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Cups of Piss

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Oasis at Wembley last year, cup of liquid comes flying over and explodes over me, my friends and several people around. Turned out to be beer fortunately but the guy in front wasn't to know this when he dabbed his finger onto the back of his neck, tasted it and turned round, "it's all right guys, just warm beer."

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Throw anything and you are a complete effin w*nkstain. Try and justify it as much as you can, there is no justification for you spoiling anyone else's festival.

Hats off to the Irish girl, what sort of complete waste of oxygen thinks that throwing piss is appropriate? I just do not get it. On any level. Throwing beer? Why? Why would you do that, let alone pee?

Pee in a bottle, dispose of contents later, thats fine.

Pee anywhere near me and I am liable to try and break it off, glasto vibe or no

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I get that people are upset by some of the actions of others, but is the abuse really necessary?

This just brings you down to their level IMO

I'll admit to pissing in the hedges back in the 90s, but after GFL was fined, it just wasn't worth it.

Other than that I see nothing wrong with pissing in bottles and taking care of it later.

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I respectfully disagree, I have found many excuse in the past as have MANY others that attend festivals over the years - the only difference (I suspect) is that a lot of folks won't admit to it for fear of reprisals, and the reaction in this thread justifies my point
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In increasing order of preference:

- getting concussed by the hard part of a sealed bottle

- getting drenched in piss

- getting merely hurt by the soft side of a sealed bottle

- getting called a selfish antisocial c**t

- none of the above

But hey, my tastes might not be everyone's. Each to their own!

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I've got no problem with someone peeing in a bottle and disposing of it in a reasonable way later, but polluting the farm, throwing piss over other people and all that is just out of order.

I had some unknown warm liquid thrown over me at an open air gig locally last year and I felt like vomiting, whether it was beer or not, it was horrible. Fortunately I had a waterproof jacket on as it had been raining, but still, I was soaked with it and smelled horrible :P

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I've never done it myself but see no problem with someone using a bottle and disposing of it properly, especially if done subtly. That's not an environmental issue.

Don't throw the things though, that's on a level with throwing part-bricks into the crowd

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/me thinks some people need to grow a pair

This thread asked if their were any perpetrators - I responded with honesty and all I get is abuse......oh well, each to their own - as for the people that can't justify their arguments - pathetic :P

And as for mr langdale, what a self righteous individual - believing that just because he thinks something is a particular way that everyone should think the same way...most peculiar :P

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In an attempt to further the debate can I ask a couple of serious questions to the wee throwers ?

1. Is 'wee throwing' something you have done lots of times ?

2. Do you you care about the fact that somebody may get hurt ?

3. Do you think that it may ruin somebodys evening ?

.....or is it just funny at the time ?

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been to more festivals than most people that post on here and I'm a bit of an animal when on a bender, done some bad things when wrecked BUT i have never pissed in a cup and thrown it ever.

Last year after seeing them land a couple of times near us me and friend decided that if we saw anyone launch one we would have a word with them, luckily for my festival spirit it never happened. If you lash a cup of piss you are scum, 100% piece of shit, end of.

People who throw piss should be pointed out and abused by the whole crowd, they should mention it on stage and not just ignore it. The organises should handle this problem as it is getting out of hand.

Being close to the front is disgusting now cos of the filth that gets thrown,

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I totally hate this. I experienced this a bit last year, funny enough it was during the Kasabian gig, what a surprise! My answer for me is that i where a hat. If anyone thought they were it the need to urinate in the middle of a mass crowd, then take a ruksack with a large empty container and piss in that, put a cap on it and take it to a urinal after the gig! Throwing it over people is immature and disgusting . But this is what drink does to some of the youth of today. Have a look at the streets in towns on a weekend evening! It's a social thing, if you do this you clearly havn't been brought up the right way. Respect has gone out of the window!

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At reading last year I saw someone nearby piss into a bottle, when the bottle filled up he just carried on pissing onto the person in front of him (who as you can imagine, was not happy), as soon as the next song started he threw the bottle further into the crowd, hitting someone in the face. Though so far iv been lucky enough that the only things iv been hit with at gigs/festivals is beer!

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While watching Franz Ferdinand at the other stage last year :P It was too dark to see who did it.

Something I never expected at Glasto, but I do think last years crowd had a different feel to previous years. Hopefully the speed the tickets sold out this year mean it has a more traditional crowd.

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