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Best tips for a wet Glastonbury!

Guest Gill0707

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-Clothes pegs. Anything that does get wet can be left to drip dry in my tent porch.

-Tights instead of jeans or leggings. Takes up no room, and you can ping the mud off them!

-Tent groundsheets make great rain shelters

-Socks. So very many socks.

Though I'm only bringing suncream and sun hats. That'll be all I need!

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A light weight poncho is good for heavy persistant rain. Best for keeping the worst out. I have one in addition to my waterproof.

Lots of spare socks. Wet feet = misery.

As has been said - take your wellies off and air your feet when you can.

Don't dive into your tent to get out of the rain - stop and strip your top layer off first - you'll bring in more wet than those few seconds extra in the rain

Dont walk through deep puddles unless you have to - mates have twisted ankles and also had their foot sink in much further than they expected - a welly full of gloop is funny for a moment but nit much beyond

I dont think it will be that bad. If it is my gf and are considering splitting our separate tents into a day/undressing tent and a dry clothes/sleeping one

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For me a rainy Glasto can go either way, 2007 was brilliant I think, and while the lack of anywhere to sit down does kill you it means that you really have to go for it a lot more, don't just have a little bit of beer, have lots of beer, don't just have a polite little dance, go absolutely mental, if you do this, you can have almost as much fun. Its just that the weekend becomes a lot more tiring.

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For me a rainy Glasto can go either way, 2007 was brilliant I think, and while the lack of anywhere to sit down does kill you it means that you really have to go for it a lot more, don't just have a little bit of beer, have lots of beer, don't just have a polite little dance, go absolutely mental, if you do this, you can have almost as much fun. Its just that the weekend becomes a lot more tiring.

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A fold up chair so you can sit even when the ground is soaking. There are more benches then there used to be but you'll still be pushed sometimes to find somewhere to sit and even the benches can be wet.

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On top of all the obvious things to bring my experience from 97 (the WORST for mud), 98 (the never ending wet), 04 (on/off/on/off) and 07 (excessively deep mud in places but constantly wet underfoot and thus able to move easily) has taught me the following:

Bring/find/fashion a walking stick (dead/ex gazebo poles are particularly good btw) for

a. using to help walk

b. helping you yoink yourself out of sticky patches

c. a dibber/depth gager

Or even better buy one of these


(One of THE best things I have ever purchased for a fest from a boot sale! Is a walking stick that turns into a seat - marvellous!)

Smile and laugh your way through it.

You are afterall STILL at the greatest festival on the planet, nothing has changed except you cant get around quite as quickly, the covered areas are busier, queues are longer and there isnt many places to sit.

Its not a bad thing to sit in your tent listening to the festival and you DO get a lot more sleep than you would in a hot/dryer year but do get out.


If you fall over, get over it.

And finally and most important...

DON'T GIVE UP AND GO HOME!!! Unless you have properly injured yourself.

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I've noticed a few people suggesting shorts + wellies for wet weather.

I'd really advise against doing this - tried it a few years ago and woke up after a fairly heavy friday with a some serious leg chaffing from the tops of my wellies. The resulting red band didn't dissapear for over a year it was that bad.

Some fairly lightweight / non-denim trousers are a much better bet.

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I've noticed a few people suggesting shorts + wellies for wet weather.

I'd really advise against doing this - tried it a few years ago and woke up after a fairly heavy friday with a some serious leg chaffing from the tops of my wellies. The resulting red band didn't dissapear for over a year it was that bad.

Some fairly lightweight / non-denim trousers are a much better bet.

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I've noticed a few people suggesting shorts + wellies for wet weather.

I'd really advise against doing this - tried it a few years ago and woke up after a fairly heavy friday with a some serious leg chaffing from the tops of my wellies. The resulting red band didn't dissapear for over a year it was that bad.

Some fairly lightweight / non-denim trousers are a much better bet.

Shorts and wellies all the way for me. In response to the above I wear two pairs of football socks, with the outer pair folded over the top of the wellies. Stops chaffing and looks alright. Maybe not for girls though!

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I've noticed a few people suggesting shorts + wellies for wet weather.

I'd really advise against doing this - tried it a few years ago and woke up after a fairly heavy friday with a some serious leg chaffing from the tops of my wellies. The resulting red band didn't dissapear for over a year it was that bad.

Some fairly lightweight / non-denim trousers are a much better bet.

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I have a friend who works for Festival Medical Services. Each year there's one dominent problem. One year after the big rain the skies cleared leaving glorious sunshine but mud. Their biggest problem that year was dealing with wellie rash - a problem caused because people were wearing shorts because it was warm but wellies because it was still muddy. Where the top of the wellies rubbed against bare skin wellie rash developed.

Stick to walking boots.

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I have a friend who works for Festival Medical Services. Each year there's one dominent problem. One year after the big rain the skies cleared leaving glorious sunshine but mud. Their biggest problem that year was dealing with wellie rash - a problem caused because people were wearing shorts because it was warm but wellies because it was still muddy. Where the top of the wellies rubbed against bare skin wellie rash developed.

Stick to walking boots.

Edited by so_wot
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Well there's a couple of 'wet' scenarios.

Like in '09. There was a nice thunderstorm on Thursday night and it drizzled through until Friday lunchtime.

Then it dried up and Sat / Sun were glorious.

Tbh, I have no problem with this. As long as you have a decent pair of wellies that don't hurt your feet, just get on with it.

Other scenario. It pretty much rains all of this week, and the ground is sodden, then keeps raining on and off next week. I am less happy with this as the ground will get totally churned and just getting about will be a problem, wading through 2 feet of mud gets pretty tiring.

Tips... I always favour the Welly / Short combo with nice big long welly socks (available on-site). Never go for jeans or trousers.

Plastic food bag... to keep your phone and camera as dry as possible.

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