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The Muddy Wet Glastonbury of 2007 - did you stay throughout or leave early?

Guest Sauna Meister

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I don't actually remember it being all that bad. We had macs and wellies, booze and good company! I remember wading through a lake of mud at one point and nearly losing a welly until my sister's gallant boyfriend rescued me, but it was all good unclean fun to be honest!

There's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing ;)

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Remember Super Furries doing Hello Sunshine Saturday afternoon and the sun was definitely out then. Rain really bad most of Sunday. Also bad during Amy winehouse Friday afternoon. Lead singer of Modest Mouse later same afternoon (as it pissed down) " You guys are so f**king STUBBORN".

this years looks like being like 2009 to me.

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Never thought of leaving early ... Besides went by coach so couldn't!!

No honestly - You'd have to be a lightweight to miss it for a bit of mud; It was fun squelching around and sliding. And the Who on Sunday night in the driving rain made it all worth while - I didn't think of the rain whilst they delivered a master class in rock.

I laughed at Kasabian at the IOW on the box - Boy did they look uncomfortable in the driving rain. A few times disgruntled with the weather/crowd, Tom slamming down mic's and mouthing off something - I can't understand that.. The crowd were the ones who should be unhappy

Complete contrast to their Sunny set before the Boss at Glasto

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Stayed until 6.00am Monday. Managed to avoid a massive queue and drove straight off site within 5 minutes. One friend forgot to make a note of where he was parked. He spent 4 hours on the Monday morning trudging about in the rain and mud looking for his car. Lesson to be learned - if you come by car / van etc remember where you parked it. Easily forgotten in the excitement to get in and meet up with friends etc.

Forgot to say I did feel extremely despondent on Monday morning. There's no way I could have taken another day of it.

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Took stuff to the car at 19:00 Sunday, it started pissing down again, there were tyre tracks over a foot deep at the car park exit, and I had a low slung heavy car, so thought f this and left. good move I thought.

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My first Glasto, went with Dad who got food poisoning on Friday evening and toughed it out until Saturday afternoon. We left just after Dirty Pretty Things finished on the Pyramid.

Having arrived home, we switch on the telly to see Paul Weller playing to a sunny field of soggy revellers - we missed the 1 bit of sunshine! :(

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I had a bloody brilliant Glasto 07, just did a lot of inside stuff - cabaret, circus, I spent one hazy-memoried night in the Bread & Roses pub making friends with some awesome randoms. I'm sure there was a bit of sun for Arcade Fire's set and I was right at the front :D

I think the sun brings out more twats.

It was 08 I discovered the Brothers Bar though - I can't imagine a Glastonbury without lazing in the warmth in West Holts getting nicely tanked on the good stuff.

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It was bizarre on the Sunday morning, I was camped in the family field opened my tent and half the tents around me had vanished???? I do remember having the worst hangover of my life (after telling everyone the only way to survive the rain was to drink on the Saturday)I sat listening to the Who by my tent covered in bin bags with rain dripping of my nose and a soggy cig in my hand feeling very sorry for my self. My feet were blistered to hell and back from wearing new Doc Martins and I missed Billy Bragg as I was too knackered to walk there. All self inflicted.

Other than that I had a fantastic time.

Just be prepared,wellies, a mack, a largish tent that you can stand up in and the knowledge that it's going to take you twice as long as normal to go anywhere.

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One thing that was noticeably different in '07 was the amount of life and activity at night in the campsites. I remember that year loads of people being back at camp, sitting around fires or in gazebos - really great atmosphere.

That's what we were doing too, as much as we wanted to go back to the site for the nightlife we were just too knackered, the mud saps your energy.

I remember having a great time though, the mud certainly builds festival spirit.

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2007 was one of my favourite years. Probably because of the weather I spent most of it away from the large areas relaxing in the smaller tents and saw a whole load of incredible stuff. Didn't leave early, the only time I've done that was in '98 when I went home early Sunday evening. In my defence I was a wussy teenager, everything I'd brought was soaked through, I'd run out of money/booze, my feet were in a horrific state and I knew my home with a warm shower was waiting a few miles up the road.

Still regret it tho.

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Yeah took stuff to car Sunday am and as it was still raining decided to give up and go home - was sat watching Shirley Bassey with a cup of tea in the warm on the telly by the afternoon. Only other time left early was 1998 on Sunday am but only cos my dad got taken into hospital and the mud was so bad I thought we would never get out the car park. Always leave after last main band on Sunday night after got stuck for 8 hours in car park on Monday in 1995!!!

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I left after the bands (and Bill Bailey) had finished on the Sunday night, we had already planned to do this so it wasn't due to the mud/rain. I was in a terrible mood by that point though, I barely even laughed at Bill Bailey and the rain driving back to Lancaster was some of the heaviest i've ever seen on the motorway in this country. Could not get above 40 much of the time!

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Remember Super Furries doing Hello Sunshine Saturday afternoon and the sun was definitely out then. Rain really bad most of Sunday. Also bad during Amy winehouse Friday afternoon. Lead singer of Modest Mouse later same afternoon (as it pissed down) " You guys are so f**king STUBBORN".

this years looks like being like 2009 to me.

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I stayed throughout, even anaphylactic shock didn't get me off the festival site. </hardcore>

The worst part was the 7 hours we then spent waiting to get out of the car park, unfortunately I had a face that resembled the scream mask, this is what happens when the swelling goes down around my face. Gruesome. Although loads of people did take pity on us and helped to push the car out of the muddy potholes and the stewards were fab, none of it was their fault, they were trying to make the best out of a bad situation, as well as keep asking me if they needed to get someone from medical down. ;)

I would leave if it was as bad as that again, as far as I am concerned, been there, done that, got the illnesses.

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Well, i left.

Had a massive drunken row with the missus and buggered off 1st thing Sunday Morning.

It was truly horrendous conditions and i'm so glad we've (fingers firmly crossed) dodged a bullet this year.

For all those who say 98 was worse, then hats off to you. For me, 2007 is the 10 on Jackone's scale.

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