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Glasto 09 Honesty Thread

Guest LostRiot

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I'm ashamed I didn't make any of the E Fests meets or pay up for the three Monorail badges I ordered. If someone can post them to me I'll pay.

Other than that I can't remember doing anything of which I'm ashamed.

That's a shame in itself that I didn't do anything silly - or may have been too stoned to notice.

I certainly never pissed anywhere except in a toilet.

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I invoked the power of the song Move Bitch by Word of Mouf whilst on the way to Prodigy cos I was trying to keep up with Lucy... it went something like this:

'move b!tch, get out of my f**king way, oh sorry but im trying to keep up with them, so MOOOOOOOVE'

then got really sad id been so rude :D

I called the man from greenpeace an ecological terrorist....

and i dropped a little bit of litter i think

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I got a bit too excited watching Bruce Springsteen and kept bumping into the couple behind me. They told me off in the end. I can't remember if I said sorry so if it was you - I am very sorry. What can I say? He was great. I was happy and wanted to dance but I didn't mean to ruin your fun.

Phew! I feel better now.

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I dropped a number of those water cups they pass during Blur :D

I weaved in and out of people during large crowds (this kind of thing annoys me) :)

I left my empty box of cans in the CT tipi :)

Due to my inability to sit with my legs crossed for more than 2 minutes, I was figgeting throughout all the Cabaret acts and speakers I saw :)

Probably stood in front of shorter people :)

Edited by Alcatraz
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Something I've been wondering,

So the no pissing is because it 'gets into the water table and pollutes the streams'.

Now obviously people shouldn't go around pissing everywhere I'm not excusing it, its just not nice and on the walls of urinals is a bit stupid really, but there is something about this water table thing that always bugs me, so I've done a bit of research.

Normally there are 366 cows (I think I read that somewhere) on the site, an average cow pisses 16kg/d so I'm going to approximate 16L of piss comes out of every cow every day. So that's 5856L/d for all the cows

Now, humans, bit more tricky, because a lot of beer/cider is drunk at Glasto. But anyway.

150,000 people, say its 500ml a piss. They have to do 11712 pisses to equal the cows that's about 1 person in 10 (150000/11712) doing a piss to equal the cow's volume.

That's still quite a lot a lot of pissing, and given that beer piss contains very little ammonia which is what causes all the problems and cows piss contains lots of ammonia I think the impact of human piss would be much less. Also there is the time afterwards when the cows would normally be out in the fields pissing away, but aren't.

I'm not saying we should all go piss everywhere, just that the festival isn't going to be cancelled any time soon, and if it is it won't be about the pissing. I think its just something the Mendip district council made up in the mid nineties to try to end glasto.

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Something I've been wondering,

So the no pissing is because it 'gets into the water table and pollutes the streams'.

Now obviously people shouldn't go around pissing everywhere I'm not excusing it, its just not nice and on the walls of urinals is a bit stupid really, but there is something about this water table thing that always bugs me, so I've done a bit of research.

Normally there are 366 cows (I think I read that somewhere) on the site, an average cow pisses 16kg/d so I'm going to approximate 16L of piss comes out of every cow every day. So that's 5856L/d for all the cows

Now, humans, bit more tricky, because a lot of beer/cider is drunk at Glasto. But anyway.

150,000 people, say its 500ml a piss. They have to do 11712 pisses to equal the cows that's about 1 person in 10 (150000/11712) doing a piss to equal the cow's volume.

That's still quite a lot a lot of pissing, and given that beer piss contains very little ammonia which is what causes all the problems and cows piss contains lots of ammonia I think the impact of human piss would be much less. Also there is the time afterwards when the cows would normally be out in the fields pissing away, but aren't.

I'm not saying we should all go piss everywhere, just that the festival isn't going to be cancelled any time soon, and if it is it won't be about the pissing. I think its just something the Mendip district council made up in the mid nineties to try to end glasto.

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There were horses and a man on fire and I stabbed a guy in the heart.

I also told a very amazing yet probably bad taste joke relating to Michael Jackson and Madeline McCann on a stage in the Avalon field. I did apologise in advance but not sure it went down very well!

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I crashed in CT at 8am on Thursday which I though was quite rude....

I kept a number of people awake because I was too cabbaged to take a hint

I dropped some litter at the main stage ( I also picked up loads as well)

I forgot to clean the toilet seat after I had missed and the girl going in would not have been amused (really sorry about that)

on the other hand

Told a load of tw4ts peeing up against the blue tarpaulin in the urinals not to do it.... pointing at the ensuing piss mud and got an apology.

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I crashed in CT at 8am on Thursday which I though was quite rude....

I kept a number of people awake because I was too cabbaged to take a hint

I dropped some litter at the main stage ( I also picked up loads as well)

I forgot to clean the toilet seat after I had missed and the girl going in would not have been amused (really sorry about that)

on the other hand

Told a load of tw4ts peeing up against the blue tarpaulin in the urinals not to do it.... pointing at the ensuing piss mud and got an apology.

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