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Festival Research

Guest Rosamory

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You are missing the point.

Some people will have ticked five times and some will have ticked four times and the person setting the survey would be none the wiser as to who has answered correctly even although they may have all attended every Glastonbury since the 1 st of January 2004.

Its dead easy as any statistician will tell you GIGO { Garbage In, Garbage Out }

You get around it by asking a clear question such as ' How many times have you attended since the 1 st of January 2000 ? ' or if you are only interested in the last five actual events then How many times have you attended since the 1 st of January 2004.

He/She also assume that everyone has attended at least one event - try to leave question 2 blank and it will display this message ' This question requires an answer. '

By the way what did you give for your answer to question two ? { without making any assumptions }

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Haha. There's sure been a lot of surveys this year. I noticed that someone commented in the 'wibble' forum that we could do with a dissertation sub-forum! :P
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Whilst Rosamory may well have meant that, a natural interpretation doesn't suggest so. It still leads to the main point that glasto-worker has highlighted.

There was another question which seemed a little strange to me as well:

If you answer 'no' to this, you then are asked to state your reasons for not peeing in the hedges etc.

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You're asked to state your reasons for answering no to the final question : Do you think they are an effective method of discouraging such behaviour?

I appreciate your feedback by the way, I'm not a professional researcher so there's bound to be flaws!! It's all really useful, thank you!!

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