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finding money on the floor

Guest spikytom

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I haven't found anything but I did loose my phone and a camera for a couple of hours. I would hand anything in I found unless it was loose cash or something, if it was in a wallet with ID or something I'd hand it in.

My friend also got sent his own ticket that he lost at the festival.

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Found £20 one year in the cut between the jazz world stage and the one with the toilets at the end leading to the Orange charge tent,kept that!! Daughter found a phone on the floor of a long drop in 09 handed it in to security, also in 09 we had all our cash stolen from our tent on the first night... the following day we found a wallet outside our tent ( dumped by theiving scroats ) no money in it but a driving license so handed that in to security aswell, if there was money in a wallet etc would hand it in cos I know how crap it feels to be robbed! but a note floating in the wind is a different matter :ph34r:

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I've found £60 in loose notes before now in the camping area. It did make my day as I was so skint and I split it with a couple of girls camping next to us, It's always good to spread the joy although I did feel for the poor bugger who had lost it.

However the following year I lost all my spending money on the first day of Bestival whilst buying a programme. £150 is A pretty expensive way to find out the line up. Not only that but all my sundries and cigarettes got wet and pretty much disintegrated. Thank the lord for my mate who lent me some money.

On a positive note my mate lost his phone in the mud and low and behold it turned up on the door mat in a jiffy envelope about a week later. The phone was damaged beyond repair because of the mud but it's the thought that counts. :D

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Found £20 one year in the cut between the jazz world stage and the one with the toilets at the end leading to the Orange charge tent,kept that!! Daughter found a phone on the floor of a long drop in 09 handed it in to security, also in 09 we had all our cash stolen from our tent on the first night... the following day we found a wallet outside our tent ( dumped by theiving scroats ) no money in it but a driving license so handed that in to security aswell, if there was money in a wallet etc would hand it in cos I know how crap it feels to be robbed! but a note floating in the wind is a different matter :ph34r:

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Found £10 last year flying in the wind across the railway track. There were a couple of people around but no-one seemed to notice it or seemed to be missing it. So, that paid that day's lunch and those delicious smoothies up by the Greenpeace stage.

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I don't know why but i've always enjoyed a good scavenge. I've never found much money, but found countless full packets of cigarettes. Lots of random t shirts. however my best find was just after i'd come out of dance east. was absolutely FREEZING. saw a t shirt on the floor. picked it up and it was one of those 'If Carlsberg made festivals...' tshirts. with glastonbury in big letters. Made me really smile! also found a NICE new pair of ray bans which i still have and love!

At global gathering after everyone had left on the last night. i found a tenner, a full bag of some kind of white substance, and all in one pink suit. the pink suit went on immediately, along with four pairs of sunglasses.

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I don't know why but i've always enjoyed a good scavenge. I've never found much money, but found countless full packets of cigarettes. Lots of random t shirts. however my best find was just after i'd come out of dance east. was absolutely FREEZING. saw a t shirt on the floor. picked it up and it was one of those 'If Carlsberg made festivals...' tshirts. with glastonbury in big letters. Made me really smile! also found a NICE new pair of ray bans which i still have and love!

At global gathering after everyone had left on the last night. i found a tenner, a full bag of some kind of white substance, and all in one pink suit. the pink suit went on immediately, along with four pairs of sunglasses.

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Yes we where in the tent, first night and had had a copious amount of alcohol,usually sleep with purse in sleeping bag but had left it in bag next to my head, hubbys was in his wallet in his trouser pocket next to his head, took both lots......never heard a thing!! lots of people around us had money stolen/tents slashed that year. Was much more vigilant last year, think we had got a bit complacent over the years :angry:

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I'm one of those that lose stuff, lost my baseball cap, sunglasses and money last year..think it was at that chameleon bar on the 1st night

I think I must have bought drinks at the bar put all my stuff on the bar and walked off, or perhaps was asked to go outside as I was smoking and didn't thnk to pick my stuff up :|

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I found a £5 note at the bottom of a swimming pool once!!

Also I once lost a pair of ray bans at Leeds festival. It was dark so I started having a look on the floor around where I was standing. Some kind fella got his phone out and used it as a light to help me. I found them, slightly trampled. The guy with the phone then had a go at me cos I was only looking for sunglasses!!

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In earlier times I used to fasten my wallet to my person via a short length of flexible wire and a small wooden rounders bat placed in my hand. Any removal of the said wallet would result in an involuntary swipe with the stick until the taker was either sorry,unconscious or dead.

I never actually had to use my anti scum device but I always slept easier. Times have changed and now you have to invite the thief in, make sure there are no sharp objects where they can catch themselves and becareful not to label them with any stereotype such as pikey or thieving little scumbag. (I,ve probably committed an offence by writing this) :ph34r:

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In earlier times I used to fasten my wallet to my person via a short length of flexible wire and a small wooden rounders bat placed in my hand. Any removal of the said wallet would result in an involuntary swipe with the stick until the taker was either sorry,unconscious or dead.

I never actually had to use my anti scum device but I always slept easier. Times have changed and now you have to invite the thief in, make sure there are no sharp objects where they can catch themselves and becareful not to label them with any stereotype such as pikey or thieving little scumbag. (I,ve probably committed an offence by writing this) :ph34r:

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Sorry to be a bore but 'legally' you have to enquire into who owns the money otherwise it could be classed as stealing........ you are fine as long as you whisper in a very very quiet voice 'anyone lost some money' (so so quiet that even you can't hear it yourself) then you are fine to claim it :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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