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decision time

Guest denwyn

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Decision time for next year,i'm having some doubts on bothering going,its not the money,more i can't get motivated at all,plus i can't face the long walk from the car,its also possibly my age as well and all the other times i have been with others, and this year it would be on my own as they no longer want to go and my partner has never been intrested at all. It was going to be my last anyway as i would defo be to old in 2012. So bid decesion to make in the next few weeks.....:unsure:

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Decision time for next year,i'm having some doubts on bothering going,its not the money,more i can't get motivated at all,plus i can't face the long walk from the car,its also possibly my age as well and all the other times i have been with others, and this year it would be on my own as they no longer want to go and my partner has never been intrested at all. It was going to be my last anyway as i would defo be to old in 2012. So bid decesion to make in the next few weeks.....:unsure:

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At what age should you stop going to festivals?.... :huh:

I was on the phone to a work colleague the other day and explained that the reason I was off the other week was because I was attending the Reading Festival to which she replied, "Aren't you a bit old for that!" :angry:

I'm only flippin' 29 not quite ready for the pipe and slippers yet!

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At what age should you stop going to festivals?.... :huh:

I was on the phone to a work colleague the other day and explained that the reason I was off the other week was because I was attending the Reading Festival to which she replied, "Aren't you a bit old for that!" :angry:

I'm only flippin' 29 not quite ready for the pipe and slippers yet!

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At what age should you stop going to festivals?.... :huh:

I was on the phone to a work colleague the other day and explained that the reason I was off the other week was because I was attending the Reading Festival to which she replied, "Aren't you a bit old for that!" :angry:

I'm only flippin' 29 not quite ready for the pipe and slippers yet!

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Decision time for next year,i'm having some doubts on bothering going,its not the money,more i can't get motivated at all,plus i can't face the long walk from the car,its also possibly my age as well and all the other times i have been with others, and this year it would be on my own as they no longer want to go and my partner has never been intrested at all. It was going to be my last anyway as i would defo be to old in 2012. So bid decesion to make in the next few weeks.....:unsure:

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I hope Michael Eavis isn't reading all this nonsense about age-related 'doubts'.....I was banking on him staying keen for a bit longer yet!!

Seriously though, surely its all about how you pace yourself and the type of festival you decide to have.

I will go for as long as I enjoy it and I would love to think that I could match one couple I saw this year who both were probably well into their 70s and looked like they were having a fantastic time.

Glasto for all B)

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I have decided I wont be paying to go to Glastonbury anymore. After 11 attendances in 15 years and the best one ever this year, if I return, which I will, it will be in a working capacity and seeing and experiencing it from a much more different view.

And so other than a possible deposit to part with to get a worker's place there, I certainly dont want to part with over £200 for an event I have seen and been to so many times as a punter that the outlay doesnt seem worth it in some ways.

I just cant believe its taken me this long to come round to the idea of working the fest! Just what the work will be...well I've got a month or so to decide/find something suitable and then join the bumrush along with all the ticketless bunnies who failed on October 6th.

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i think i'll be having some time off after next year. i know the fallow year is 2012 but i think one more large one then time off until i really really want it again...

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Definitely still keep going if you enjoy it still - simple as that. Have to say though that I found the trek from car (almost) too much this year. Was annoyed to be put in really far away car park despite getting there quite early Wed. Managed to move car nearer later on though so easier on the monday. I will be 56 later this year and will go next year and then play it by ear after that. Smaller festivals are much easier physically. Especially love Beautiful Days :)

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I don't mind at all...will be 63 next June.....:O Love my music and while i have only done theee full Glastonburys i have enjoyed most of it,I have done a good few festivals many years back,but was never really botthered about Glastonbury till i moved here and went for a Sunday, which got me hooked.. Campervan would be ideal,but so expensive to hire for one person and a caravan or trailer tent are non starters as keeping one at home is a definate NO. Tipis are again to expensive for one,did think of looking into those ready pitched tents,but not heard good reports about them,of course i could always travel every day as i only live 25 miles away,but i would not be able to have any cider and it would not be the same as staying

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I'll contradict most of the board! There is festival life outside Glastonbury. Yes Glastonbury is unique and it offers stuff you aren't going to get elsewhere. But there are some amazing small festivals out there that have a feel and atmosphere all of their own. There is still great music to be had, though often you wont have heard of most of the artists playing. There are still really friendly crowds to be had where randoms happily spend time with randoms. But there are very short walk from car parks to campsites to be had. There is proper cider and ale at great prices to be had. There is taking less than a minute to walk from one stage to another to be had. There is the now fabled sense of community to be had at small festivals. I dont know if 2010 was my last Glastonbury or whether 2011 will be - I'll try for a ticket and see if Im lucky. I reckon you could have at least 3 maybe 4 small festivals for the overall cost of Glastonbury.

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I hope i'm still going when I'm in my sixties! :D

Although I have to admit that I almost fainted carrying my stuff on the Wednesday this year... We were parked in E2 but couldn't find a pitch until we got to the Dairy Ground and after waiting 5 hours in the blazing sunshine my poor fair skinned body wasn't feeling quite as youthful as it should have! (Felt much better once tent was up and can of beer was opened!)

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At what age should you stop going to festivals?.... :huh:

I was on the phone to a work colleague the other day and explained that the reason I was off the other week was because I was attending the Reading Festival to which she replied, "Aren't you a bit old for that!" :angry:

I'm only flippin' 29 not quite ready for the pipe and slippers yet!

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