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U2 Veto

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U2's performance in 2k10 will not be televised :P (Actually I thought the convention was having a Y at the front to, like the Y2K bug, so it would Y2K10 or Y2K8).

I think it will be shown but with the tour manager deciding what can and cannot be shown and what sort of camera shots are used :P

Edited by The Nal
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Don't some acts agree to have their footage shown but only selected material? When I got home last year and checked out what was on the iPlayer, Neil Young only had Rockin' in the Free World on there and there were 37 pages of people discussing why. I didn't bother reading it all but at a glance it was to do with the terms of his contract.

I remember talk a few years back of U2 not being happy with the stage setup and live telecast, essentially boiling down to them controlling how they looked on stage and on TV. They came out and said something diplomatic about them not being able to fit it into their schedule...

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Don't some acts agree to have their footage shown but only selected material? When I got home last year and checked out what was on the iPlayer, Neil Young only had Rockin' in the Free World on there and there were 37 pages of people discussing why. I didn't bother reading it all but at a glance it was to do with the terms of his contract.

I remember talk a few years back of U2 not being happy with the stage setup and live telecast, essentially boiling down to them controlling how they looked on stage and on TV. They came out and said something diplomatic about them not being able to fit it into their schedule...

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So we don't think that this is down to U2 PLC planning a live DVD shortly so that St. Bonio can ram his fist up the collective arseholes of his disciples for another £30 a pop?

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Not that BBC would show any of it anyway.

They're far too interested in having either cooky childrens tv presenters do camera pieces around the site (about wellies, all the zany stuff happening in the green fields or how to change your pants in your tent) or shitty interviews with the pop acts (who are just about to go on/just come off stage) up in their elitist glass house in the sky studio box.

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No we don't - a few live songs on prime time BBC would obviously be an incredible advertisement for any up and coming live DVD. No one's going to go 'oh I've got 4 songs on my SKYplus I don't need the DVD'. The slightest hint of anything and suddenly U2 are 'corporate whores' - pathetic
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I'm sure whatever they do it'll be in the best interests of the Environment and Africa.
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Do you have your tongue firmly implanted into the side of your cheek there? :P
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