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Its time to let go.....

Guest The Shings

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I went first in 1980's and I hated it! it took me over 20 years to want to go back again and that was last year....I absolutely loved it...I took my kids and I will try to go back every year I can possibly can from now on..

The festival belongs to no one and everyone...it is what you make it and what you take from it and give to it is up to you.....We had a fantastic time and are already counting down to next year...I cant believe the negativity...if its so disappointing maybe its time to give it up or have a rest and try something else.

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I went first in 1980's and I hated it! it took me over 20 years to want to go back again and that was last year....I absolutely loved it...I took my kids and I will try to go back every year I can possibly can from now on..

The festival belongs to no one and everyone...it is what you make it and what you take from it and give to it is up to you.....We had a fantastic time and are already counting down to next year...I cant believe the negativity...if its so disappointing maybe its time to give it up or have a rest and try something else.

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I went first in 1980's and I hated it! it took me over 20 years to want to go back again and that was last year....I absolutely loved it...I took my kids and I will try to go back every year I can possibly can from now on..

The festival belongs to no one and everyone...it is what you make it and what you take from it and give to it is up to you.....We had a fantastic time and are already counting down to next year...I cant believe the negativity...if its so disappointing maybe its time to give it up or have a rest and try something else.

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I think that the festival has changed in many waysover the recent years. My first 2 were '99 & '00. People who complain about the crowds, toilets & tent robbings do not have a clue!! In '00 i dont think a saw 1 turdis that was not a poo mountain by the friday & whole tents were vanishing in a suprisingly frequent occurance.

That is not to say that these things are good or affected the fun you had, you just accepted it & got on with it.

I loved last year lots of things just seemed nice & well done, this year was also a blinder. The one thing Glastonbury Festival will always be is one hell of a party, there truly is nowhere on earth like it.

This year tho I thought that it was just about on a borderline, there were many things that I noticed, little things that just grated a bit.

No leftfield - instead we had some big TV screens, a bar & the Queens head & playstation kareoke

More & more concentration of the Pyramiders - I think the balance of attendees may be swinging way in favour of the Babylonians.

So much stuff - By this i mean that everywhere just looks so much more produced & polished instead of the more natural ways of years gone by & there seems to be a need to ram as much stuff as possible in every nook & cranny.

Tannoys having to direct people & one way systems - What the F^^K is this all about, surely it is a health & safety nightmare to have a whole site of poeple decending on 3 small areas. A large part of the vibe died when the spontaneaty was cancelled on the rest of the site. I miss the 24hr Joe Bananas sessions.

There were & always will be crushes when there are 2 masses of people moving in oposite directions but the need for some woman on a tannoy screaming KEEP TO THE LEFT every five seconds just about did me in.

Specialized Security need to be sacked off immediately, they just do not understand the spirit of the place, there is always complaints about them & in the field where we were camped they were walking round banging tents @ 7.30-8.00am monday to wake people up to leave. This was what they were told to do aparently F:*k wits.

Anyways only my opinion & maybe im getting old, but, I'll be there next year without a doubt, I love the place and start looking forward to next year on the drive home & i just hope the things like the ones above do not increase as the years go by. Although with the fun police cracking down on every other thing in the rest of the world that people want to do it will only ever become more & more popular.



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I've been going since 1990, and I think 2008 may have been the best out of all those.

The most annoying thing about so called 'veterans' is the fact that, having been so many times they know what the festival has become. So when they buy their tickets they should be under no allusions as to what to expect. Yet, as soon as the come down kicks in they all start moaning about it not being the same anymore. And it happens every bloody year....

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hey man there was loads and loads and loads to see, hear and do outside babylon :-))

even babylon was its usual self - part conforming, part off the wall :-)

glasto hasn't changed too much since 1990, when i started going. just got bigger ... ok and less hippyish. wish i'd gone in '70 [or '71 and seen Melanie live] but i didn't know about it, tut. there was n efests then, LOL

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If today's young people want to turn Glastonbury into something different to what we knew, not only is that their right, it's what they should be doing!

I've always loved how young Glastonbury has made me feel, but it does that by creating a vibe where younger and older people are equals, not by creating a "preserved in glass" theme park of my own youth.

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I've been going since 1990, and I think 2008 may have been the best out of all those.

The most annoying thing about so called 'veterans' is the fact that, having been so many times they know what the festival has become. So when they buy their tickets they should be under no allusions as to what to expect. Yet, as soon as the come down kicks in they all start moaning about it not being the same anymore. And it happens every bloody year....

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If today's young people want to turn Glastonbury into something different to what we knew, not only is that their right, it's what they should be doing!

I've always loved how young Glastonbury has made me feel, but it does that by creating a vibe where younger and older people are equals, not by creating a "preserved in glass" theme park of my own youth.

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I think maybe the internet encourages people to think too much about it. Go, enjoy it, leave it behind, don't over analyse. This incessant production of message board content just means self-referential views are churned over and over again.

Maybe if you put Glastonbury to one side for maybe 10 months out of the year then you'd come to it a bit fresher and released of expecations and have more of a great time? Dunno.

I was a 90's kid there and I liked it then and I like it now. Drugs were still pretty much open as they ever where, its just the dealers are slightly harder to find. And I'm not sure how people can think jo bananas in the 90s was better than the badlands this year?!

Over-think your experience and it becomes a sort of a produced thought rather than a visceral in the moment happening.

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I think maybe the internet encourages people to think too much about it. Go, enjoy it, leave it behind, don't over analyse. This incessant production of message board content just means self-referential views are churned over and over again.

Maybe if you put Glastonbury to one side for maybe 10 months out of the year then you'd come to it a bit fresher and released of expecations and have more of a great time? Dunno.

I was a 90's kid there and I liked it then and I like it now. Drugs were still pretty much open as they ever where, its just the dealers are slightly harder to find. And I'm not sure how people can think jo bananas in the 90s was better than the badlands this year?!

Over-think your experience and it becomes a sort of a produced thought rather than a visceral in the moment happening.

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I was there in the 90's and 00's. In my opinion, it gets better every year. I think a lot of the "glasto veterans" are getting a tad disillusioned as things like drug taking have been cracked down on and therefore "its not as good as it used to be". Geez, i dunno, if you need drugs to have a good time then fair play...
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I went first in 1980's and I hated it! it took me over 20 years to want to go back again and that was last year....I absolutely loved it...I took my kids and I will try to go back every year I can possibly can from now on..

The festival belongs to no one and everyone...it is what you make it and what you take from it and give to it is up to you.....We had a fantastic time and are already counting down to next year...I cant believe the negativity...if its so disappointing maybe its time to give it up or have a rest and try something else.

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Back to the original post, what you're basically saying is that most other UK festivals are terrible, so the fact that Glastonbury is slightly better (ie; less stabbings, less shit smeared around the place, less piss missiles...) makes it alright, and becuase of all the mystical bollocks that surrounds it we should stop complaining and deal with it.

That's a real shame, I think this year was really sad, it's a place were you go to get away from mindless knuckledraggers that you see every day and have some fun and go crazy with interesting people, that was simply not there this year.

There was not a small proportion of problems, a quick scan of some of the posts on here will tell you that, something needs to be done because Glasto is a British institution, I love what it stands for and I would be sad to see it turn into the Vodafone Glastonbury O2 British Gas Festival.

And before you start with the 'weLl if U don lyk it dont botha nx yr!!11 Lol', don't worry, I aint!

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Back to the original post, what you're basically saying is that most other UK festivals are terrible, so the fact that Glastonbury is slightly better (ie; less stabbings, less shit smeared around the place, less piss missiles...) makes it alright, and becuase of all the mystical bollocks that surrounds it we should stop complaining and deal with it.

That's a real shame, I think this year was really sad, it's a place were you go to get away from mindless knuckledraggers that you see every day and have some fun and go crazy with interesting people, that was simply not there this year.

There was not a small proportion of problems, a quick scan of some of the posts on here will tell you that, something needs to be done because Glasto is a British institution, I love what it stands for and I would be sad to see it turn into the Vodafone Glastonbury O2 British Gas Festival.

And before you start with the 'weLl if U don lyk it dont botha nx yr!!11 Lol', don't worry, I aint!

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Back to the original post, what you're basically saying is that most other UK festivals are terrible, so the fact that Glastonbury is slightly better (ie; less stabbings, less shit smeared around the place, less piss missiles...) makes it alright, and becuase of all the mystical bollocks that surrounds it we should stop complaining and deal with it.

That's a real shame, I think this year was really sad, it's a place were you go to get away from mindless knuckledraggers that you see every day and have some fun and go crazy with interesting people, that was simply not there this year.

There was not a small proportion of problems, a quick scan of some of the posts on here will tell you that, something needs to be done because Glasto is a British institution, I love what it stands for and I would be sad to see it turn into the Vodafone Glastonbury O2 British Gas Festival.

And before you start with the 'weLl if U don lyk it dont botha nx yr!!11 Lol', don't worry, I aint!

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hehehe, as someone who started going in the early 90s I can remember the old guard getting upset that people were there to enjoy dance music. There was lots of talk of 'the end of glastonbury if they let these antisocial kids in who just want to drop E and dance all night' ;)

Things move on, it's all good. The kids are alright, and from what I saw of this weekend, Glastonbury is safe in their hands, long may it mutate into something that I can't possibly imagine in the future, that's the beauty of it

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hehehe, as someone who started going in the early 90s I can remember the old guard getting upset that people were there to enjoy dance music. There was lots of talk of 'the end of glastonbury if they let these antisocial kids in who just want to drop E and dance all night' ;)

Things move on, it's all good. The kids are alright, and from what I saw of this weekend, Glastonbury is safe in their hands, long may it mutate into something that I can't possibly imagine in the future, that's the beauty of it

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They pipe on about the security and how they get checked for drugs and get thier drugs taken off them. Well tough cookie, drugs are as illegal in glasto as they are outside it. In fact i think it would be even better if you get banned for life from glastonbury if you are found with drugs. There is no place for them at glasto or in society, they wreck lives. The security are there to protect festival punters. Could you imagine an festival without any security?

So quit moaning or maybe you can go and start your own festival in your back garden, there would be enough people on this board who complain about glastonbury to fill it a few times over. You could get some cool 90's bands in, kick your fence down and stick as much dirty drugs into your veins as you want.

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That's a real shame, I think this year was really sad, it's a place were you go to get away from mindless knuckledraggers that you see every day and have some fun and go crazy with interesting people, that was simply not there this year.
Edited by crosswillcastyourshadow
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They pipe on about the security and how they get checked for drugs and get thier drugs taken off them. Well tough cookie, drugs are as illegal in glasto as they are outside it. In fact i think it would be even better if you get banned for life from glastonbury if you are found with drugs.
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