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Calls for Chinese Lanterns to be banned

Guest garethslee

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We can't ban everything just because its a percieved problem. surely its better to educate. i was unaware of the dangers until reading articles posted on here if i ever decided to buy some and set them off i would make sure there the non metal sort. Also with the calls for banning fireworks. thats ridiculous. it'd be like banning alcohol to stop binge drinking. there are always bad eggs why should the rest of society have ever more punitive sanctions pushed upon them and have our freedoms eroded away bit by bit because a few people can't be trusted.

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too many of these now and the original magic of seeing them at glasto has pretty much gone for me...so given the well publicised issues i'd agree its time to see the back of themw.

i'm in thailand at the moment and on the beaches lanterns are the craze of the moment - they've always had them here but its now like the beach hawkers are cashing in on the demand in the uk. they still look pretty here though, and the locals are careful to launch them when the prevailing wind is towards the sea, even though there is an airport less than 1km away!

incidentally the other 'new' craze here is for those 'cosmic helicopter' things that you launch with a catapult and they spin to earth with a blue light...all you need to do to get one is wait for a breeze and they fall out of the trees there's so many stuck up there!

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I know some right 'kin idiots in their 30s though. One posted a pic of himself trying to set a lantern off in his street the other day. Ive seen him try to set 3 off now - none of which got over 5 feet in the air but bounced along the ground. He shouldn't be allowed near fireworks ever

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........."Indeed, Britain's fledgling Chinese lantern industry insists it is keen to address critics' concerns. Louise Williams of Essex-based Sky Lanterns says her company is going over to an entirely wire-free, biodegradable model fashioned from mulberry paper and a "completely digestible" bamboo rim which burns out before it reaches the ground...."

Surely this is a good compromise...I think worth a listen too...

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Aww, why exactly are they so bad? I mean as long as they don't do it near the stages then everything should be ok right? Also the best things about the wednesday is going to Stone Circle and lighting up some lanterns and taking in the atmosphere :D Well it kinda is for me :P

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