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Back to work tomorrow

Guest rischbrit

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Pretty much as it says in the title, I'm back to work and the reality of 'normality' after the best few days ever! I really don't want to go and am longing to be where I was this time last week.

Oh well here's to a tear for Glastonbury 2010 and positive thoughts are needed to get me to June 2011!

Anyone else had to go back to 'normality' yet and how was it?

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Pretty much as it says in the title, I'm back to work and the reality of 'normality' after the best few days ever! I really don't want to go and am longing to be where I was this time last week.

Oh well here's to a tear for Glastonbury 2010 and positive thoughts are needed to get me to June 2011!

Anyone else had to go back to 'normality' yet and how was it?

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I had to go back on Tuesday! It was pretty horrible especially as I had back to back meetings all day. Actually felt my eyes close a couple of times in the afternoon one and thought I was actually going to fall asleep. Fortunately only a couple of people noticed! I'll definitely take the Tuesday off next time!

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Went back today and it was pure hell. Greeted by a million emails, a full calendar of meetings and had to carry round a face like a slapped arse all day. Basically not fun.

I did get to re-live all of my very hazy memories a thousand times over to my envious friends though, so every cloud and all that. And I have a much better tan than all the other desk monkeys which was another bonus :)

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I was back on Tuesday and was so knackered I couldn't even be bothered telling people what a great time I had - I just grunted and said yeah, it was ace. :blink: Then Wednesday it was like I had jet lag, hideous

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Was back in work on the Thursday having learnt my lesson in previous years to take the Tuesday off... but unlike in previous years I then used that Tuesday to get trolleyed down the pub glastobating with friends again. I've done the right thing for next year and just booked my time off for that, taking 2 weeks next year :-) Thank god it's Friday though, need a weekend of doing nothing more than skinning up, sitting in the garden and/or watching the box.

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