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The "Gargoyle"?

Not this chap:


In some stories of Batman, where the architecture of Gotham is more gothic, when Batman is surverying the city, he perches near a gargoyle, talks out loud to it, and calls it Bruce. I like those bits, because it shows Bruce Wayne isn't entirely sane.

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Oh its dreadful, no doubts. Still hilarious though. He-Mans messages to the kids after are amazing.

Check out the anti drug message at 3 mins 50. Bit of a hypocrite, I never saw He-Ma exercise but he looks like a body builder. I reckon hes geared up to his eyeballs.

He-Man is utterly incredible.

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What the f**k was Orko supposed to be?

I liked the Snake Men. King Hiss - has there ever been a better name for a bad guy?

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What the f**k was Orko supposed to be?

I liked the Snake Men. King Hiss - has there ever been a better name for a bad guy?

According to my Masters of the Universe Annual 1989, Orko is a Trollan, from a world in a different dimension. Showing your face is a very intimate act for a Trollan, akin to kissing someone.

So basically he's some sort of alien Muslim.

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I used to love the little comics you got with He-Man figures when I was a kid.

So THIS WEBSITE is one hell of a trip down memory lane.

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Hello. Grumpy old bastard here.

How the f**k has a decent, clean, intelligent, serious topic on the beauty and power of illustrated story telling descended into a load of drivel about shitting bloody He-Man?

Yours, Disgusted of Surrey.


:P Just in case.

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Hello. Grumpy old bastard here.

How the f**k has a decent, clean, intelligent, serious topic on the beauty and power of illustrated story telling descended into a load of drivel about shitting bloody He-Man?

Yours, Disgusted of Surrey.


:P Just in case.

Surrey, did you use to work in the Forbidden Planet in Croydon?

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Surrey, did you use to work in the Forbidden Planet in Croydon?

(Edited because I missed the obvious) No need to apologise.

No. I think it only opened just after (or maybe just before, one of the side effects of running an FP branch was/is rarely paying to get into a club or for drinks) I left the place. I ran the mighty mighty Southampton branch, once one of the smallest in the chain, now second or third biggest I think, and being run magnificently by one of my staff from way back.

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Has anyone read The Filth by Grant Morrison? One of the most f**ked up things I've ever read


I highly recommend you check it out. It will bend your mind in on itself.

Cards on the table - I'm a huge fan of Morrison. He'd be one of the people I would most like to go out on the piss with in the whole world to be honest.

The Filth is waaaaaay OTT though. Artwork is superb but the story itself was too grotesque for me to genuinely enjoy. Theyre not similar but Garth Ennis' "Crossed" gave me a similar experience recently. Just made me feel dirty.

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Hello. Grumpy old bastard here.

How the f**k has a decent, clean, intelligent, serious topic on the beauty and power of illustrated story telling descended into a load of drivel about shitting bloody He-Man?

Yours, Disgusted of Surrey.


:P Just in case.

Lord Nalson one would think. Massive fan of He Man to be fair.

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A few of my favourite reads:

The Goon


All Star Superman

Batman (A whole bunch I won't bother reeling off)

Walking Dead


The Boys


The Ultimates

Battle Pope

and pretty much anything by Roman Dirge & Jhonen Vasquez

There are many more that I can't quite think of right now as I'm at work....

Bloody love comics though.

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That's because Overfiend is basically cartoon softcore porn/snuff and shit, try the watching the decent ones. It's like saying all comics are crap because you read Booster Gold.

If you're new to anime/ mangas then Love Hina is ideal. It's not overly complicated so you can leave it for a while and come back to it.

I always found it easier watching anime before reading mangas

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Off the top of my head here's stuff that I return to again and again:

The original Age of Apocalypse crossover (Have every issue! - thanks Ebay!)

Uncanny X Men (Clairmont's run) / New X Men (Morrison's run) / Astonishing X Men (Whedon's run)

Bendis' Daredevil and Ultimate Spider-man

Batman Hush & Long Halloween

Young Avengers (Heinberg's run)





Planetary (Basically my fave comic book of all time)

The Authority (Ellis' run)


Y The Last Man

Captain America (Brubaker's Run)

Currently really enjoying Chew of course along with everything Johns is doing at DC. Gave Sweet Tooth a few issues and dropped it, likewise Daytripper. Was über excited about Bendis' Avengers reboot but the 3rd issue left me cold.

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Can you pick one best ever comic? Not a graphic novel, just one issue of a regular comic. Not necessarily your personal favourite, it could just be something you thought at the time, "Yes, that's bloody good, not quite my thing but I can see that's bloody good". For me it's the last issue in the No Man's Land Batman run, the one where the Joker kills Mrs Gordon. I remember when it came out we were all reading it in FP at the same time (man, we worked hard) and all finished it about the same time, and just sat there in silence. Really bloody good. Worked as a stand-alone story and also a climax to the whole thing as well. Mainstream but edgy and underground at the same time. Nice.

We then went to play with some Millenium Falcons. B)

Along the same lines I also really enjoyed the Hulk issue (late 70s/early 80s) where he's in New York and meets Daredevil, who tries to calm him down and nearly gets (Hulk)smashed in the process.

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All Star Superman

Anyone reading this thread who is saying to themselves... "Hmm. Ive not read a comic book in ages. Wouldnt mind reading something newish and pretty good." Need only walk into a comic shop and ask for a copy of this. It is pretty much flawless and only 12 issues long. Perfection.

The Boys

Ive only got the first two hardback trades for this but I had them both read in 90 minutes. Everyone always rabbits on about "Preacher" being the great lost property not brought to screen (and they are prolly right) - but you could say the same for The Boys. It is also one of the funniest books on the shelf at the moment too. LOVE Billy the Butcher. :P

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Cards on the table - I'm a huge fan of Morrison. He'd be one of the people I would most like to go out on the piss with in the whole world to be honest.

The Filth is waaaaaay OTT though. Artwork is superb but the story itself was too grotesque for me to genuinely enjoy. Theyre not similar but Garth Ennis' "Crossed" gave me a similar experience recently. Just made me feel dirty.

I think that's kind of the point, hence the name of the book.

I actually thoroughly enjoyed it, though it does get a bit confusing towards the end.

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