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Gutted...heart broken...etc etc

Guest Lucyferrr

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Yeah, I like the idea of a general fund too, but guessing it would be tricky to manage such a thing. I've been involved in a few things where money from multiple sources online has to be dished out and it is always something fraught with worry for whoever ends up having to manage it.

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I'll happily but you a drink at the Cider Bus meet. :)

This thread is amazing, It's fantastic to know as a community we can pull together to help others. The sense of community is fantasic and I'm glad to be a part of it.:D

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As daft and hippy-fied as it sounds you may even find that through the laws of attraction, and good Karma, coming from this post something may actually happen to you now where you no longer need financial help from the kind folk on here. There's so much positivity that only good can come of it.

I was in a similar situation last year, and was offered meals, drinks and even tobacco just so I could get there and have a good time.

When the festival finally arrived life wasn't actually as bad as it had previously looked so when I did meet up with folk on Wednesday at the Cider Bus I didn't have to awkwardly ask for 'that meal' or 'pint' as my tummy was full, I'd decided not to drink booze (to save on cash) and my heart was happy :)

Life is good x you just have to keep telling yourself so x peace x

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I think that this is what these boards are all about, instead of U2 bashing of course.

Lucy please come, there are alot of people here who will help you. If you do not want charity they pay some of it back when you can to Oxfam, Wateraid etc

believe me I know money probs, feeding three kids is not cheap but we are still coming as with every year as Glastonbury is about people, fun, happiness and is a total antedote to all lives little difficulties.

A couple of quid from me or food if you want it, even a beer too..............

remeber to give something back somewhere to soemone who needs help in the future :)

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I think it did. I only wish the best for everyone but to be honest, if I was in this persons position and people were offering me money, in all good conscience

I just wouldn't be able to accept it. I'd feel guilty every time I spent any of it.

Edited by DeadAmos
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Disagree I'm afraid. No one 'asked' for anything but the spontaneous nature of this thread offering nothing more than people can afford to give away, in exchange for absolutely nothing more than the satisfaction of doing something positive for someone, has made me feel all warm and fuzzy!

Yes there are probably lots of people in the same situation and if we thought too hard about it I'm sure this would feel futile, but I for one would encourage Lucy to sort out her paypal account and enjoy every single second of it!

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"we love festival communities because our our communities are dead"

- Nizlopi, Glastonbury Song

Never a truer word said etc

Sorry but can't create a link to youtube clip, but worth looking at, any help please

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The generosity is lovely but I have to say this because it is irking me slightly, whilst obviously noone wants to hear that someone cant get to the G because they cant afford it, the £150 or so pledged currently is a bit extreme just to get one person to the festival. I have been in this situation myself and it does feel bloody awkward if you are the recipient especially when you know you cant pay back. There are people who will be coming to the festival on a lot lot less than what is being offered collectively so far and they arent in receipt of a set up Paypal account.

It does seem a bit out of hand now talking about setting up Paypal accounts etc. There's Justgiving for a cause eg. Efests Wateraid World Cup last year and with Glastolympics not going ahead now, noone has got behind a proper charity this year. We raised £3000 for Wateraid then.

One of the regular CT crew has just announced he wont be coming to the G either now, whilst everyone is feeling generous can we start a pot to help him come too? He is currently out of pocket by £5000 because the car needed a new engine and Glasto now has to be knocked on the head funnily enough :( This could go on and on. What about the many others that are also in this situation because of bad times but by not being on Efests arent going to go at all because they arent aware 50 people online are going to help them get there? Its also touching on dangerous ground, whilst this is very genuine this year, who is say that some cheeky fek might not cotton on to it next year et voila, we've all been scammed.

What is happening here is warm and fuzzy yes and of course people have a bit of spare change, enough to offer a pint etc. I do hope Lucy does get to the G, she will be in great company and of course people will shout her a dinner or hand over a spare can of beer but other than the money to physically get there and back to be able to get to the party, does this warrant what people are baying for?

Reaaly, really sorry to put a downer on this.

Edited by LusciousLucy
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The generosity is lovely but I have to say this because it is irking me slightly, whilst obviously noone wants to hear that someone cant get to the G because they cant afford it, the £150 or so pledged currently is a bit extreme just to get one person to the festival. I have been in this situation myself and it does feel bloody awkward if you are the recipient especially when you know you cant pay back. There are people who will be coming to the festival on a lot lot less than what is being offered collectively so far and they arent in receipt of a set up Paypal account.

It does seem a bit out of hand now talking about setting up Paypal accounts etc. There's Justgiving for a cause eg. Efests Wateraid World Cup last year and with Glastolympics not going ahead now, noone has got behind a proper charity this year. We raised £3000 for Wateraid then.

One of the regular CT crew has just announced he wont be coming to the G either now, whilst everyone is feeling generous can we start a pot to help him come too? He is currently out of pocket by £5000 because the car needed a new engine and Glasto now has to be knocked on the head funnily enough :( This could go on and on. What about the many others that are also in this situation because of bad times but by not being on Efests arent going to go at all because they arent aware 50 people online are going to help them get there? Its also touching on dangerous ground, whilst this is very genuine this year, who is say that some cheeky fek might not cotton on to it next year et voila, we've all been scammed.

What is happening here is warm and fuzzy yes and of course people have a bit of spare change, enough to offer a pint etc. I do hope Lucy does get to the G, she will be in great company and of course people will shout her a dinner or hand over a spare can of beer but other than the money to physically get there and back to be able to get to the party, does this warrant what people are baying for?

Reaaly, really sorry to put a downer on this.

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I think that forsaking a drink to help someone else get to Glasto is a great thing and i don't think anyone is expecting any payback, I am sure that if too much money went through the OP would donate to a Glasto charity, i would like to think so anyhoo!

Also via PayPal she could always refund it back if too many people chipped in!

I personally pledged as it is the kind of person i am, of course i would like to help everyone, i feel the same way with the donations i make to charities on a regular basis but it would be ridiculous to think that lil old me could help every single person who needs help in the world.

I like to believe the best in people until i am given reason to think otherwise and the OP didn't ask for anything, just tried to flog her ticket.

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The generosity is lovely but I have to say this because it is irking me slightly, whilst obviously noone wants to hear that someone cant get to the G because they cant afford it, the £150 or so pledged currently is a bit extreme just to get one person to the festival. I have been in this situation myself and it does feel bloody awkward if you are the recipient especially when you know you cant pay back. There are people who will be coming to the festival on a lot lot less than what is being offered collectively so far and they arent in receipt of a set up Paypal account.

It does seem a bit out of hand now talking about setting up Paypal accounts etc. There's Justgiving for a cause eg. Efests Wateraid World Cup last year and with Glastolympics not going ahead now, noone has got behind a proper charity this year. We raised £3000 for Wateraid then.

One of the regular CT crew has just announced he wont be coming to the G either now, whilst everyone is feeling generous can we start a pot to help him come too? He is currently out of pocket by £5000 because the car needed a new engine and Glasto now has to be knocked on the head funnily enough :( This could go on and on. What about the many others that are also in this situation because of bad times but by not being on Efests arent going to go at all because they arent aware 50 people online are going to help them get there? Its also touching on dangerous ground, whilst this is very genuine this year, who is say that some cheeky fek might not cotton on to it next year et voila, we've all been scammed.

What is happening here is warm and fuzzy yes and of course people have a bit of spare change, enough to offer a pint etc. I do hope Lucy does get to the G, she will be in great company and of course people will shout her a dinner or hand over a spare can of beer but other than the money to physically get there and back to be able to get to the party, does this warrant what people are baying for?

Reaaly, really sorry to put a downer on this.

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The generosity is lovely but I have to say this because it is irking me slightly, whilst obviously noone wants to hear that someone cant get to the G because they cant afford it, the £150 or so pledged currently is a bit extreme just to get one person to the festival. I have been in this situation myself and it does feel bloody awkward if you are the recipient especially when you know you cant pay back. There are people who will be coming to the festival on a lot lot less than what is being offered collectively so far and they arent in receipt of a set up Paypal account.

It does seem a bit out of hand now talking about setting up Paypal accounts etc. There's Justgiving for a cause eg. Efests Wateraid World Cup last year and with Glastolympics not going ahead now, noone has got behind a proper charity this year. We raised £3000 for Wateraid then.

One of the regular CT crew has just announced he wont be coming to the G either now, whilst everyone is feeling generous can we start a pot to help him come too? He is currently out of pocket by £5000 because the car needed a new engine and Glasto now has to be knocked on the head funnily enough :( This could go on and on. What about the many others that are also in this situation because of bad times but by not being on Efests arent going to go at all because they arent aware 50 people online are going to help them get there? Its also touching on dangerous ground, whilst this is very genuine this year, who is say that some cheeky fek might not cotton on to it next year et voila, we've all been scammed.

What is happening here is warm and fuzzy yes and of course people have a bit of spare change, enough to offer a pint etc. I do hope Lucy does get to the G, she will be in great company and of course people will shout her a dinner or hand over a spare can of beer but other than the money to physically get there and back to be able to get to the party, does this warrant what people are baying for?

Reaaly, really sorry to put a downer on this.

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I think the moral of the story is someone expressed how sad they felt about not being able to go, we decided (without prompt) to try and help and hopefully the sadness is removed. I accept there are others who also feel sad but helping one is better than helping none.

Lets not make this more than it is which is the glastonbury community helping one of their own to be part of our special event this year.

Lucy - clock is ticking and all that - get the details up here and lets see if we can help you make it happen before this conversation turns into something its not.

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I feel for the CT regular who feels he can't attend this year, but it was his decition to spend the £5000 on what is a luxury item

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