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Which album have you been most excited about getting and listening to for the first time?

Guest dingbat2

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Be Here Now - a popular choice on here. 2 great albums and so surely this was going to be great as well, right? it was pretty much downhill from here on out.

Achtung Baby - lined up to be admitted at midnight in Tower Records on Newbury Street in Boston to have this in my hands.

Hysteria (that's Def Leppard by the way)...in my hard rock phase, Pyromania was (and still is) the absolute classic of that genre back in the day. In 1983, it was a little known fact to the British public at the time, that the Leps were arguably the biggest selling British band that year in the world as Pyromania's sales in the US/Canada outsold anything Duran Duran or others had done there or here. I loved Pyromania, picked up Hysteria the day it came out whilst on summer holidays in the US, and then saw them at the Hammersmith Odeon first week in September...1987...

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the CD of Paul Oakenfold's Essential Mix -Full Moon Party Goa Set.

Heard it when it was first broadcast whey back when and it blew me away then and have periodically been playing a shabby old, shit quality tape recording of it for the the past 20 years! Couldn't wait to buy it on CD when I discovered it last year. Didn't disappoint

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I still remember reading Sounds and seeing what was being released and then traipsing over to my favourite record shop in Birmingham with my paper round money to pickup some vinyl on release day.

Last one I remember going to some effort to obtain was the double cd by Kruder & Dorfmeister - K&D Sessions. Although they are Austrian I had to order it from Canada and it seemed to take forever to arrive.

The last one I was excited about was Ariel Pinks Haunted Graffiti, this involved a good 45 seconds anxious wait for it to download.

How times change huh.

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Most recently it would probably would have to be BSP's Valhalla Dancehall.

Prior to that maybe the Glasvegas debut. Before that Spiritualized's Songs In A&E

Definately Second Coming though for the most anticipation and excitement. It has grown on me massively over the years but doesn't really hold or deserve a place in my heart.

Edited by pehaw
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I remember feeling that way about three albums; "Where You Been" by Dinosaur Jr (which was bloody brilliant), "Vauxhall and I" by Morrissey (which was absolutely amazing) and... ...wait for it... ...yup, "Be Here Now" by Oasis. It came out on the Thursday before Reading Festival started (I seem to recall - correct me if I'm wrong) so I bought the CD for at home and the tape so we could listen to it at the festival site. Although it's not their greatest album, it's a lot better than a lot of other albums. Without the hype I think it might be quite well liked. Nothing could have stood up under the weight of expectation that accompanied that. Incidentally, wasn't "Fat Of The Land" by The Prodigy released the same day/week? I remember being quite excited by that, too.

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Being third in a very long line outside Rough Trade last year on Record Store day.

Knowing I was guaranteed to get my grubby mits on some quality limited edition vinyl by the likes of Blur,Queens of the Stone Age,Rolling Stones and more had me on quite a high.

Worth the cold 3am alarm call.

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The last one I remember was Metallica - Death Magnetic. Already had it pre-ordered as well as the special edition coffin case, but as soon as I heard that it was getting an early release over here on the Wednesday instead of Friday I rushed down to HMV to pick up a copy and blasted it out in the car.

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Thanks to reading this thread I've realised the Elbow album is out (must've had my head in the sand or something) and have duly purchased. Yes, I've genuinely experienced the emotions we're on about here in the last 20 minutes. I'm on track three and, so far, not disappointed. Although I'm not hearing how this is an album built for arenas (and fields) as the band themselves stated.

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For me its was Blur - Blur, after hearing Beatlebum I just couldnt wait and what an album, new sound plus they had binned the sickly pop sound in favour of a more 'indie' driven sound thanks to Coxon.

Also rans include Pulp - Different Class, Prodigy - Fat of the Land and RHCP - Californication.

Like alot of people sat nothing much has got me going since although the new Strokes and enjoying Noah and the Whale !!

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TBH I don't get that excited about new releases anymore. Maybe I'm old and cynical. Dunno. I think that the most excited I have ever been about an album release was Kid A and I was HORRIFIED on first listen as it was such a radical departure. I quite like it now (in parts) but at the time I was a massive Radiohead fanboy and was gutted. Never really got my expectations up about an album release since TBH. These days I'm more likely to stumble across something little known and unassuming and be blown away by it, which is a feeling I prefer.

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