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EE not giving out Glastonbury tickets to its competition winners?

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Spitting your dummy out, stamping your feet, bitching and moaning and generally kicking up a fuss when you're in the wrong is not right.

He read his tweet from EE wrong. His fault. They didn't tell him he'd won at all, he just chose to take a message from EE as confirmation for what he was hoping for.

This is wrong because its becoming a trend for people to rally a load of social media support to 'stick it to the man' and win one over on the big companies. In the long run customers will end up paying for this kind of thing. And you may think I'm taking an extreme view but just look at how the 'oh that minor bump gave me whiplash and I deserve compensation' claim culture has increased insurance premiums.

He's just as bad as someone feigning injury for compensation. He was wrong, he kicked up a fuss and got his own way.

EDIT just seen your post dan. His happy little message makes me want to vomit. He's clearly glorifying his little win and bragging about it will only make karma come and bite him in the arse.

Edited by caroldecker
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Spitting your dummy out, stamping your feet, bitching and moaning and generally kicking up a fuss when you're in the wrong is not right.

He read his tweet from EE wrong. His fault. They didn't tell him he'd won at all, he just chose to take a message from EE as confirmation for what he was hoping for.

This is wrong because its becoming a trend for people to rally a load of social media support to 'stick it to the man' and win one over on the big companies. In the long run customers will end up paying for this kind of thing. And you may think I'm taking an extreme view but just look at how the 'oh that minor bump gave me whiplash and I deserve compensation' claim culture has increased insurance premiums.

He's just as bad as someone feigning injury for compensation. He was wrong, he kicked up a fuss and got his own way.

Edited by Bobs
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Spitting your dummy out, stamping your feet, bitching and moaning and generally kicking up a fuss when you're in the wrong is not right.

He read his tweet from EE wrong. His fault. They didn't tell him he'd won at all, he just chose to take a message from EE as confirmation for what he was hoping for.

This is wrong because its becoming a trend for people to rally a load of social media support to 'stick it to the man' and win one over on the big companies. In the long run customers will end up paying for this kind of thing. And you may think I'm taking an extreme view but just look at how the 'oh that minor bump gave me whiplash and I deserve compensation' claim culture has increased insurance premiums.

He's just as bad as someone feigning injury for compensation. He was wrong, he kicked up a fuss and got his own way.

EDIT just seen your post dan. His happy little message makes me want to vomit. He's clearly glorifying his little win and bragging about it will only make karma come and bite him in the arse.

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Hardly ludicrous really. We live in a world where people think they can get something for nothing. I wasn't talking specifics from this particular episode, its the culture that's developing. If I get the world if social media to back me up then I can get something. Facebook breeds this kind of drivel everyday. Something else of this sort will happen again soon! And its when people replicate it that it becomes a problem.

Really going way way to far into this. I stand by my comparison because this whole thing irritated me as its pretty clear he misunderstood what he was told and made a big deal of it. But its the bigger picture I was considering, my analogy was slightly grandiose for such a minor incident ill grant you that, but not ludicrous. Highly plausible in this society I'd say.

And cost increase. You'll all be paying through the nose for your 6g phones I tell you! Through the nose! :D

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The fact of the matter is this!

20. EE reserves the right (a) to substitute alternative prizes of equivalent or greater value and (B) in exceptional circumstances to vary, amend or withdraw this competition on reasonable notice. Please remember that we can, at our discretion, withdraw the prize if winners fail to meet the admission requirements of the event or if the winner or their guest exhibits inappropriate or dangerous behaviours. This includes behaviours such as being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or causing a nuisance. The prize can also be withdrawn if, in our opinion it is deemed necessary or if circumstances arise outside of our control.

Simples, he was wrong and he threw a huge hissy fit that in a way had some right to it but if had no back bone!

Dont know how he won to be frank, and whats two more people to the festival

Fair play but the company should never have backed down!

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Hardly ludicrous really. We live in a world where people think they can get something for nothing. I wasn't talking specifics from this particular episode, its the culture that's developing. If I get the world if social media to back me up then I can get something. Facebook breeds this kind of drivel everyday. Something else of this sort will happen again soon! And its when people replicate it that it becomes a problem.

Really going way way to far into this. I stand by my comparison because this whole thing irritated me as its pretty clear he misunderstood what he was told and made a big deal of it. But its the bigger picture I was considering, my analogy was slightly grandiose for such a minor incident ill grant you that, but not ludicrous. Highly plausible in this society I'd say.

And cost increase. You'll all be paying through the nose for your 6g phones I tell you! Through the nose! :D

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Rather these sorts of tickets the sponsors get given as freebies went to this fellow than some odious ee executive type who couldn't give a toss about the festival

I'm not on twitter and have only read this thread but it seems this guy was sort of right on a technicality. Not like he's cheated or stolen it.

And a huge corporation has been made to look a twat into the bargain.

It's all good from where I'm sat, even if he is a bit of a tit

Edited by russycarps
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I like this world you speak of where ordinary people get something for nothing- it sounds lovely! I live in a world where most people get nothing for something. They work their backsides off for pittance- by the time they've paid rent, bills etc they have nothing left. Those that are unemployed due to lack of investment in young people, the recession, etc etc, have to work for free via the 'workfare' schemes. Meanwhile corporations are free to avoid taxes they owe, whilst their managers can steal money via ridiculous pay packets and bonuses. Oh and we all bail them out when the banks greed comes back to bite them on the backside.

I'm happy for anyone who can scam the system and get a freebie or two. This competition man got a free ticket for Glastonbury that otherwise would have gone to some company bigwig. Good on him. The media likes to push this 'ooh poor people are cheating us all' agenda, but its absolute rubbish- if you add up the amounts, its pittance and crumbs compared to what big business get out of us.

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Hard done by? After reading that article I do!

Essentially, we live in a better world these days due to such advances in medical practice blah blah etc etc, but greed is still the same. People freaking love money and will do all sorts to get it. Big bosses are the same, but they just rip us off as a result. I'm very tired now and I can't think as clearly as I could before....

Very off topic this. I'm inclined to say that in concerns to terry/EE-gate we have different views. An I think we can agree on that.

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Rather these sorts of tickets the sponsors get given as freebies went to this fellow than some odious ee executive type who couldn't give a toss about the festival

I'm not on twitter and have only read this thread but it seems this guy was sort of right on a technicality. Not like he's cheated or stolen it.

And a huge corporation has been made to look a twat into the bargain.

It's all good from where I'm sat, even if he is a bit of a tit

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I like this world you speak of where ordinary people get something for nothing- it sounds lovely! I live in a world where most people get nothing for something. They work their backsides off for pittance- by the time they've paid rent, bills etc they have nothing left. Those that are unemployed due to lack of investment in young people, the recession, etc etc, have to work for free via the 'workfare' schemes. Meanwhile corporations are free to avoid taxes they owe, whilst their managers can steal money via ridiculous pay packets and bonuses. Oh and we all bail them out when the banks greed comes back to bite them on the backside.

I'm happy for anyone who can scam the system and get a freebie or two. This competition man got a free ticket for Glastonbury that otherwise would have gone to some company bigwig. Good on him. The media likes to push this 'ooh poor people are cheating us all' agenda, but its absolute rubbish- if you add up the amounts, its pittance and crumbs compared to what big business get out of us.

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Fuck EE, dont run a competition which clearly states there will be 10 winners then announce 15. Either do 10 or give it to all 15.

Im sure the company make an absolute shell load of money and they're never afraid to up their prices or make the customer suffer, it will have cost their relatively little pain at all and has made 10 peoples year.

The result was the best for everyone.

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I'm sure EE were covered by the line about offering an alternate prize of equal value. While I think Terry does seem to be a bit of a knob and have a feeling he deliberately misunderstood the message from EE in order to kick off and make them back down, I do feel delighted for the four other runners up who now get to go to the festival without having to behave like spoilt children in order to get there!

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