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Guest Funkyfairy!

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I'm just about to start making:

Glacier Mints

Fruit Drops

Rosey Apples (Those green and red boiled sweets, yum)

A question though, how many sweets should i use per 330ml of Vodka? I read somewhere that it should only be about 7 glacier mints per litre...that doesn't sound like enough to me.

Oh, and to the people making skittles vodka...if you're going to mix it with lemonade, don't buy the cheap stuff. I really found it undrinkable last year, was not nice. My friend loved it though, so i may have just been being fussy.

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I'm just about to start making:

Glacier Mints

Fruit Drops

Rosey Apples (Those green and red boiled sweets, yum)

A question though, how many sweets should i use per 330ml of Vodka? I read somewhere that it should only be about 7 glacier mints per litre...that doesn't sound like enough to me.

Oh, and to the people making skittles vodka...if you're going to mix it with lemonade, don't buy the cheap stuff. I really found it undrinkable last year, was not nice. My friend loved it though, so i may have just been being fussy.

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Exactly, for the skittles vodka I use all the colours except green. You have to filter out the gunk that doesn't dissolve, just strain through a muslin cloth.

My mate made werthers but it tasted foul, we suspect the bottle he used still contained some detergent in it...

3 of the big bags (like you see in the supermarket or cinema) per 1 litre of vodka I found best, however this year I have got a 1.6KG bag off ebay :)

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Last year I made

-Mint Aero

-Love hearts + sherbert

-chewy vimto sweets

-Cherry Koolaid

The Aero one was pretty thick, but tasted pretty good. Lots of people were put off by the thickness.

The sherbert + love hearts one was ridiculously sweet and it became carbonated and incredibly frothy so every time I opened it a crack vodka foam would go everywhere. Still good in small doses though.

The vimto one was my favourite, not too sweet, but strong enough to overpower the vodka.

The Koolaid one was decent but not amazing.

This year I'm thinking of trying

-Milky Bar



-Various Melons

Not a litre each, maybe a third for each type.

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im brewing my first batch of skittles vodka off the back of this thread!

got it in plastic sports bottle, should be lethal!

you've got to get the filtering just right tho to get out all the bits! what do people tend to use, i saw one that was dripping it through kitchen roll or coffee filter paper?

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im brewing my first batch of skittles vodka off the back of this thread!

got it in plastic sports bottle, should be lethal!

you've got to get the filtering just right tho to get out all the bits! what do people tend to use, i saw one that was dripping it through kitchen roll or coffee filter paper?

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Glacier mint vodka is definitely worth giving a go, I usually do a litre for Glastonbury.

1 bag of mints in a separate bottle (to take displacement into consideration) in a sink of hot water, change water every few hours and shake it up to separate mints, do it over night and should have done nicely

nothing to strain and lovely fresh taste, warms the stomach.

Only problem is what mixer to have with it - think I'll try lemonade with it this year

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Just to mix it up a bit.... here's a rum idea.

It came to me when I was making my cappucinno-flavoured jellybean vodka last year... I thought why don't I go the whole hog and make a coffee drink....

Put ground coffee into caffetiere. Heat up rum in saucepan. Poor it into caffetiere in the usual way you'd make a nice coffee. (yes yes, I know I probably shouldn't have mistreated my caffetiere...). Leave to brew. When cooled, poor into plastic bottle ready for transportation.

I bought small bottles of diet coke as and when to mix it with, and hey presto, tia-marias with a bit more of a kick!

Excellent for the evenings too, as the coffee perks you up after the excesses of the day and heat exhaustion we're all going to suffer from this year. B)

It may sound odd, vile even. But it was luverly!! :P

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