put on the TV the next morning and it was all over the local news, the programmes were on a constant loop showing footage and interviews. Worked out pretty quickly that it was off but we later spoke to a laser technician from Holland in reception who told us his experience. He said that at 10pm the organisers decided that the rest of the festival was going ahead so he, along with what he described as the most crew and technicians he had ever seen in one place, worked through the night to get the site ready. At 6am he left to go back to the hotel but when he got there the receptionist told him that they had just cancelled it. It was definitely the right decision to make and if at any point I begin to think about the bands I missed, I need only think about the people who didn’t make it or are still in hospital fighting for their lives.

We made the best of the rest of the weekend and if one good thing comes out of all this it is that we have made some great friends who we will no doubt see again in the future. I hope that no blame is attached to anyone for this tragedy as those of us who were there know that it was totally out of control and a complete freak occurrence. I don’t feel the festival, emergency services or anyone who helped out could have done anymore. I’ve also been at pains to stress to people that the stage collapse was one of about 10 major incidents that happened across the site. For me, the media using that as the headline immediately infers that there was some kind of human error which is both totally untrue and unfair.

I've been writing this over the last few days (sorry for the length!) but it's come out today that some of the bands, mostly Belgian, have publicly said they will be returning their fees for the festival. I am disgusted that any artist who didn't perform would even consider asking for or keeping the money. The future of the festival is hanging in the balance on a number of levels but money is probably the key one. I appreciate that people still need to get paid and there are expenses but none of those international acts were only playing Pukkelpop that weekend and, in the grand scheme of things, they won't go under if they don't get their money. The same sadly can't be said for Pukkelpop. I personally won't be seeking any money back from my ticket or tokens. If it's on next year, I'd like to think the tokens I've still got will be honoured but it won't be the end of the world if they're not. The very fact I've been able to write this account at all is enough for me.

Trufflehound: thank you both for the company, friendship and support you gave us over the weekend and I look forward to when we next meet. If it’s not before, then next summer we will all stand together again on the fields of Kiewit with a glass raised to those who didn’t make it home.

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The festival just had to be cancelled, in the campsite so many people had gone home early because all their stuff was ruined. 2 of the tents surrounding ours were international customers to Pkp and had arranged ways to get home because all their stuff was destroyed or soaked through.

My shoes had been ruined and I had to find a way back to England on the Friday. Btw easyjet are an evil company, tried charging us 330 euros to change the date of our flight. Instead we got an alternative flight with Flybe for 120 quid :)

When the storm got to its hail/windy/rain phase we were in the road separating the arena and campsite and we struggled to get across, eventually we made it into a strangers tent and sat it out.

Throughout the night everyone was in good spirits and we expected the festival to go on :/

So sad but luckily everyone I have spoke to has been of the "PUKKELPOP 2012 IS GO" fanclub, so hopefully everyone will be able to return next year!

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Pukkelpop 2012 is go. They are offering 50€ "compensation" in food and drink tickets for the next 3 x festivals to combi ticket holders and it looks like priority booking for the 2012 festival too. I'm glad it is back, initially disappointed at the compensation, but reflecting on it, they are in a very difficult position and I guess anything more might put the future of the festival in doubt. Assuming that I can get recruits, I'm sure I will be there next year.

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Pukkelpop 2012 is go. They are offering 50€ "compensation" in food and drink tickets for the next 3 x festivals to combi ticket holders and it looks like priority booking for the 2012 festival too. I'm glad it is back, initially disappointed at the compensation, but reflecting on it, they are in a very difficult position and I guess anything more might put the future of the festival in doubt. Assuming that I can get recruits, I'm sure I will be there next year.

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i dont feel valued.... basically i have to pay 80 quid on flights... lose 3 or 4 days of my holidays and another 150 quid on a ticket if i want to get my money back

not happy.... wont be going again unfortantly... and will have to miss out on doing a fest next year due to funds... feel more sorry for my mate who is a student and was properly desperate for something back

and please dont say im being disrecpectful... last thing i want to be.

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i dont feel valued.... basically i have to pay 80 quid on flights... lose 3 or 4 days of my holidays and another 150 quid on a ticket if i want to get my money back

not happy.... wont be going again unfortantly... and will have to miss out on doing a fest next year due to funds... feel more sorry for my mate who is a student and was properly desperate for something back

and please dont say im being disrecpectful... last thing i want to be.

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i dont feel valued.... basically i have to pay 80 quid on flights... lose 3 or 4 days of my holidays and another 150 quid on a ticket if i want to get my money back

not happy.... wont be going again unfortantly... and will have to miss out on doing a fest next year due to funds... feel more sorry for my mate who is a student and was properly desperate for something back

and please dont say im being disrecpectful... last thing i want to be.

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so really i get 25 quid in food and drink vouchers which is 5 beers or 5 meals which in theory is going to get used in the first day

i actually would have preferred if they offered nothing at all... or even a voucher for merchandise or 25 euros off the next ticket price.... not an obvious attempt at trying to get people to go to the next 3 festivals. they no that this isnt going to make everyone go again i mean you have to download them before they announce any bands in december when most people arnt even thinking about festivals

its not going to be in anyones minds so alot of people will forget to print them off.

its a shame but im never going again.

sorry for the rant. and i wouldnt want the festival to go under. but i just find this patronising

plus is it like 10'000 peope go too the fest from the UK? that is a lot of people which this isnt going to help in the slightest.

on now sorry for the rant

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i dont feel valued.... basically i have to pay 80 quid on flights... lose 3 or 4 days of my holidays and another 150 quid on a ticket if i want to get my money back

not happy.... wont be going again unfortantly... and will have to miss out on doing a fest next year due to funds... feel more sorry for my mate who is a student and was properly desperate for something back

and please dont say im being disrecpectful... last thing i want to be.

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Ppop say "The buyer of a combi-ticket will be able to download three (3) vouchers for the next three (3) editions. Each voucher is now worth € 50, the equivalent of twenty (20) food & drink tickets per edition."

So it's 150€ total, not 3 x 150€. Agree it's not going a long way to cover flights, tickets and incidental spend at the cancelled festival but if it secures the future of the event going forward then it might be the best answer for all concerned.

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Hotel is provisionally booked for next year, here's hoping for a better line up to make me want to go this time, although the mention of the festival being financially hurt for years would suggest maybe less big name headliners.

If I do go, I'll be willing to purchase any unwanted compensation drinks tickets for a reduced rate so that people who aren't going this year don't lose out entirely.

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