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Dispel the myths

Guest bexj

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When leaving the car parks at the end of the festival, the queueing system still applies.

The number of people - particularly seems to be 4x4 drivers - who think they can drive past an entire line of cars waiting patiently and forcefully drive to the top of the queue is a bit annoying. You'll only save yourself a few mins but won't be very popular!

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There's so many myths and assumptions made on these forums, that I'd like to start a thread to dispel some of them.

1) There's not much difference between using East or West carparks, the access is still slow, and it only takes one breakdown/accident/blockage to completely jam it up for miles around.

2) There's no special access point "just for you" or special roads for coaches or anything, just deal with the fact that it's likely at some point in your journey you will be stuck in traffic.

3) It is pot luck whether there is an enormous queue at a particular gate at a particular time. In all the 15 years I've been, I've arrived anytime between Weds morning and Thursday evening, and I only remember a mahoosive queue once. That doesn't mean to say I won't queue this year, or have any magic queue jumping ability

4) Not getting into Pennards does not mean you'll have a shit festival. The "action" is where you make it.

5) You don't HAVE to go to Shangri-la for late night entertainment - there's plenty on offer in other places, or heck, you could sit around a fire and talk....

6) The world won't end if your mobile runs out of power, or if you can't access the net for a few days

7) Neither will you die if you don't wash your hair daily/use straighteners daily

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You can expect to be fallen on or tripped over if you park yourself on a chair right at the front of the Pyramid/other stage during a headline set. You are an obstruction and a hazard

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Two female friends had this happen in Park Home, some bloke got really aggressive when they were halfway through pitching and they decided to move rather than cause a bad atmosphere on the first day. Despite the "best atmosphere in the world" claims there are still quite a few utter dicks around

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92) The place has not turned into a drongofest full of internet savvy businessmen who are the only ones who can work a computer and get up at the correct hour to buy tickets.

Seriously the amount of time I hear that all the cool people have gone because they can't use a computer...If you can't somehow find access to the net (or find someone who will try for you) for a few hours when warned well in advance you clearly don't care enough.

If you can't work out how to buy a ticket online your a dribbling dumbarse who probably shouldn't be left in charge of a bowl of cornflakes let alone be allowed to attempt to come to a festival for five days and not set yourself on fire.

Don't get me wrong, I miss all the crusties but the reason many don't come is that there's a big f**k-off fence and they don't want to pay for a ticket. And no fence no license, an unfortunate compromise but certainly more welcome than no license no festival.

P.S. We found a road in last year that literally led us up to the gates of the carparks and jumped all the traffic. It is possible....but we're local!

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Out of interest is it hard to find when you get anywhere close?

Im assuming there'l be huge lines of slow moving traffic that you just follow is this about right?

Its just ill be driving down on my own (1st time :D) and wondering whether or not i'll have any trouble getting to the right place.

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Out of interest is it hard to find when you get anywhere close?

Im assuming there'l be huge lines of slow moving traffic that you just follow is this about right?

Its just ill be driving down on my own (1st time :D) and wondering whether or not i'll have any trouble getting to the right place.

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Re: Getting there early

I have been every year since 2007 (Can't believe this is my 5th Glastonbury!). Every year I have come on Thursday. I know I know, but my mates go on Thursday and camp site banter is all part of the fun.

We usually get near the site around 9:30 on a Thursday morning. Myabe I'm cursing myself here, but we've always had minimal queues (sometimes none at all), flown straight through the gates, and always found a camping spot with ease.

Yeah maybe not in PARTY CENTRAL, but you know what? I'm at Glastonbury. The only reason I want to be at my tent is to sleep and have a cup of tea in the morning. I'll go hard, my god will I go hard, but on my terms. When I go to bed, I don't want to be interupted by some LADS having OI OI SHABS AND BANTS till all hours.

Also the new camping areas in the west - pretty good. We had oceans of space last year and a short walk to either the JP stage or right into the middle of the dance village

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Out of interest is it hard to find when you get anywhere close?

Im assuming there'l be huge lines of slow moving traffic that you just follow is this about right?

Its just ill be driving down on my own (1st time :D) and wondering whether or not i'll have any trouble getting to the right place.

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The toilets are cleaned regularly too, so if you find a dodgy toilet, check one of the other toilet blocks and chances are you'll find a clean one. The long drops might smell (stink to high heaven), but they are generally cleaner than the portaloo turdises.

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The toilets are cleaned regularly too, so if you find a dodgy toilet, check one of the other toilet blocks and chances are you'll find a clean one. The long drops might smell (stink to high heaven), but they are generally cleaner than the portaloo turdises.

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