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Love the Farm, Leave no Trace.

Guest 4AssedMonkey

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We left one of our tents behind- brand new from Argos and somehow managed to break completely by the Friday, our poor friend was sleeping in a giant puddle on the Sunday, poor sod! That and my wellies that had given up the ghost as well were all we left behind. We did put them right next to the bins though in our defense.

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I always thoroughly check my campsite before leaving and even collect rubbish from other campsites nearby. I can't imagine littering on the street so why should a festival be any different. The number of times I have seen people just dump their trash were they're standing (be it plates/cups/cigarettes etc) is truly mind boggling. Is is so hard to walk to the nearest bin? As for leaving camping supplies behind, one year my tent was ruined (2005, the rain was not my friend that year) and was really not usable anymore. But instead of just leaving it up for someone else to deal with, I packed it up best I could and carried it to the nearest bin. I don't think there is any excuse for leaving anything behind.

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Have to agree that leaving any kind of junk behind is disgusting. How hard is it to pop your rubbish in a bin bag, this is someones land after all.

The majority of efesters are realy clean. Been camping with them and all rubbish is put in the bins. We sometimes have to do a clean-up in the morning, fag ends and stuff. But it's spotless when we leave on the Monday or whenever.

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yes cleared up all our rubbish, not that we had much, we only take a small amount to survive for a few days. although i did lose the stopper thing for airbed, but packed up in the middle of sun night so not surprising really, but otherwise you wouldn't have known we were there .

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don't get me started on this issue. Fecking disgusting, and sadly there are folk on this forum who not only think its OK, think, because of the high ticket cost it is therefore expected that others clear up their detritus - and actually boast about it. If I could find the thread, I'd post it, but it really was quite horrid - and a little embarrassing to know that there are people that are that immature, selfish and disrespectful of the farmland they have just partied on for 5 days - regardless of cost. Sad really. I've got on my soapbox many times regarding "LEAVE NO TRACE" - often to deaf ears.

Additionally, IMO this throwaway society we all live in almost encourages people to buy cheap and dispose. If I could just ask people out there, especially those new to camping and festivals - reuse. Buy a tent that will last you many festivals and camping trips, rather than the 10quid pile of shite which really can only be used one (will leak)... and thus be left in a mangled heap in a field in Somerset. Thankyou. x

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Having read the other thread I agree there were some idiots, but some I feel were missing the point. It's not just about the environmental impact or the disposability of products made in inhuman sweatshops. This is just basic decency and manners FFS, IT'S SOMEONE ELSES LAND AND THEY DERIVE A LIVELIHOOD FROM IT! I don't care if it was all biodegradable products safe for cows to eat made by overpaid buddhists from sustainable sources, who then give the money to UNICEF. You bring it, you sling it.

As a side note, isn't it funny how some people immediately default to the environmental impact when any wrongdoing is raised these days. It's almost Pavlov's Dogs. Not to demean environmental causes, but there are other things to get pissed off about.

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How can you expect people to clear a weekends worth of rubbish up when they can't even put food/drink waste into or near a bin after part consumption. This is evident from the pig stye that exists around the Brothers area!

It really winds me up & makes me feel ill to sit down next to an abandoned half eaten plate of some indescribable food stuff!

Edited by whisty
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Glastonbury is changing.

It used to be a free spirited festival where you could do whatever you wanted, without people judging you.. This also included dropping some litter if that's what you wanted to do.

I think the litter bugs get a hard time on these boards

Edited by norainplease
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Glastonbury is changing.

It used to be a free spirited festival where you could do whatever you wanted, without people judging you.. This also included dropping some litter if that's what you wanted to do.

I think the litter bugs get a hard time on these boards

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Glasto seemed to be worse this year than in 2008 I thought. There seemed to be a lot more litter in general by the Friday.

We never leave anything, even when our tent got jumped on and completely ruined at V this year we packed it up and brought it home. Can never understand people leaving chairs and tents and stuff, just because they can't be bothered to carry them home. It only adds to the expense the year after! And they managed to carry it all the way to the campsite anyway, what's the difference?

We always account for every tent peg, every scrap of litter, and we have a bin bag that we put up when pitching the tent that we put any rubbish in, and it goes in the bin when we leave! It's not hard. And you feel better afterwards.

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I was guilty of leaving a mess this year, and feel bad about it.

We put our rubbish in bin bags but didn't take them to the bins, just piling them neatish in the middle of our campsite, and we left behind a gazebo (packed away) and a 3/4 full crate of Carling (it was on the Sunday afternoon so this might have got drunk that night).

I would have come back for the gazebo, but my friends were insistant on only taking one trip to the cars, and I was too tired / hungover to argue with them.

Next year I will make a point of clearing up properly and taking everything away with me.

I went some way to making ammends by making sure my campsite at The Big Chill was spotless and helping the litter crews by picking up several abandoned cups and plates during the festival.

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This is our campsite just before the last job of taking the gazebo down and packing it up.


By the time we left all that remained was a pile of unused firewood and some rubbish & recycling bags (all fully sorted/separated of course). I even tidied up the remains of two camps next to us (They were pretty good actually, all I really did was consolidate all the rubbish and recycling). Before we left I made everyone walk in a line across where we had camped, picking up butts, wet wipes, roll-up filters etc.

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I was guilty of leaving a mess this year, and feel bad about it.

Next year I will make a point of clearing up properly and taking everything away with me.

I went some way to making ammends by making sure my campsite at The Big Chill was spotless and helping the litter crews by picking up several abandoned cups and plates during the festival.

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