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Check your change!

Guest jontippins

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Anyone get change from a tenner when paying with a £20 note!! I know mistakes can happen but some people were clearly trying it on. I hate to say it but for me the Brothers Bar on Thursday night was the worst culprit with it happening on 4 occasions. The Chinese food place in the dairy fields tried it on a few times too

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Me and two other friends actually got change for a £20 when paying with a £10 just to balance things up a bit (we highlighted this obviously). Also most food stall holders were happy to recommend other places to me if they didn't have what we were looking for which was really nice - even if it was only yhe stall next door!

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I had the opposite, paid for 2 frozen yogurts which came up to £7, paid with £10 and got £7 change...the lady then got really confused when i tried to explain and then tried to give me change for £20, eventually sorted it out and got my £3 change.

Then happened again at little cafe near Tipi's ordered lemon cake and nachos, the dude gave me the cake then went on to make the nachos then only tried to charge me for the nachos.

On both occasions the people working there seemed genuinely shocked that we pointed it out!

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Sounds like genuine mistakes to me - bound to happen when handling so much cash, you're hot and tired and on your feet for hours and there are queues in front of you. Have worked in retail for over 30 years, and have made many mistakes like that myself. problem is, if you under change you get the complaints, if you over change, very rarely do the punters own up and say they got too much.

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Sounds like genuine mistakes to me - bound to happen when handling so much cash, you're hot and tired and on your feet for hours and there are queues in front of you. Have worked in retail for over 30 years, and have made many mistakes like that myself. problem is, if you under change you get the complaints, if you over change, very rarely do the punters own up and say they got too much.

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Sounds like genuine mistakes to me - bound to happen when handling so much cash, you're hot and tired and on your feet for hours and there are queues in front of you. Have worked in retail for over 30 years, and have made many mistakes like that myself. problem is, if you under change you get the complaints, if you over change, very rarely do the punters own up and say they got too much.

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Ice cream van in the Circus Field tried this on with me. Noticed he gave the lad in front the wrong change who questioned it and he just gave him the correct amount without saying a word. Then I bought a drink for £2.50 and gave me a fiver. He gave me 50p change and said next. I said £2.50 and he just then gave me the correct amount no questions asked.

I think he was trying it on seen as he cocked up the change of the lad in front as well but when we both questioned it just gave us the correct amount without saying a word.

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Anyone get change from a tenner when paying with a £20 note!! I know mistakes can happen but some people were clearly trying it on. I hate to say it but for me the Brothers Bar on Thursday night was the worst culprit with it happening on 4 occasions. The Chinese food place in the dairy fields tried it on a few times too

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This is true. During busy periods behind the bar, you can just have mental blocks about who's ordered, who's paid what or who or where you are. No bar staff will be trying to steal from you by short-changing you. If they were that dishonest and desperate for cash, they'd just fail to put your money in the til/bucket at all - there are no receipts being given out after all.

It's the same with asking for ID. There are no games or power-trips being played out here. You have a few seconds to judge each person, often with the sun in your eyes and them wearing sunglasses. If they can't produce any ID, you're breaking the law if you serve them, even if they subsequently take off their shades and look more like 90. More often than not, you'll agree to serve them if you change your opinion about their age, but if a manager or council official spots you, you're in the shite.

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One punter in the Mandela bar asked for four beers, got the barman to load them into a carrier. The punter said "oh, and two more of those". The barman ambled off to get the extra beers and the guy just walked off with the carrier - nothing the barman could do. I felt really sorry for him - BUT - I must admit that some of the staff were a little (how to put this nicely?) slow, and had to repeat my order a number of times despite clear annunciation, so I'm not surprised mistakes were made with change.

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I made a point of only using 10s at the bars this year. After being short changed a few times last year. While I accept that accidents can happen, some folk are clearly at it. Short change a few folk here and there and you can make a couple of hundred quid over the course of the festival. It's just the law of averages; there are always a few bad uns in any group.

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I made a point of only using 10s at the bars this year. After being short changed a few times last year. While I accept that accidents can happen, some folk are clearly at it. Short change a few folk here and there and you can make a couple of hundred quid over the course of the festival. It's just the law of averages; there are always a few bad uns in any group.

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