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Most Embarassing Glasto moment!

Guest Bernsville

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We all have our best and most loved moments of Glasto, you know the ones that give you goosebumps. But what are the ones that make you cringe and shudder?

Mine would be falling into a random tent V drunk and having a nice kip. Trouble started when the occupants arrived. It wouldn't have been too bad, but I took the trouble to get naked and get in someones sleeping bag. I still see the look of fury and horror on

their faces even now. They were also girls as well, double embarassment!

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I was happily wearing a new grass green fairy dress; only on getting back to the tent late afternoon did I realise that the seam down the back had split and my bum had been on display for god knows how long. Very very embarrassing. :P

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coming back to my tent smelling of shit at 8am, took my boots off and left them outside the tent, i couldn't sleep :P so had to listen to the witch hunt going on outside my tent, they all assumed i had shat myself or some such. someone kindly placed citronella all round my tent. the new friends i had made suddenly evaporated after that episode. :P

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as I was leaving in 2004 the fellow on the gates said to me "who was your favourite act then mate" and I jokingly replied "oasis mate, they were fantastic". I was of course being sarcastic but about 25 people nearby looked at me in disgust thinking I was being serious.

I walked back to the car with beacon cheeks.

Edited by russycarps
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as I was leaving in 2004 the fellow on the gates said to me "who was your favourite act then mate" and I jokingly replied "oasis mate, they were fantastic". I was of course being sarcastic but about 25 people nearby looked at me in disgust thinking I was being serious.

I walked back to the car with beacon cheeks.

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Physics Lesson 1 – Air Displacement

In the middle of a crowd watching some band or other and in a bid to avoid the long walk to the toilets I resorted to the old “piss in a bottle” trick. :P

Being my first time at this game I kindly asked to of my friends to shield me from any prying eyes that might happen on my actions and stand in front of me whilst I carried out said procedure - “excellent” I thought – “I am a genius!” :P

Friends in place and bottle in hand I released my middle wicket and jammed it into the top of my empty water bottle and let the flow go...ahhhhh

Now, for those of you familiar with science will know that the rush of fluid entering an airtight bottle will ultimately result in air displacement, and depending how tight the seal is could potentially result in bottle exploding or...as I discovered...creating an effect which I can only describe similar to that of placing your thumb over a fast running tap. :P

You’ve got it, the combination of the pressure of the air escaping from the bottle combined with the mid-flow action and being fairly well wedged in the top of the water bottle...resulted in a piss power shower. :P

Covering my two friends in front of me in piss, which in turn caused them to yell in disgust, them jumping out of way the piss which is spouting in every which direction, and then again in turn resulting in everyone in front of them i.e. Crowd watching band...turning round to see a guy...Johnson in hand...partly pissing in a bottle...partly pissing over his hand...and you know once you start you just can’t stop... :P

It is fair to say that from that point fourth I begun to use the toilets again like most civilised individuals. :(

Edited by Activeman
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Physics Lesson 1 – Air Displacement

In the middle of a crowd watching some band or other and in a bid to avoid the long walk to the toilets I resorted to the old “piss in a bottle” trick. :P

Being my first time at this game I kindly asked to of my friends to shield me from any prying eyes that might happen on my actions and stand in front of me whilst I carried out said procedure - “excellent” I thought – “I am a genius!” :P

Friends in place and bottle in hand I released my middle wicket and jammed it into the top of my empty water bottle and let the flow go...ahhhhh

Now, for those of you familiar with science will know that the rush of fluid entering an airtight bottle will ultimately result in air displacement, and depending how tight the seal is could potentially result in bottle exploding or...as I discovered...creating an effect which I can only describe similar to that of placing your thumb over a fast running tap. :(

You’ve got it, the combination of the pressure of the air escaping from the bottle combined with the mid-flow action and being fairly well wedged in the top of the water bottle...resulted in a piss power shower. :P

Covering my two friends in front of me in piss, which in turn caused them to yell in disgust, them jumping out of way the piss which is spouting in every which direction, and then again in turn resulting in everyone in front of them i.e. Crowd watching band...turning round to see a guy...Johnson in hand...partly pissing in a bottle...partly pissing over his hand...and you know once you start you just can’t stop... :(

It is fair to say that from that point fourth I begun to use the toilets again like most civilised individuals. :(

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I awoke 1 morning knowing the Mrs was on her way down and in my infinite wizdom decided i would put on a nice set of knee length shorts ( commando) .

It was very hot so whilst walking round i got the phone call from the Mrs to say she was on site , I went to meet her at the meet point .

At the meet point i decided i needed a poo she explained that she had seen some clean less busy toilets on her way in so i followed her to said toilets

anyway long story short , she took me in the complete wrong direction , things got very urgent very fast and needless to say i did not make i t.

I had to walk back to the tent with kack dripping down the back on my white knee length shorts ..

lots of people laughed

Edited by karlpowell
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This is an excellent topic! I cant wait to see more posts.

Mine is probably when we were chatting round the camp fire with out neighbours, who we had got on great with, on the last night in 2008. I turned to one of the girls and and asked if she was on myface - It was a mix up between MySpace and Facebook! Nob!

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