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Greenpeace shut down BP Stations

Guest ministe2003

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Know a lot of people on here will be interested in this, seems BP are going round using the emergency shut off switches to close stations, and replacing their sunflower logo with one drenched in oil!

I'd love to see more pics of this, im really surprised no news network seems to have any because it's been going on since half 5 this morning.

BBC link here.

I think it's great, BP are bad enough as it is, but the fact they have the cheek to charge 5p a litre more than the other stations near me is amazing, I don't know why people use them! Anyway, I digress. Anyone from London with camera phones, get those pics up!

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The only difference between this and any other oil spill is that it's happening in America, the country least undeserving of an oil-related disaster. Where are all the Greenpeace demonstrations against the ongoing negligence of other oil companies towards developing and third world countries, who furthermore are actually gettting away with the crap?

I'm not criticising them for this action, it's well deserved. But it does suggest that they only give a f**k about environmental disasters that affect the west.

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The sad fact is that BP doing badly is dreadful news for the UK. WHilst I can understand some of the greenpeace sentiments, kicking them when they're down isn't go to change things and our economy would be even further up poo creek if they folded.

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The only difference between this and any other oil spill is that it's happening in America, the country least undeserving of an oil-related disaster. Where are all the Greenpeace demonstrations against the ongoing negligence of other oil companies towards developing and third world countries, who furthermore are actually gettting away with the crap?

I'm not criticising them for this action, it's well deserved. But it does suggest that they only give a f**k about environmental disasters that affect the west.

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Think these idiots would be quite as proud if someone got killed?

Don't think too many of them would be quite so forward as to admit manslaughter.

Each to their own....voice your opinions and all of that but tampering with safety equipment is bloody stupid. What next? Are the anti nuclear/coal/gas/wind (because the turbines are ugly / spoils the view of Redcar beachfront....) lot going to start messing with electrical substations?

The rant could carry on and no doubt intensify but it's just plain annoying.

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They turned the pumps off with the cut off switches - no real risk in doing so. I cant think of a situation where the safety of the station would be put at risk unless the pumps were turned back on.

They will get negative exposure from this - they get negative exposure from most of their dealings. Its still a worthwhile action in their view and its got their message out into the wider world. I think a lot of the aggro towards them is a bit over the top though. A few thousand people couldnt stop for petrol this morning...thats pretty much it...

Some of the comments on their website are brilliant. The Rainbow warrior runs/ran on 'dolphin tears and love' apparently :P

Edited by smog
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[quote name=

I think it's great, BP are bad enough as it is, but the fact they have the cheek to charge 5p a litre more than the other stations near me is amazing, I don't know why people use them! Anyway, I digress. Anyone from London with camera phones, get those pics up!

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brand or franchised stations cost that bit extra but the fuel is usually of a better quality

my last vw camper van used to run so much better on fuel from my local esso garage than from tesco,s so was worth paying the extra and driving a bit out of the way

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