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Guest razz1e

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I watched Kenny last night - a film about a portaloo man in Australia. It was a very touching, very sweet story about a man who is happy with his toilet cleaning lot. Really funny in places and highly recommended!

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Thank God for online booking. It gives me clairvoyance into what experienece I will have during any showing of a film.

For instance I looked up Wtachmen in the Imax for today, all reserved seats were taken. Glad I didn't go like I was planning to, as that would have been really really shit!

Edited by Purple Monkey
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You are right. I can't think of any other film that has aged as well. Christ, it's aged better than Alien Resurrection!

I watched Little Miss Sunshine last night and that has the cutest little girl in it. But that was on DVD, so it would be a bit of a coincidence.

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Thank f**k I didn't waste my money going to the cinema to see "Ghost Town". w*nk w*nk w*nk. Truely terrible. I now hate Gervais more than I hate my ex wife!! Believe it or not but I like Tea Leoni in a sexual way, but now I will have nightmares that she changes into David Brent. I cannot believe that I wasted valuable calories bending over to put the disc in the machine. I dare not even take it out as I am certain that I will throw it through the window!!

f**k you Lovefilm with your tantalising collection of movies, I am going to cancel my membership just to ensure that I will never subject myself to such total dross again in my life.

Oh, Juno was good :rolleyes:

Edited by Planet Dave
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Saw Watchmen last night at Imax. Pretty stunning to look at and got all of the key bullet points of the book spot on.Any changes they made were justified and very, very well considerred.

Loved Nite Owl. Ozymandias was such a bad ass.

The changes from the book I thought that stood out:


I like how they "merged" scenes of the book. TV stories playing during the sex scene, and combining Rorschachs torture of a person in a bar by breaking his fingers, and his interrogation of Moloch, by having him interrogate Moloch by breaking his fingers.


- They added more glamour to the fights i.e. Rorschach just throws the fat in the guys face in the book, wheras in the movie he does a cool thing with a tray beforehand. He also doesn't have that little fight with cops after he jumps out the window, but I thought it was all very cool.

- Rorschachs mask was never explained. The whole being black and white, no shades of grey. Then again you can make this link completely by yourself, you don't need to be told.

- Ozymandias got heavily truncated. One of my favourite bits in the book - his entertaining sociopathic monologues! But, it would have been too much in a film.

- The biggie: having them pin the massive deathtoll on Dr. Manhatten instead of the genetically engineered squid "from space". As a film, this makes way more sense, due to the fact big cuts had to be made and 'Ozzy''s exposition would have taken up a massive amount of screen time. A very clever re-working I thought.

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I am reading Catch 22 at the moment (funny, unique and inventive story telling told in as erratic a fashion in which the characters tend to behave!) so have acquired the film - hope it does it justice!

Watching Wake Up Ron Burgundy tonight - its all the gubbins left over from the film so will either be utter shite or utter brilliance!

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I am reading Catch 22 at the moment (funny, unique and inventive story telling told in as erratic a fashion in which the characters tend to behave!) so have acquired the film - hope it does it justice!

Watching Wake Up Ron Burgundy tonight - its all the gubbins left over from the film so will either be utter shite or utter brilliance!

Edited by Planet Dave
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re Catch 22. Take them both in their own merits. I adore the film especially it's blunt depiction of the futility and madness of war.

Saw Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino the other night. I have always been a fan, but I tell you what this film was fantastic :(

I have the misfortune to have a really good Lovefilm package, and I saw "There will be Blood". I was enjoying it but then when HW returned we went straight to his wedding, and then him leaving home. So much was unexplained about the intervening years, especially why dad didn't learn to sign. A brutal end for Ely, but again so much unexplained. Totally unsatisfying end for me.

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Have begun to *ahem* acquire this... looks really sweet.


But... Christian Bale is in it. So Batman has a lisp, so what... he looks like Christian Bale. The most beautiful man in the entire world!

What did you think to Heaths performance despite not liking the film? I thought he was pretty fricking good!

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