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^ I don't call that much of an apology to be honest.

Even in a statement reversing her position, she still manages to call the game a joke. One gets the feeling she's only doing it because her book publisher has advised her to due to the shit slinging on her amazon book page.

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exactly, the whole shitty episode has basically affected her saleability as a talking head, she had no option but to do a u-turn. I have read many forum posts offering congratulations for her having "the balls to admit she was wrong" - utter shite, it had nothing to do with balls, nor her journalistic integrity, it was all about damage limitation on her career.

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More bad news for HD-DVD:

Woolworths stops stocking of HD-DVD.


Dropping like flies.

Also, in Mass Effect, I now have my intimidation skill at 10, maxed out. I understand I can use it to get the resolve an impossible situation achievement? If so, which planet is it on so that I know when to expect it? Do I need specific characters to be with me? I heard it had something to do with Wrex.

I have clearred Noveria and the mine planet now I'm just wanderring around the galaxy doing oddjobs before Feros. I've been told to go to Virmire but I guess that leads to the end somehow which I don't want to do just yet. I'm currently on our moon smashing robots to bits, it's brilliant! The amount of cool shit hidden in these side missions is fantastic.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Also, in Mass Effect, I now have my intimidation skill at 10, maxed out. I understand I can use it to get the resolve an impossible situation achievement? If so, which planet is it on so that I know when to expect it? Do I need specific characters to be with me? I heard it had something to do with Wrex.
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i ended up with over 50 hours on the in game timer when i finished it. I was also on level 49 so just missed out on that achievement.

I was a bit pissed off too as on the last planet a side mission popped up and i thought it would be on that planet so went down. it wasn't so it ended up being the only side mission i didn't do.

definitely a game i'm gonna come back to for another play through in a few months so i'll be more careful then

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Picked up rainbow six vegas the other day cause it was cheap and have read a ,lot of good reviews about it , decent enough game but my god what an awful save system it has on it.

You can spend about 10 minutes clearing a street of enemies only to be shot once by one you didn't spot and then you have to go right back to the start of that section.

very frustrating when you do it a couple of times :lol:

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but it does make the game more challenging modey!

I really enjoyed the game after I got over my frustration. I actually left the game untouched for months after one particularly frustrating bit, but on returning to it, and playing will a little caution, I really enjoyed it.

make sure you play "terrorist hunt" as well, thats a great game mode. there are some map packs for it too, one free, one paid (I think)

you basically just spawn on the map, and have to take down "x" number of targets without dying, its quite addictive. one of the maps - college library I think its called is ace, and very frustrating. you can play it online co op too.

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yeah i suppose i've got to stick with it but i just got annoyed last night and turned it off in the end, i must have been doing the same section about 7 times, getting really far through it only to die

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Smash Bros character select screen


Thats the 100% official select screen, with hidden characters included except one being Wolf [Fox from Starfox's enemy] he isn't unlocked on that screen, but he is in it, here is the full roster select screen, just found it...


video footage

Snake VS. Sonic VS. Dedede VS. MetaKnight on Shadow Moses.

Zero Suit Samus VS. Sheik on the F-Zero GX Port Town Stage.

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How dumb is the Deal or No Deal game on the DS

I swear the offers made by the banker are just completely random

I just played a game, I had an offer of £20,000, I turned it down played next round and cleared 3 blues and my next offer was £18,000, how the hell does that make sense?

Thats not the best though, I got to the end of the game, and my two boxes left were £35,000 & £50,000, so what was the bankers offer? £61,000!

I can't believe this game was let out on the market! f**king lazy assed programming, shocking...

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Smash Brothers looks incredible. I love the characters they've chosen. Is that King Dedede? And Lucario! nice to see Pokemon and Kirby characters more represented, cos they're awesome.

Holy shit, Pit? From Kid Icarus?

Ganondorf looks more like his Twilight Princess block-head version. Looks ace.

Toon Link and Captain Olimar - get in!

Oh, I can't wait for a Pikmin 3. Or Pikmin Wii. Pikmin Thwii? Whatever. I've always thought since the Wii launched that Pikmin was basically a Wii game made before it's time.

Hey I've just noticed how the roster is arranged. It's in columns.

You have founding/main Mario characters, then sequel/spin-off/peripheral Mario characters, then you have Zelda, then you have NES icons, then Kirby (or "cute" if you count Olimar), then Starfox, then Pokemon, then Japanese icons (or, games-we-Europeans-didn't-bloody-get), then the "seemingly unrelated but actually totally related to Nintendo one way or another" column at the end there. It's amazing when you think of Snake as a Playstation character, but really it was the NES and MSX he made his debut on, so he totally belongs in the Nintendo roster. Sonic is probably the most out-there. The only tie to Nintendo was that he was a character that came close to taking them on in the 16-bit days. I reckon all the other characters, particularly Mario, Yoshi, Samus and the Ice Climbers, will be gangbanging that pesky blue rodent in the locker-room.

It's really mad to see Sonic in Mario games. I still find it really bizarre.

Oh and Luckysalt - why did you even play Deal Or No Deal? Just....why?

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Really getting into Cod4 on PS3 now, got it on Saturday and nowadays I'm always top of my team and getting a score with a ratio of about 1.8:1 minimum. I think last night it struck me how to actually play great, whereas before I was just playing good. I got over a 2:1 ratio every game, and got some scores like 39-4, 35-11, 54-18 and 19-4.

It lacks the community though, which worries me for any PS3 game online. Most people don't have comms, and those who do are normally pre-teens playing music down the God dam things. Shouldn't be a problem for Socom anyway..

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Really getting into Cod4 on PS3 now, got it on Saturday and nowadays I'm always top of my team and getting a score with a ratio of about 1.8:1 minimum. I think last night it struck me how to actually play great, whereas before I was just playing good. I got over a 2:1 ratio every game, and got some scores like 39-4, 35-11, 54-18 and 19-4.

It lacks the community though, which worries me for any PS3 game online. Most people don't have comms, and those who do are normally pre-teens playing music down the God dam things. Shouldn't be a problem for Socom anyway..

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Really getting into Cod4 on PS3 now, got it on Saturday and nowadays I'm always top of my team and getting a score with a ratio of about 1.8:1 minimum. I think last night it struck me how to actually play great, whereas before I was just playing good. I got over a 2:1 ratio every game, and got some scores like 39-4, 35-11, 54-18 and 19-4.

It lacks the community though, which worries me for any PS3 game online. Most people don't have comms, and those who do are normally pre-teens playing music down the God dam things. Shouldn't be a problem for Socom anyway..

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apart from the fact that I hate the ps3 controller, this is the sole reason I buy any multiplatform game for my 360, and stick to the ps3 exclusives for the ps3. people can moan all they like about XBL and the fact its not free, but (apart from when its broken) its great, you get the occasional whiny arsed 13 year old, but thats what the mute function is for. the community that built up around cod2 still lives on through my friends list to this day.

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the ps3 doesnt have an official headset bundled with it.

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    • Mount Kimbie were really good. Great Sound, great crowd. A nice way to end this day.
    • Yeah what was up with Jai. Not great tbh. Would like to hear other opinions bc I didn't really like him
    • Ethel Cain and Brutus to bookend the day were my highlights. Had been listening to Brutus a bit over the last few weeks and had no clue the vocalist was the drummer, insane workload! Ethel was just other-worldly, and even managed to shut the yappers in the crowd up.   Lana was late, flat, but I was stood near the back and away from the masses and it was alright. Ocean Boulevard stood out, not least because her backing singers seemed to know how to perform better.    Even stuck around for most of The National and really enjoyed a band I've never got on board with before. Just so much good music happening! 
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    • Jai Paul was massively underwhelming, but Barry was exxxxxxcelent
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