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Second timers. (And third, and fourth, and fifth...)

Guest neil_d

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Not to let the first timers have all the fun....

2011 was my first Glastonbury (my first proper festival as well), and it's been a long 2 year wait to return! I'm thinking about my plans for this year in three ways, and wonder what your plans are in terms of....

1. What have you seen/done only a little bit before (or only discovered late on Sunday), and want to spend more time at this year?

2. What have you never seen/done that you want to experience for the first time?

3. To make time for the above two, what are you going to do less of this year?

For me....

1. Greenfield - Spent a while of Sunday 2011 there, really want to spend lots more time there throughout the week.

And Avalon too.

2. The Park, West Holts + cider bus, Acoustic, Cabaret/circus - Heard wonderful things about all these places, but never made it in 2011. West Holts is definitely happening this year for Chic and much more!

3. Pyramid - Didn't spend long there before, but this year I expect I'll only be the for (some) of The Stones.

In my tent - Was ill for a while in 2011, so spent most of a day asleep. Don't want to repeat that.

So, what about you?

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2011 was also my 1st Glastonbury and think I was to focused on the Pyramid and Other stages so this year going to branch out a lot more and see the other areas.

Also only made it to the Park late night entertainment so want to see more of the other going on's after the main acts finish ...... I have decided this will be at the expense of sleep, can catch up on that when we leave.

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This year I plan on spending lots more time in the Greenfields areas during the day, there's not a huge amount on the main stages to interest me this year, so going to spend as much time as I can down exploring the places I didn't get to do the last 2 years.

The circus fields and Glebeland etc as well, did a bit of it in 2010 but not in 2011.

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This will be my fifth time so hope I still qualify!

1. I want to spend more time in the late-night areas as whenever we get there it's just rammed and we give up too easily. I think it's probably the time we go. But I'm sure there's loads more to see that I've missed.

2. Want to see the craft area (as I don't think I have) and catch some comedy or cabaret as although I've wandered through I've never actually stayed to watch. Oh and Glebeland because I'm not sure I've ever been there!

3. I usually spend too much at Pyramid/Other/West Holts. It's so easy to get too comfortable, especially if it's muddy!

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Third time of going this year, definitely branching out and seeing acts on more of the smaller stages as there isn't much that I desperately want to see on Pyramid, Other JP which is were I spent most of the day of my first two times of going. Have to say did a lot less in 2011 then 2010 due to the mud, just made walking around the site a lot harder.

1. Done the Greenfields and the park by just walking through rather slowly around the area but will be spending more relaxation time in these areas.

2. Late night areas in the south east corner, got a larger group going this year. There was only me and my friend who ever wanted to go over their in previous years, the others weren't up for it as we were a small group didn't want to split up too much. Also see another headliner than just the pyramid ones.

3. Probably only see one headliner on the pyramid (Stones), spend less time in the day seeing acts on the pyramid/other just because they were the only semi-decent act to see at the time, will explore instead.

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This will be my second time, the first time I went was in 2009. Still can't get my head around the fact that I'm going back.

1. Spend more time in the circus area and the Park, as someone above said I've walked through them but would like to take in a lot more this year.

2. Go to Shangri-La, Arcadia, ect. In 2009 I was 16 and went with my uncles who are in their forties, so we didn't really go to any night time areas. This year will be different!

3. Spend less time sitting in front of the Pyramid, and less time sleeping!

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1) late night areas I've always been so knackered I only end up there for about a couple of hours on either Friday or Saturday. I'd love to emmerse myself into shangri-la one night.

2) the underground piano bar of legend. Does this even really exist?

3) watching bands on the pyramid. Luckily there's only really the stones who are a must see on this stage for me this year.

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More Greenfields, don't remember much about it for some reason (ahem)

I want to look at the Palais area as never been there... Also never been around the old Dance Village, so I will check out SH this time - fancy the sound of the new Blues tent.

Will do less of bigger stages and possibly have Jazz World as my default stage this year not the Pyramid.

Bring it on!!!!!!! :)

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1. I can always do with more time in the circus / theatre fields. Love it round there!

2. I want to stay awake later! Never really seem to experience much late night stuff so I'd like to take in some of the non-SE corner late night haunts.

3. Taking an eye mask so I might sleep in a bit later (normally find I'm awake by 7am, hence no energy after midnight). Also think I might give the Greenfields a miss - I love that they are there but I find myself wandering around but not really getting much from that area.

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This will be my 6th and there are still areas I've not been to ... want to do a bit more of the chilled stuff this year as with the kids. I want to find the Strummer stone and go to Strummerville. Haven't been to the Park at all so thats a must. I'm not bothered about missing out on the late night stuff. it was only really last time we went that we explored the theatre fields etc a bit more - when we went pre-children we mainly watched bands around the Pyramid, Other Stage and JP, and loved last time having a good explore and spending time away from bands. Still loads more exploring to do though! I love how every year is a different type of Glastonbury and how you can get out of it just what you want which could be the complete opposite of the person stood next to you but you're both having the best time ever. Ace.

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I'm a festival veteran and an oldie but still each time is different. This time, for the first time I will be taking my caravan (having gone from small tents, to big group tents, to trailer tents and once even trying a motorhome).

So the key thing will be to get a decent plot (no different to finding a good site for a tent) and getting really well set up on Tuesday.

On Wednesday we'll have the joy of showing a newbie around. This year two of our usual gang of five men will not be at Glasto but for the first time we'll have a woman in the group (the wife of one of the lads who's asked to be an honourary bloke for the week).

Also a re-orientation as we see what's changed and the traditional walk up to the Stone Circle (telling the newbie she's not allowed to turn round till she gets to the top).

After that it's music and activity planning, meeting up with old friends, including some of the caterers and stallholders and staff, and also planning our eating - sampling the delights of food from around the world.

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Second time as well, 2011 being my first..

1. More time at the Circus fields. Loved it there my first time, ditched my clashfinder for random acts in the field. Didn't regret it one bit. More time checking out random acts, at random.

2. Arcadia at it's peak. Only went once for a short while and it was on the first day they started, The long queuing up that day threw me off for the rest of the days. Rabbit hole.

3. Pyramid / Other stage, and tent. Hoping to have a little more stamina this year around, maybe nap in the day to be able to stay up longer at night.

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veteran , I'm night managing the stewards in the naughty corner this year and only one of my friends I used to go to festivals with is going and hes singing in a band so I imagine I will be working a lot Im doing 12 hour shifts all through the night, most likely even when I'm not officially working I will be wandering around near working or talking to people to do with what I'm doing .

Apart from the stones there aren't any big acts I wanted to see and I'm working sat night when they are on so wont see them,

I'm actually looking forward to all the working which may sound strange, but I know problems will happen its a busy area we have 400+ stewards three portacabins in different places, a marquee two crew camping fields, lots of huge complex venues , some with a couple of thousand capacity and huge numbers of people passing through them , I suppose its a odd idea of fun but I'm looking forward to it

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first in 2009 and didnt really go to pyramid however 2010 spent more time there and would really recommend this however dont go overboard and miss out on the rest of the fun i.e greenfields. John peel is also a great stage and often is overlooked but you must go to the west holts, so good to chill in the morning to get you in the mood with that 10am cider bus visit:)

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This will be my second time, the first time I went was in 2009. Still can't get my head around the fact that I'm going back.

1. Spend more time in the circus area and the Park, as someone above said I've walked through them but would like to take in a lot more this year.

2. Go to Shangri-La, Arcadia, ect. In 2009 I was 16 and went with my uncles who are in their forties, so we didn't really go to any night time areas. This year will be different!

3. Spend less time sitting in front of the Pyramid, and less time sleeping!

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Planning on spending a lot of time in Shangrila may become nocturnal this year, want to do Unfairfair ground and Strummerville, I did this in the really hot year 2010 and loved it, that year was my best year and I'm a vetran first Glastonbury was way back in 1987 Mr Bragg was on the pyramid

Really fancy visiting the life drawing place in the Common and exploring that area a little more

Excited about this year as I'm going with my son who is 18, he's missed a few years and its going to be great seeing him re aquainted with the place as an adult. I'm not chasing bands this year, we are going for the pure fun and entertainment aspect.

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Second time for me also.

1. Need a night in the late night area, all seemed too rammed after the headliners last time, so we had a nose around during the day.

2. The Rabbit Hole - Wasn't open last time we tried. And Strummerville - just couldn't find it.

3. The Other stage - feel it lacks the magic of the pyramid, and the atmosphere of a tent.

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1. That damn underground piano bar! Found it last time on the thursday and got laughed at! "it doesnt exist!" "what are we doing here?!" blah blah blah... When we came home, i then realised i had found it and it just hadnt been finished! Going next month with a vengeance! Also, Im going back down the rabbit hole!

2. Never been to shangri la.... really want to make the most of the late night areas this year! Went to Lost Vagueness in 07 but had to walk straight through due to a scary person on slints.

3. Im only watching the stones and my beloved Nick Cave this year, anyone else is an unexpected bonus! Which leaves me loads of extra free spare time!!! woooooo hooooooo!

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1. That damn underground piano bar! Found it last time on the thursday and got laughed at! "it doesnt exist!" "what are we doing here?!" blah blah blah... When we came home, i then realised i had found it and it just hadnt been finished! Going next month with a vengeance! Also, Im going back down the rabbit hole!

2. Never been to shangri la.... really want to make the most of the late night areas this year! Went to Lost Vagueness in 07 but had to walk straight through due to a scary person on slints.

3. Im only watching the stones and my beloved Nick Cave this year, anyone else is an unexpected bonus! Which leaves me loads of extra free spare time!!! woooooo hooooooo!

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Fourth timer here!

Wouldn't mind speniding a bit more time around Avalon. Had a quick looksie back in 2009 (my first) but haven't been there since.

Want to try the late night areas for the first time (I know, right?).

Probably spend less time at the Pyramid. To be fair, only REALLY want to see Arctics and Stones.

Good thread!

Edited by RichieSpenno
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I really want to see more of the stuff that goes on in the small tea tents and little LITTLE places with a stage type areas and warm my self up gently to the onslaught that follows including banging loud tunes on bigger stages with sleep deprivation and a belly full of cider. May even attempt the rabbit hole nonsense. 5th year for me 11th for the other half and this has not been done by either of us.

Love to go back to the unfair ground and arcadia late night goodies, excellent way to dance of the extra energy, overload the senses and ensure that the full nights sleep your going to try and cram into 4 hours happens!

Don't mind missing the inside of my tent! I will probably spend less time dragging myself round the market area looking for that really nice something to take back to the kids!

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