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Are there many druggies at Glastonbury?

Guest Fred McMurphy

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Ok I am going to give the gentleman the benefit of the doubt and think he may be real. He may be worried about his grandaughter and is trying to ask somewhere and hope of a sensible answer

So here goes

Sir, Your grandaughter is 19 and wanting to participate in the Glastonbury Festival. It is a common misunderstanding the Glastonbury is 'full' of druggies. You grandaughter would have encountered 'druggies' on any night out in any average city or town and it will not be unusual for her

She is still her own women and will do as she pleases and that means making up her own mind. the temptation to partake in drugs is no more or no less at Glastonbury and if she goes she will have the time of her life. It will open her eyes to things she may never have encountered before, that are totally legal

Sir, when may I ask were you involved in the the music scene. Unless it was a brass band festival I very much expect there were drugs around in all era's - you just may never have been offered them

My own mother decided last year to watch the webcam at Glastonbury to 'see where I was' - she remarked that she was surprised how clean everyone looked, (! yes thats true) and that there was a wide range of ages of people and it wasn't how she expected it to be at all

Glastonbury has a lot of hype and myths, some of them true, some of them not... whatever give your grandaughter your blessing and tell her to have the weekend of her life

PS if you are a troll you've made me look silly now, but I am a trusting fairy !

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You can't move for skaghead and scumbags.

It's like a localised dystopia - a view of humanity in its worst possible condition. A bit like Liverpool on a Saturday night.

I'd be surprised if she isn't on the game by the end of it - to pay for all that juicy skag.

Don't make the same mistakes as us - the skag keeps us going back. We are lost but as a warning for generations after us so they do not fall into the same chasm of damnation as ourselves SAVE HER while you still can.

P.S Got any skag?

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Well it's good to see there are 1 or 2 sensible adults at Glastonbury, but I'm a little shocked with some of the other replies I've had. I suppose there must be a lot of silly little children on here too.

My grand daughter is coming to our house on sunday - after church - and I'll sit down and have a chat with her then. She a sensible lass - doesn't drink - or any of that nonsense sniffing drugs. Don't get me wrong - I like a few pints of best, and a wee dram every now and then, but it makes my blood boil to hear of innocent young kids getting caught up in the wrong crowd and having their lives ruined by druggies.

I've not been too impressed with some of the folk on here and I just want to ask - do you talk to your parents and teachers the way you talk on here? I sincerely hope not.

I respect the younger generation - full of energy and creativity, but some of you also need to look at yourselves in the mirror.

Thank you to the others for taking the time out to give me a sensible answer.


Fred McMurphy

Ps. some of you sound like you ARE druggies!

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Well it's good to see there are 1 or 2 sensible adults at Glastonbury, but I'm a little shocked with some of the other replies I've had. I suppose there must be a lot of silly little children on here too.

My grand daughter is coming to our house on sunday - after church - and I'll sit down and have a chat with her then. She a sensible lass - doesn't drink - or any of that nonsense sniffing drugs. Don't get me wrong - I like a few pints of best, and a wee dram every now and then, but it makes my blood boil to hear of innocent young kids getting caught up in the wrong crowd and having their lives ruined by druggies.

I've not been too impressed with some of the folk on here and I just want to ask - do you talk to your parents and teachers the way you talk on here? I sincerely hope not.

I respect the younger generation - full of energy and creativity, but some of you also need to look at yourselves in the mirror.

Thank you to the others for taking the time out to give me a sensible answer.


Fred McMurphy

Ps. some of you sound like you ARE druggies!

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Well it's good to see there are 1 or 2 sensible adults at Glastonbury, but I'm a little shocked with some of the other replies I've had. I suppose there must be a lot of silly little children on here too.

My grand daughter is coming to our house on sunday - after church - and I'll sit down and have a chat with her then. She a sensible lass - doesn't drink - or any of that nonsense sniffing drugs. Don't get me wrong - I like a few pints of best, and a wee dram every now and then, but it makes my blood boil to hear of innocent young kids getting caught up in the wrong crowd and having their lives ruined by druggies.

I've not been too impressed with some of the folk on here and I just want to ask - do you talk to your parents and teachers the way you talk on here? I sincerely hope not.

I respect the younger generation - full of energy and creativity, but some of you also need to look at yourselves in the mirror.

Thank you to the others for taking the time out to give me a sensible answer.


Fred McMurphy

Ps. some of you sound like you ARE druggies!

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I think it's fair to say that (and I'm still not convinced it isn't) most people who replied thought your question was an obvious wind up. That surely must tell you all you need to know about Glastonbury, i.e. those who've been don't see any credibility in the question.

Yes, you see people taking drugs at Glastonbury, but you on any night out in any city. I never saw any drugs related trouble over the 5 days last year. In fact I only saw one argument between 2 people and suspect that was someone who had been drinking in the sun too long (by the lobster-face).

Regardless, you can't blame a place for such things. If your grandaughter is going to try drugs then she could do that anywhere and chances are you'll never know. The reverse is also true. Try putting some faith in her and I doubt you'll be disappointed.

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send her to T in the Park instead, where she'll encounter nothing but alcohol fuelled bampots pissing and puking everywhere ,

sure you would much rather she hung about with these neds and stay away from those druggies opening up all them gateways that lead down the smack path.?

fuk me ,the church has got a lot to answer for.

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wheres the misunderstanding?? :P glasto and festivals in general are full of druggies, myself included and any mates who have ever went and about 90% of the people i've ever met there have been taking drugs and generally for the entire time they're there! sure you'll get a few oldies who dont bother with them anymore and some weirdos who wont touch anything harder than pear flavoured alcopops but i'd like to think they are the minority and that it will stay that way for however long the festival lasts, the dealing may be a little less obvious than it used to be and unfortunately now you even have to be careful where you smoke a joint but if glasto ever becomes a completely drug free zone just watch the demand for tickets plummet,the john peel tent would hold the entire festival with space left over! or have i just been mixing with a bad crowd? :P
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wheres the misunderstanding?? :P glasto and festivals in general are full of druggies, myself included and any mates who have ever went and about 90% of the people i've ever met there have been taking drugs and generally for the entire time they're there! sure you'll get a few oldies who dont bother with them anymore and some weirdos who wont touch anything harder than pear flavoured alcopops but i'd like to think they are the minority and that it will stay that way for however long the festival lasts, the dealing may be a little less obvious than it used to be and unfortunately now you even have to be careful where you smoke a joint but if glasto ever becomes a completely drug free zone just watch the demand for tickets plummet,the john peel tent would hold the entire festival with space left over! or have i just been mixing with a bad crowd? :P
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Not a wrong crowd but certainly a different crowd, as has been sais alcohol is most deffinately a drug so in that sense I would agree that 90% of the glasto crowd are druggies but as for other stuff dont agree, for me the only real problem is people who dont usualy particularly indulge then think that because they are at a (the) festival they have to take as many drugs of dubious providence as possible and suddenly become indistructable and the prime minister of the world. Beleive it or not I am not interested in every detail of every thing you have ever done you drugged up f**kwit and the fact that I am not interested does not mean that you have a right to moan at me.
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Not a wrong crowd but certainly a different crowd, as has been sais alcohol is most deffinately a drug so in that sense I would agree that 90% of the glasto crowd are druggies but as for other stuff dont agree, for me the only real problem is people who dont usualy particularly indulge then think that because they are at a (the) festival they have to take as many drugs of dubious providence as possible and suddenly become indistructable and the prime minister of the world. Beleive it or not I am not interested in every detail of every thing you have ever done you drugged up f**kwit and the fact that I am not interested does not mean that you have a right to moan at me.
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