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So were The Libertines really worth it after all?

Guest lucastang

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No but in The Libertines case yes. I like Frank Turner and I was listening to him since before Million Dead were (kinda) big and I wouldn't stop now that he's in favour with NME but the NME shovel so much shit in The Libertines favour and defend them to such pointless lengths that it's lost alot of the charm I found in the music especially when you talk to a random and they spout the same buzz words as the NME.

ps. I did write a longer post but couldn't be bothered to go down that route

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I didn't think they were too great but they were definately worth it.

It was one of the biggest bookings of the festivals last year and it was big news which is exactly what the organisers want. They want acts that will get them headlines and that's what they got.

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No but in The Libertines case yes. I like Frank Turner and I was listening to him since before Million Dead were (kinda) big and I wouldn't stop now that he's in favour with NME but the NME shovel so much shit in The Libertines favour and defend them to such pointless lengths that it's lost alot of the charm I found in the music especially when you talk to a random and they spout the same buzz words as the NME.

ps. I did write a longer post but couldn't be bothered to go down that route

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the thing is you make it sound like a new thing, nme have always hyped bands up! isnt that the point of publications like nme, kerrang? its all aimed at teenagers who dont know any better and just getting into music, and who have just started to have a bit of spending money.

everyones all for strokes headlining, who were the most hyped band I can remember.

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the thing is you make it sound like a new thing, nme have always hyped bands up! isnt that the point of publications like nme, kerrang? its all aimed at teenagers who dont know any better and just getting into music, and who have just started to have a bit of spending money.

everyones all for strokes headlining, who were the most hyped band I can remember.

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For me personally it was defiantly worth it, as I was down at the front surrounded by people all around me having a great time singing along to the Libertines playing classic tunes. And the plus side being since I was down the front anyway I ended up being on the bar for the Arcade Fire which was an Epic experince.

So from a personal point of view, yes, yes they were worth it.

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I had a great time watching them followed by the amazing Arcade Fire.

And I dont really get the NME argument. They did the same with the Sex Pistols, Suede, The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys and many other bands that people hardly moan about. Yet because Pete is a bit of a dick (which is most peoples reasoning for Libertines hatred, lets face it) people HAVE to be so against them.

If you have objections to the music then you're within your right to dislike them. But lets not get into the age old argument of hating bands because of their endorsement from the NME. I love the band for the way they revolutionised the music scene and how stale post-britpop, dull anthemic rock and the like was pushed away from the mainstream in favour of bands like The Libertines.

Now, I admit I do have my complaints. For example, its not exactly the ideal setting considering the band is better suited to this kind of setting:

But, come on guys. Lets be a little more adult about this sort of thing and discuss music on its MUSICAL merits, not peoples personal hatred based upon how many front pages of the NME a band gets.

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The NME reminds me of a sad twat in a club, the guy that always goes "look at that girl she is well fit & cool" and when he goes to talk to her and she rejecs him he then starts labelling her as a minging slag he wouldn't f**k 2 secs later. They hero worship and then throw a strop but they never stop hero worshipping when stropping.

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