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Leftfield (THE TRUTH)

Guest abu hamster

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After last years slow ticket sales Eavis panicked and tried to charge the unions for the area, the unions told him to do one and that was that.

After seeing tickets sell out very quickly this year Eavis had a change of heart and offered the unions another spot, this was rejected for this year, presumably as it was to late to get things arranged properly.

The Leftfield will be back in some capacity next year.

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After last years slow ticket sales Eavis panicked and tried to charge the unions for the area, the unions told him to do one and that was that.

there was a bit more to it than that.

The festival used to (until this year) work to a budget based on a sell-out. After nearly not selling out last year, it brought home to Michael how risky it was working on that basis, because if it didn't sell out he could possibly be left with several million pounds of expenses to cover without the money to cover them.

As a result, they've re-jigged all the financials that the festival works to, and the result was changed terms for lots of bits of the festival.

If Michael had lost several million pounds would those unions have bailed him out? Nope (tho quite understandably). Michael is simply protecting his own position as anyone would do.

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there was a bit more to it than that.

The festival used to (until this year) work to a budget based on a sell-out. After nearly not selling out last year, it brought home to Michael how risky it was working on that basis, because if it didn't sell out he could possibly be left with several million pounds of expenses to cover without the money to cover them.

As a result, they've re-jigged all the financials that the festival works to, and the result was changed terms for lots of bits of the festival.

If Michael had lost several million pounds would those unions have bailed him out? Nope (tho quite understandably). Michael is simply protecting his own position as anyone would do.

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As someone who quite enjoyed the intimacy of the Speakers Forum in the Green Futures, I don't believe It should be as big as it was in 08 when it returns. It had got massive and lost some of the interaction that made it special.

In 08 as well, it felt too much like a music venue. A fresh start could do it a lot of good

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so the stuff that Jeremy Hardy was alluding to is just untrue then? Interesting, the worry being that if it is untrue, but that's the public perception, it will cause huge damage to Leftfield's reputation and cause.

I've no idea at all if what Jeremy Hardy alluded to has any truth to it or not.

But bearing in mind he's a comedian, it was probably a joke off the back of what's been going on with MPs expenses.

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After last years slow ticket sales Eavis panicked and tried to charge the unions for the area, the unions told him to do one and that was that.

After seeing tickets sell out very quickly this year Eavis had a change of heart and offered the unions another spot, this was rejected for this year, presumably as it was to late to get things arranged properly.

The Leftfield will be back in some capacity next year.

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I've no idea at all if what Jeremy Hardy alluded to has any truth to it or not.

But bearing in mind he's a comedian, it was probably a joke off the back of what's been going on with MPs expenses.

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I was there, trust me, he wasn't joking at all.

but how would he be in the position to know....? After all, this info doesn't appear to be in the public domain.

I'm not categorically saying it didn't happen, but the fact that no one seems to know it did except Hardy implies to me that it was more likely to have been a joke than truth.

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but how would he be in the position to know....? After all, this info doesn't appear to be in the public domain.

I'm not categorically saying it didn't happen, but the fact that no one seems to know it did except Hardy implies to me that it was more likely to have been a joke than truth.

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I certainly havent heard of any financial irregularities. I think it's a lot closer to eFestivals post.

Having a sponsored venue on the site is pretty shit particularly as the Leftfield tower was there - something that did not please some of those that built it.

We know it will be back next year but I've heard that it might well be at the old venue in Holts between Other and Jazz. I remember going there and it was really hard to hear any speakers or even things like Billy Bragg talking between songs. But better there than nowhere.

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I certainly havent heard of any financial irregularities. I think it's a lot closer to eFestivals post.

Having a sponsored venue on the site is pretty shit particularly as the Leftfield tower was there - something that did not please some of those that built it.

We know it will be back next year but I've heard that it might well be at the old venue in Holts between Other and Jazz. I remember going there and it was really hard to hear any speakers or even things like Billy Bragg talking between songs. But better there than nowhere.

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As a bit of additional info, someone we know was due to play the Left Field this year (obviously before the plug was pulled).

The reason they were given for not going ahead was that the main guy who sets it up (no idea of his name) is creating his own record label related to the Left Field and had no time to get the whole thing together this year.

Now, this doesn't really wash with me. Particularly because I would have thought that if you have a new label coming out, plus your own freaking venue, it might be rather handy to get a little exposure for your new bands.

There's clearly more to it, but I thought it interesting that this is what was said to one of the performers.

Edited by Swindlebiscuit
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there was a bit more to it than that.

The festival used to (until this year) work to a budget based on a sell-out. After nearly not selling out last year, it brought home to Michael how risky it was working on that basis, because if it didn't sell out he could possibly be left with several million pounds of expenses to cover without the money to cover them.

As a result, they've re-jigged all the financials that the festival works to, and the result was changed terms for lots of bits of the festival.

If Michael had lost several million pounds would those unions have bailed him out? Nope (tho quite understandably). Michael is simply protecting his own position as anyone would do.

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Which just underlines the feeling of the whole festival is now commercial, rather than a non-conformist gathering as it started out and has lost it's way. Perhaps it's time to pack it in, or just get rid of the Greenfields etc and cram some more shops in? How long before Tesco have a pitch I wonder!

Idealism is all very well, but someone always has to pay the bills. :lol:

If you'd spent a few months last year thinking that you might well lose everything you'd spent your whole life (40+ years) accumulating - your family home, your family businesses, and anything else of value - then I'm pretty sure that you'd have taken some actions to ensure you were less exposed if the same scenario came round again.

If you think it's all so easy, why not have a go yourself?

Really I'm saying that tongue in cheek - cos hopefully you're not really so daft as to think that such things can be run successfully if the bills aren't being paid.

But anyway .... it was never started as any "non conformist gathering" but as a 100% commercial venture via which Eavis foolishly hoped he'd pay off his mortgage .... instead, he spent the next year or so paying off the debts.

If the Eavis's wanted to cash in they could do, and hugely. You should be thankful that they don't, rather than taking ill-informed pot-shots at them. :D

Edited by eFestivals
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