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  2. But what if we held another one? Just to be sure 🤷‍♂️😉
  3. Yay! I got them all right... less to do with knowing my british stuff and more lateral thinking. Some of those were very badly worded.
  4. No, that’s perfectly acceptable, it’s not blocking anyone’s view of a stage and you don’t have to carry it about for days on end.
  5. I got 4 wrong - one because it was a double negative and it really confused me! Some really niche stuff there.
  6. Brilliant. Surely quote of the day 🤷‍♂️
  7. Nailed it !!! Although tweak the temp just a little. Then it’s perfect.
  8. I don’t think anyone is complaining about people having a flag by their tent to help them find it.
  9. I did that on the weekend - woke up to my freezer popped open because I forgot about SCIENCE 😂
  10. Yes, they’ve basically killed mosh pits. Was at the James gig last week and they said over the speakers just before they came on “James politely ask you to please put your phones away” and the vast majority did. Made for a much better gig.
  11. Some people expect trackway across the whole site when its muddy. They put out a sh*t ton of hay all over, even that wasn't enough. If you can't handle a muddy festival, don't go to one in the UK.
  12. They fill up in order but in a horseshoe - was about as far away as you could get turning up Tuesday at 1pm last year. Others later will have been closer on the turn round the corner!
  13. Dua Lipa 136 (+10) The National 166 Justice 225 Fontaines D.C 221
  14. It's just as bad as the seemingly new trend of watching a gig through your phone. Just don't get it.
  15. LJS

    UK Politics

    I'm not entirely sure that the article says what you claim. It does say... "Yet Starmer and Reeves insist repeatedly that “there will be no return to austerity”. To keep this promise, Labour will almost certainly need to raise taxes by more than stated. Focus not only on what is in the manifesto but what isn’t:" It seems to me that many leftish-leaning Labour supporters are relying on the hope that Labour's manifesto isnt telling the whole truth.
  16. I predict this year will be the year people really go all out on using flags for advertising, and because of that it'll be the last year of the flags.
  17. We already had a referendum on flags once. Therefore, you must forever accept the result of the referendum.
  18. It depends which route you are using. We normally go from East Cowes around that time and takes around 20 minutes to get there. Traffic has never been a problem leaving the site.
  19. Another one.To save you bothering to watch it the message is no change really, still looking OK/good. I'll hopefully be on site tomorrow to do another delivery. Hopefully 😬
  20. Look at videos of the 90’s, crowds down the front jumping around going crazy, that’s a proper atmosphere, not people stood holding a flag which essentially is saying “look at me on TV”. Roskilde did it first and some copied it over here and a few is OK but it’s just stupid now. I’ve yet to hear a good reason for why someone would spend hours walking around carrying one?
  21. dondo

    Volunteering 2024

    Just a reminder that there will be a meet up next Monday at the Tow and Hitch if anyone is interested in coming along- all welcome https://www.efestivals.co.uk/forums/topic/253886-efests-crewvolunteers-meet-up-2024/
  22. I think what you say may be the whole point - should the minority be represented when the possibly 'perceived' majority do not want that? Which way lies democracy?
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