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Thieving bastards

Guest blackcockerel

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Monday, Mrs. Skidmark and I packed up our stuff to take to the car but because of the heat we decided to leave our tent and custom awning for later foolishly thinking "We're leaving an empty tent, what is there to steal?". On returning our tent was gone. Some nice people camped 20 or so meters away said they saw some "kids" take our gear away but thought they were our kids.

Now this may sound like just another sob story and I dont expect to get my stuff back, I did make an error leaving my stuff unattended and the perps may well have taken my tent in good faith thinking I had abandoned it, but my gear was especially custom and I imagine the gear may well reappear at other festivals.

So please efesters keep an eye out for a tent that looks like a fish. Some of you guys may well have seen it at Glasto this year next to woodsies or last year up Pennards.

Here is a pic of my creation. Peace and love to all(even theivin' barstewards!)


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I'd never used the lockups before but had planned to put cash /ipod (can't sleep without it on) in there. However, when I went to, found wasn't actually locker things, or even pigeon holes, but just room with shelves on where cash would just be left on shelf. I know it's a bit silly, but this put me off as all just felt a bit casual. Is this the normal setup?? Are things really safe in there?

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Hye cheers for creating this thread and for everyones great advice, i survived glasto without anything stolen, but i'm not sure it'll be the same picture at reading :/

but i'd like to add some advice that people havent mentioned, wallet chains.

u attach them to your wallet and clip them on to what ever you like, although they're more useful to stop pickpockets (which my chains saved me from many a times)

Last year at glasto i slept in jeans but this year due to heat i wound my wallet chain around my wallet, to make it hard to open, attached it to my jenes then put it inside them, then burrid my jenes in the bottem of my bag, which was open but mnessily packet to detter theifes. and before someone says they'd nick my bag, there was a lot of carling and other stuff in their, and its huge.

finally i've noticed people saying about 'kids' and 'young people' these days (when talking about the theifes) although it is obvious that most thefies are my age please be aware that most of us arn't cu*ts and do not be scared of us, as i rather enjoy talking to older people at glastonbury... (yes i'm ratehr sad)

Normally I hate violence but sometimes I think a few punches and kicks are very much deserved and I was actually pleased to hear that the thief got a bit of a going over before he was handed in.

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I'd never used the lockups before but had planned to put cash /ipod (can't sleep without it on) in there. However, when I went to, found wasn't actually locker things, or even pigeon holes, but just room with shelves on where cash would just be left on shelf. I know it's a bit silly, but this put me off as all just felt a bit casual. Is this the normal setup?? Are things really safe in there?

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Simple question, what tents are you using, I would imagine the small 2 person tent, pop up types are more vulnerable than the bigger tents with seperate compartments, tents within a tent which present more barriers for theives to get through.

PS. lock ups are great, left my laptop and car keys there for the entire weekend and left all my valuables there on a nightly basis and collected again first thing...no probs.

Edited by crimsonking
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Simple question, what tents are you using, I would imagine the small 2 person tent, pop up types are more vulnerable than the bigger tents with seperate compartments, tents within a tent which present more barriers for theives to get through.

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My nephew and I went back to the tents after seeing a bit of Craig Charles, and decided to have a wander "up the hill" to the giant Glastonbury sign, as everyone else we were with had gone to bed. He loaded his bag up, and off the two of us went. Had a really nice chilled out half hour or so up there, came back down through The Park, had a rap battle with a top bloke outside The Bimble Inn, and wandered back to our tents, smiling.

When we got back, I noticed his tent door unzipped and his beloved Naughty By Nature T-shirt thrown outside. After a quick gander, we realised ALL his beer had been stolen, along with his sleeping bag, which I'm guessing, they took to carry said beer. My lovely Quechua 2 man XL hadn't been touched, nor any of the other ten tents we were camped with.

I reckon someone had seen favourite Nephew & I, go off on our travels, and just grabbed the opportunity to take the beer, as they knew we weren't there. He (stupidly) had left his old camera in there, and they hadn't bothered with that, so I guess they were just running out of alcohol supplies. I went to Joe Banana's at the end of our campsite (Park Home Ground), bought him a new sleeping bag, and we shared the beer wealth with him on Sunday.

He was more upset that they'd disrespected his Holy Grail Naughty By Nature T-shirt by throwing it on the ground, to be honest. Bleddy 30-something old-skool hip-hop fans, what can you do with 'em 'eh?! :P

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Monday, Mrs. Skidmark and I packed up our stuff to take to the car but because of the heat we decided to leave our tent and custom awning for later foolishly thinking "We're leaving an empty tent, what is there to steal?". On returning our tent was gone. Some nice people camped 20 or so meters away said they saw some "kids" take our gear away but thought they were our kids.

Now this may sound like just another sob story and I dont expect to get my stuff back, I did make an error leaving my stuff unattended and the perps may well have taken my tent in good faith thinking I had abandoned it, but my gear was especially custom and I imagine the gear may well reappear at other festivals.

So please efesters keep an eye out for a tent that looks like a fish. Some of you guys may well have seen it at Glasto this year next to woodsies or last year up Pennards.

Here is a pic of my creation. Peace and love to all(even theivin' barstewards!)


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Just as bad as thieving.... I lost my camera ok my fault i know...I know more or less the excat spot it must have dropped out of my bag,went back looking within minutes of it being lost...Most bloody annoying thing is i filled in a lost Property form on the Glastonbury web page on Tuesday, and have heard nothing so it looks like who ever picked it up has kept it...So much for all the Glastonbury ethos...Frigging theiving scumbags.:angry: :angry: :angry: Camera was a pretty good one as well,but more pissed off as it had a 4gb card in it well over half full of pictures and video clips

Edited by ICGenie
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Gutted for you guys mate, what a killer! i had a special belt that I kept all my cash in (well half, the rest was in the lock-up) looks like a normal belt, and just used it as normal to hold my trow up, then just popped £20 in my wallet as needed.

Sorry for you guys though! I had my ear phones knicked, very annoying but they were only 99p so mustn't grumble.

Anyone else have their money stolen? My wife and I had our wallets taken out of our tents from literally under out faces in our tents while we slept. Luckily I had hidden some money elsewhere just in case but my poor wife lost everything and it was her first ever night there. I hope the f**kers got found and slapped about a bit before being thrown off!

Thank God a very kind lady in Welfare lent us some money and restored our faith in humanity.

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I have just been reading these forums in the hope of finding anything of Rosara's (I am her other half) and this is such a relief. She had everything stolen while she slept (bag, iPhone, camera, wallet, ipod).

Thanks alot for this I will contact the Glastonbury lost property and try to get it back. Again thanks.

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Valuables in the sleeping back down by the feet. Can't see how that can ever fail?

The whole 'sorry wrong tent' thing could be fixed too. I mean, no-one is going to call 999 about it because, well it might be a genuine mistake. And I'm in bed so it'd be a pain to get dressed and head out to speak to a steward. But now the phone coverage works, why not have a text line that people can text with their camping field if they get a 'wrong tent' thing? Three of them within a short space and security/police get sent over to have a nose.

You'd have to advertise it well in the fine guide etc, as it needs everyone to play along, but done well I reckon it could halve the thefts. Only downside is it discourages people from putting their phones in the lock-ups at night... but then, not many do anyway.

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My son and I were camping in Big Ground.

2 lads that we met were camping below the church tent. They had £80 stolen on Wednesday while they slept.

The police came around the next morning telling everone to be aware. One copper told me that they had made 13 arrests and 1 was a security guard!!!!

We left at 4.30 a.m. on Monday and saw a young girl taking beer from our neighbours tent, which we told her to F**k off. As we were walking up to the loos, she came down the hill with an orang pop up tent. We told security and they nicked her.

I have been 5 times and never been touched. Had someone looking for 'Bob' one year in our tent, but he soon left. Use the security tents, they are brill! Or put everthing in the bottom of your sleeping bag inside a chained wallet bag as I do.

There are some scum who ruin it for some people. Thieving Bastards!!!!

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Valuables in the sleeping back down by the feet. Can't see how that can ever fail?

The whole 'sorry wrong tent' thing could be fixed too. I mean, no-one is going to call 999 about it because, well it might be a genuine mistake.

Edited by CCCheese
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Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, pleaae (is that enough?) call 999 in that situation. The 999 system for fire, ambulance and police works exactly the same at Glastonbury as it does outside the fence and in the police scenario, thats for a threat to life or a crime in progress.

Let us make the decision that it's a genuine mistake or not - if it turns out not to be (and we have, ahem, other ways of determining that..), then thats one bad guy possibly out of the festival.

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Hello I too have lost a camera! actually i'm sure it was taken I was i arcadia on Sunday night? Monday morning and I was being snap happy with the fire breathers and then put it back into my pouch around my waist... maybe 10mins later i went to take another pic and it was gone!!!!! i scowered the floor everywhere for it and asked around with no luck. I reported it to lost property but i've not heard anything! I am so upset and annoyed!! it was brand new and full of pics from the whole weekend!! I managed to be so carefull the whole weekend and then BAM! last night it gets taken!!!

The best I can hope for is that someone saw it on the ground and quickly picked it up to hand in(unlikely, i know) if anyone hears anything please I am so desperate for the memory card back I couldn care less about the camera!!

It's a 12mega pix nikon coolpix camera please help!

So f**king angry! can't believe ppl pay £185 to go to a festival to nik stuff!!!! It boils my blood!

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I think Pennards was done, I found an iPod on around 4am Saturday morning (Rosa or Rosara - if you're reading this it's with lost property!)

I spoke to a couple of people near the tents where I'd found it and they'd handed in a wallet with Rosa's name on it and said there was ID with other names too.

The same night my OH heard someone opening our tent so shouted at them, they said "I'm looking for John" and disappeared. Our tent was pretty unique looking - it had a massive space blanket over it - I doubt this was a "mistake"! :angry:

We were about 20 meters from the watch tower (G1 in Pennards) and I saw a few people today handing in bags & wallets, also the lock up crew have said loads of wallets were handed to them, so anyone missing stuff should contact Lost Property :)

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Just as bad as thieving.... I lost my camera ok my fault i know...I know more or less the excat spot it must have dropped out of my bag,went back looking within minutes of it being lost...Most bloody annoying thing is i filled in a lost Property form on the Glastonbury web page on Tuesday, and have heard nothing so it looks like who ever picked it up has kept it...So much for all the Glastonbury ethos...Frigging theiving scumbags.:angry: :angry: :angry: Camera was a pretty good one as well,but more pissed off as it had a 4gb card in it well over half full of pictures and video clips

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Not convinced. I think that a big tent with separate rooms, gives the thief plenty of space to creep about in. We've had 4 people open our tent over the last two years, and it's a little two man full of us and our stuff, and they'd basically have to climb on top of us to get in. I think that puts them off.

I imagine the thief's ideal setup is a big tent with a pissed up punter inside, and plenty of space to creep around without disturbing them.

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