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The time has come

Guest Funkyfairy!

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Last year for these boards I discovered the beauty of sweety flavoured vodka's mmmmm

2009 was the year of the skittles vodka.... seperated skittled flavours so I have a bottle of blue for Wednesday, I drank green on Thursday , Red on Friday etc ... lush

This year I shall be making different sweet flavours for each day ....

Am thinking

Wethers originals

Jelly babies (maybe)

Cola cubes (not sure this would work)

Rhubarb and custards

taste as well as colour is important

What has anyone else tried ? Any other idea's?

Edited by Funkyfairy!
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So weird, I was just thinking about this last night!! We have also tried refresher flavour - a bit sickly but the sherberty bit is nice though!! Also had wham bar flavour - also a bit on the sweet side but a nice pink colour though!!

Hmmmmmm not sure what flavour to go for this year, must go to the local sweety shop and see what inspiration that brings!


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Last year for these boards I discovered the beauty of sweety flavoured vodka's mmmmm

2009 was the year of the skittles vodka.... seperated skittled flavours so I have a bottle of blue for Wednesday, I drank green on Thursday , Red on Friday etc ... lush

This year I shall be making different sweet flavours for each day ....

Am thinking

Wethers originals

Jelly babies (maybe)

Cola cubes (not sure this would work)

Rhubarb and custards

taste as well as colour is important

What has anyone else tried ? Any other idea's?

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My friends and I did Vodka haribo's last weekend. You put the haribo's in a baking tray and slowly over a week add vodka. They eventually soak up a whole litre.. then pop in the freezer until nice and crispy. they are yummy and lethal. :P

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My friends and I did Vodka haribo's last weekend. You put the haribo's in a baking tray and slowly over a week add vodka. They eventually soak up a whole litre.. then pop in the freezer until nice and crispy. they are yummy and lethal. :P
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Last year for these boards I discovered the beauty of sweety flavoured vodka's mmmmm

2009 was the year of the skittles vodka.... seperated skittled flavours so I have a bottle of blue for Wednesday, I drank green on Thursday , Red on Friday etc ... lush

This year I shall be making different sweet flavours for each day ....

Am thinking

Wethers originals

Jelly babies (maybe)

Cola cubes (not sure this would work)

Rhubarb and custards

taste as well as colour is important

What has anyone else tried ? Any other idea's?

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I can't afford to do it this year, but Werther's certainly works! My friend did it (not for Glastonbury, just a party) and it was amazing!!

I've made Pear drop vodka, using just the white, yellow & green, and it was bloody lovely! I've also made a cola cube one, which was lovely and warm.

Peace x

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Smirnoff 700ml has been going for £9 in Asda, I've stocked up already.

Last year I used lots of chopped up limes which worked to differing effect - I don't really do the filter thing, just leave the bits in to be eaten as they come out. Larger bits could be eaten and enjoyed seperate from the drink as they came out, but one of my bottles had them chopped up very small and it was way too sour throughout. I'd also mixed in a home made syrup which worked reasonably well. The other ones I made were cucumber vodka - I wasn't happy with these at all. I have had good cucumber vodka but it was in a proper vodka enfusion bar, I can only aspire :P

This year going to keep it simple - bought 4 large packs of jelly babys to 3 bottles of vodka. Going to split out the colours - I then bought a large pack of starburst, which I'll probably throw in as well. And fruit pasteels were going four for a pound, so they too will be colour seperated and thrown into the same sugary mix. Nearer the time I'll then add either some redbull or some lucozade on top, just to complete the overload!

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My mate made werthers vodka. Its odd, very thick and a bit like syrup, but is quite nice! Its just bizarre.

refreshers vodka workes well, as does parma violet vodka. My fave is green skittles though.

Must go get some vodka!!!

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cherry drops. 2 and a bit packets to a litre of vodka. if you want it ready within an hour blitz em in a blender and then add, the blender thing works on all boiled type sweet, i.e. cola cubes will work. pour about 1/4 of the vodka into another container, add sweets, shake regularly (shaking works better if there is still space in the bottle). when your sweets have disolved, top back up with the vodka you took out earlier. drink in shots, get verry pissed. best bit about this vs skittles is there is no filtering needed!

hope this helps :P

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Cherry drops FTW - my go to flavour, awesome with coke

Word of warning

rhubarb and custard wasn't as nice as I thought it would be

pear drop vodka was like drinking glue

wether's original vodka is the nastiest one I've made - it curdled. Oh god it was f**king rank, I'm retching thinking about it

But I've got Primavera to do first - gonna bring loads of sweets in our luggage and get cheap spanish vodka once we're in Barca (If BA's cabincrew are kind enough to let us go)

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So weird, I was just thinking about this last night!! We have also tried refresher flavour - a bit sickly but the sherberty bit is nice though!! Also had wham bar flavour - also a bit on the sweet side but a nice pink colour though!!

Hmmmmmm not sure what flavour to go for this year, must go to the local sweety shop and see what inspiration that brings!


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