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Iron Maiden not to clash with 2nd stage headliner..

Guest Lambo_KoRn

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"When we were doing the Iro Maiden deal, they requested that no one would be on the second stage at the same time. I said I felt their request was wrong but if it was a deal breaker, then fine, no big problem. Bands suffer when they go up against the super big hitters (Metallica, Iron Maiden and AC/DC being three that spring to mind). Don't forget 'A' in 2003...they got killed against Iron Maiden! Billy Talent didn't do too badly in 2007 when they were up against Iron Maiden. No one wanted to go against AC/DC and I mean NO ONE! In 2004 HIM suffered against Metallica...Alter Bridge just about got away with it on 2006 against Metallica. Rise Against actually asked me if they could have as little time against Black Sabbath as possible and I agreed to their request. It's horses for courses...like everything, whatever I do, I'm damned if do and I'm damned if I don't...there are no winners."

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"When we were doing the Iro Maiden deal, they requested that no one would be on the second stage at the same time. I said I felt their request was wrong but if it was a deal breaker, then fine, no big problem. Bands suffer when they go up against the super big hitters (Metallica, Iron Maiden and AC/DC being three that spring to mind). Don't forget 'A' in 2003...they got killed against Iron Maiden! Billy Talent didn't do too badly in 2007 when they were up against Iron Maiden. No one wanted to go against AC/DC and I mean NO ONE! In 2004 HIM suffered against Metallica...Alter Bridge just about got away with it on 2006 against Metallica. Rise Against actually asked me if they could have as little time against Black Sabbath as possible and I agreed to their request. It's horses for courses...like everything, whatever I do, I'm damned if do and I'm damned if I don't...there are no winners."

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Its confirmed this is happening, think they should have announced this from the off not all this time after tickets have been on sale and as usual Andy is being a dick to anyone who's moaning about it saying that its UNBELIEVABLE that we are moaning that there's no clash and its making him want to smash his head in with a mallet, yet in the past he's slagged off Sonisphere for their system and said he prides himself that Download has a choice between big acts at the festival.

Full. Of. Shit.

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Its confirmed this is happening, think they should have announced this from the off not all this time after tickets have been on sale and as usual Andy is being a dick to anyone who's moaning about it saying that its UNBELIEVABLE that we are moaning that there's no clash and its making him want to smash his head in with a mallet, yet in the past he's slagged off Sonisphere for their system and said he prides himself that Download has a choice between big acts at the festival.

Full. Of. Shit.

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