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F1 2010

Guest oafc0000

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it was nice to see the cheating italians not get the title

having said that if f1 bosses have any sense then they will ditch that rule as soon as possible,there are no team orders in moto gp and it is all the better for it having seen some of the battles rossi and lorenzo had this year

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it was nice to see the cheating italians not get the title

having said that if f1 bosses have any sense then they will ditch that rule as soon as possible,there are no team orders in moto gp and it is all the better for it having seen some of the battles rossi and lorenzo had this year

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Great season. Certainly the best since I've been watching F1 (only 5 years or so). Very happy to see Vettel win it, or should i say, to not see Alonso or Ferrari win it. I would have liked to see Webber win it, i don't think he'll get another chance this good.

I'm very suprised to see Hulkenberg has been dropped by Williams. I thought him and Baricello was a nice combination and could have seen the youngster progress nicely over the coming seasons. Having said that i could see Renault dropping Petrov in the off season. I'd keep them both on.

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I'm very suprised to see Hulkenberg has been dropped by Williams. I thought him and Baricello was a nice combination and could have seen the youngster progress nicely over the coming seasons. Having said that i could see Renault dropping Petrov in the off season. I'd keep them both on.

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The BBC have announced that they're getting rid of Legard this year; Brundle will be main commentator, Coulthard will be doing colour commentary.

I was never a big fan of Legard, so it suits me. Hopefully Coulthard wont be too biased towards Red Bull & McLaren.


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The BBC have announced that they're getting rid of Legard this year; Brundle will be main commentator, Coulthard will be doing colour commentary.

I was never a big fan of Legard, so it suits me. Hopefully Coulthard wont be too biased towards Red Bull & McLaren.


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The BBC have announced that they're getting rid of Legard this year; Brundle will be main commentator, Coulthard will be doing colour commentary.

I was never a big fan of Legard, so it suits me. Hopefully Coulthard wont be too biased towards Red Bull & McLaren.


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f**king idiots. When will they learn that broadcasting/presenting/commentating is an art. Brundle is perfect as the 'expert', 'pundit' etc, but he is no commentator/broadcaster.

Not a huge fan of Legard myself, didn't like him that much on radio. I guess the decision has a lot to do with a dearth of alternatives. James Allen, David Croft, etc.

Edited by Benj
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I reckon he'll be alright, if you listened to the commentary last year, he was filling in half of Legard's gaps for him, it will be interesting having to drivers up there as opposed to someone who's an 'artist' but knows f**k all about F1

The big query should be over who's going to fill Coulthard's white troosers in the pit lane!

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10 years!! He's the one who looks like a massive plumb then! And he's been doing F1 a disservice for 10 years!!

He's a perfect example of why not just grab in a journeyman broadcaster and try and force pingeonhole them into a spot. His knowledge of the sport was shite IMHO and his commentating dull as dishwater, I didnt think it could get worse than James Allan, I was very, very wrong.

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f**king idiots. When will they learn that broadcasting/presenting/commentating is an art. Brundle is perfect as the 'expert', 'pundit' etc, but he is no commentator/broadcaster.

Not a huge fan of Legard myself, didn't like him that much on radio. I guess the decision has a lot to do with a dearth of alternatives. James Allen, David Croft, etc.

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I'm going to the Melbourne GP whilst visiting my sister in the city in March, which should be fun, except we're going for all four days and I reckon it might get a bit boring. Four days is just too long watching cars really. Still, I'm sure there'll be plenty of other stuff to do there.

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I went to the Melbourne GP a few years ago (2002 I think, the one with a massive first corner crash that wasn't Brundles.) Had great fun. The track is right in the city & really easy to get in & out of. Plus we were allowed onto the track after the race to see the podium ceremony (dunno if they still do that), and then you could walk over basically the whole site. So I walked a lap of the circuit, got back to the main straight & the legend that is Takuma Sato was signing autographs over the pit wall. Been a fan of his ever since :)

As you say, there's loads of stuff to do in Melbourne too. As well as the general city/beach/culture/Neighbours stuff, the Aussie Rules should be starting around that weekend - definitely worth going to a game if you're into sport.

Have you got assigned seating, or general admission do you know?

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We are seated in the Fangio Stand, main straight I think. I assume there's opportunity to wonder round and see stuff though, particularly on the Thursday and Friday.

I think it's gonna be a pretty active holiday, we've got a rock-climbing/abseiling day in the mountains somewhere, also I'd like to have another go at surfing one day. And I guess we'll be hitting the bars in Melbourne, and possibly getting an internal flight to Sydney at some point, though I can't really afford that...

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