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Newbie Q - What to bring

Guest Kit_Kat

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It will be my first time at EOTR this year and I just had a couple of questions about what I should bring as I hate it when I have to carry lots of heavy stuff for miles.

First one is how far is it from the car park to the campsite? I have 2 tents, a really nice one that I can stand up in but weighs a ton and smaller one that is lighter. If the walk isn't to far I'd love to bring my heavier one.

Also is the arena separate from the campsite? Can you bring in alcohol? I don't want to bring lots of alcohol if we can only drink it at the campsite.


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It's not far to the campsite - 5 mins walk I would guess from memory? I'd take the heavier one.

Also the campsite is right by the arena and you can take it alcohol so long as it's not in a glass container which are strictly forbidden. You can get fairly cheap, and yum beers/ales etc on site also.

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The walk from the car-park/coach drop-off isn't far. Five minute walk at the most. That said, I've got a new tent for this year that weighs a ton! I may take advantage of the trailer service they're providing this year. Something like a fiver for a half-an-hour hire I think. I always try to carry to much to avoid keep going back to the car.

With regards to booze, there is a separate arena, but you can take your cans in with you. Remember not to bring ANY glass with you. They check bags on the way onto the main site and confiscate any glass, whether it be booze or cooking sauces. Holds up the queue no end!

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Plastic bottles ok?

Does it get crowded on the Thurs? That's when i'm thinking of getting down. Anyone use the London coach service? Any good? How long does it normally take?

What time does stuff start on thursday as well? I'm hoping for a couple of hours rest after the journey!

thanks in advacne

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Never seen anyone doing it there, but heard the tell tale sound last year a couple of times.

It certainly ain't like the stone circle at glasto! Doubt you'd have any trouble getting it in though, as I've never seen a bag search. They just ask you if you have any glass and pat down your bag. I've never been quite sure what they're trying to achieve by this as they can't possibly tell what is inside your bag by patting down the outside!

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"EOTR is very very chilled, intimate, and full of loads of happy, nice people who want no hassle. Top top weekend."

Apart from one grumpy middle aged woman.

Matt are you trying to say that they have NEVER searched your handbag???

Yes its not very far, and there are those carts for hire, I think the same people we hired one from last year at Green Man, but do not make the same mistake we did, of hiring the cart and then packing up.....it cost us three hours.

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I'm a reasonably strong lad with a massive tent and it took me about an hour to walk back to the car with the tent on the Monday! Almost killed me. I was about half way between the arena and the folly thing at the end of the campsite (i.e. Not that far). Make sure you have a trolley of some sort. Where does it say about the trolley hire?

That was great last year, not many about, good music and a shower with virtually no queue on the Friday. Definitely going on Thursday again. I can't wait!

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Can I humbly suggest you update your FAQ then? :) It says "we have a strict no drugs policy", but you might want to emphasise that you're including legal drugs in that, and that you would remove people found with drugs. (Not that I'm planning on taking any, they don't fit the vibe, but I certainly wouldn't expect to be thrown out of an event for being in possession of a legal substance - confiscation, maybe, but not actually being removed from site...).

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First year I went a took a huge, heavy tent and a small trolley. Tent kept falling the trolley. Took bloody hours to cart it and the other stuff. At least it was entertaining for the sensible folk whizzing past with their pop ups!

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I just got told off by my "better, younger, and extreemly lovely" other half for 1. Being Agressive and 2. Going off topic :( So here is me being mrs Sensible.

Please bring a wool blanket, it gets cold at night and this is good insulation between you and your mattress/mat. This should be purchesed from a charity shop.

A torch is essential

As is a wool hat, socks and thermal underwear for the nightime

If you do not want to eat festival food all weekend or cannot afford it bring your own food. There is a shop on the site but its expensive and not really organised for small portions. The nearest supermarket is about 5 miles away. Likewise for drink

A bread knife....last year a local baker sold bread,in loaf form, which looked fab but wasn't very easy to cut with a plastic knife.

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