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Interview advice please

Guest SharonStoned

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I had to tell them about my whiplash & although the Head of department knew all about it & was more than happy to employ me, Occy Health wanted my insurance medical reports, which I thought would take weeks to get & send. But, for once I'm a fan of technology, as I managed to get the solicitor to email me said report so I could email it to Occy Health. So hopefully that should shorten the process a bit.

As for the CRB check, that should now be underway ( after the first set of forms/ID checks got lost...i.e. passport, birth certificate, driving licence, you know little things like that :rolleyes: ), a mere 7 weeks after interview.

That's why it takes so long to get an NHS job underway.

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got an interview for this job next week...woo hoo shocked tho, presentation on partnership working but should be fine its what i do its my thing

also have a interview for a business development manager for a university get this presentation on:

the portfolio of Life Sciences courses and teaching activity

and within a ten minute presentation, inform the selection committee how

you would approach:

1. Promoting our undergraduate and postgraduate courses to prospective

home/EU and overseas students.

2. Identifying the potential for commercialisation and income

generation within our learning and teaching activity.

i haven't got a fecking clue......anyone any ideas?? help!! :rolleyes:

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I have no real idea why, but yesterday I applied for a job at York College. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't just do things to force me into making a decision, sometimes I wish I was more of a thinker/planner rather than just a do-er. If I actually get an interview and stranger things might happen if I actually got the job, that would be a decision and a half to have to make!!! It's about £6,000 more a year though, but that isn't the only thing that tempted me to apply.......

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I have no real idea why, but yesterday I applied for a job at York College. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't just do things to force me into making a decision, sometimes I wish I was more of a thinker/planner rather than just a do-er. If I actually get an interview and stranger things might happen if I actually got the job, that would be a decision and a half to have to make!!! It's about £6,000 more a year though, but that isn't the only thing that tempted me to apply.......
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I have no real idea why, but yesterday I applied for a job at York College. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't just do things to force me into making a decision, sometimes I wish I was more of a thinker/planner rather than just a do-er. If I actually get an interview and stranger things might happen if I actually got the job, that would be a decision and a half to have to make!!! It's about £6,000 more a year though, but that isn't the only thing that tempted me to apply.......
Edited by tinygreendragon
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Mental aren't I?! We'll see, I had to apply because the closing date was yesterday and it seemed like such a good opportunity for me. I know it would mean things would be moving terribly fast if I made that move (I wouldn't give my flat up, I'd come back to Manc at the weekends which I would then have free because I would no longer have to work at Tesco) and it wouldn't be a decision I would make lightly, but I thought if I didn't put myself in the position to decide then I'd never know. He seems very happy with the idea, which is the most :rolleyes: thing about it!!!

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this is quite reassuring, all this talk of the NHS taking ages to actually get you sorted for a job - i got a job offer from the dept of psychiatry in my local hospital last tuesday, and the person who offered me the job said it would be a long, convoluted process and a good 6-8 weeks til i started - especially with christmas in the way. i'm waiting on the CRB forms at the mo, and the subsequent OH interview/test thingo, and i am desperate to put me notice in at work!

still, as long as someone else is going thru the same tortured process as me, then thats ok! it makes work at THIS place a whole lot more tolerable - all of a sudden my dick of a manager's barbed comments just don't seem to have any effect on me whatsoever. . . . . ;)

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Now that I've told everyone that I really need to tell in real life, I can make a comment in this thread.

I went for a job interview, for the first time in nearly 14 years, back in October. It was to do exactly what I do now, a sideways step job wise, but a massive step for me in my personal life as it was to enable me to move from one end of the country to another, to start a new life, with the wonderful Rabid.

I was stunned to get an interview & a bit flustered when I saw I had to write an essay & send it in before my interview, but I wanted the job so much I just managed to do it really easily.

I prepared as much as I possibly could for the interview & even a 2 hour delay on the flight up there didn't scupper me ( I had a festival wash in the airport loo rather than a nice shower at Rabid's!!) & the interview was almost enjoyable!

I must thank everyone on this thread as I gleaned loads of hints & tips for the whole ordeal.

As you may guess I got the job & now I'm just waiting for all the slow NHS shaped hoops to be jumped through before I can start. :);):(:):):):D

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