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Not a good year

Guest sh4rpie

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I loved this one and had a great time.

I saw everything from Spinal Tap, Quo, Rolf, Doves, Madness, Pendulum, Wonderstuff and Ed Byrne. Loved every one of those performences in their own right.

Went walkabout in Trash City area.

Never met a knobber the whole weekend, everyone I spoke to was sound.

If you want to see a bland line up and meet some serious erses, head to T with me in 10 days

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I have been going to glastonbury since '95, but this year was a bad year for me and my mates. As has been mentioned before, flags in front of stages, pointless fires full of plastic and chairs, tent thefts, general lack of manners, destruction of toilet doors etc and pissing in bushes really ruined glasto this year for us.

what happened to the drummers at the stone circle?

Then you have the old glasto idea of 'green futures' etc with arcadia blasting out flames (very green spirited) in the next field.

the security around trash city, arcadia and shangri la was so heavy handed and the 'one way system' is a mockery of the freedom that glasto used to offer.

Glasto used to be a place we could go to get away from the trials of life for a few days, but because of the amount of rude, violent and selfish people i saw this weekend i felt like i was at reading.

next year may be my last if it doesnt fix up

bring back glasto!!!! :angry:

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If you hate it that much, just wash your hands of it, and go.

Dont hang around here moaning about it, just to get attention.

Its people like you walking around the site, moody and moaning that are going to change the festival, and not the youngsters from Reading / Leeds that are having a few drinks and having a lot of fun. I met a lot of people with Reading wristbands on this year, and they were all super friendly and gave nothing but positive vibes to the occasion.

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I honestly hope everyone complaining doesn't go next year, can't believe anyone's griping at all especially only a couple of days after. :/
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Out of interest, being a newcomer to this board, are there moaning discussions after every year or is this one unique?
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hang around here to get attention? is that what people do on virtually annonymous forums?. and as for moody and moaning whilst at the festival i think not, i can go to places at the festival to enjoy myself, but those places are dissappearing fast.... and that cant be good.

It's not a hate of the festival, its a hate of what its becoming. this is the first year ive seen it this bad. so im hoping that something will be done so next year is better than this one.

i will still be going next year.... but if it doesnt change, then me and my mates WILL find somewhere that does have that vintage glasto vibe. Which will be a shame, but leaves a few tickets for people who DO like to be amoungst violent, rude and unfriendly 'reading type' people.

without seeing how it was in the past you will have no idea of how it has changed... and in my opinion for the worst. if you have only been in the last few years you may not have even known about the hippy drummers permenantly up at the stone circle or the 100's of fire poi dancers and other people making their own entertainment EVERYWHERE, not just the dude employed by the festival to play drums (on his own) up at the stones.

the vibe is fading and needs to be resuscitated. but without everyone making an effort its not gonna come back. festivals have started to attract 'the wrong crowd' and unfortunately glasto has been hit this year.

fingers crossed peoples attitude to festivals changes, im sick of pricks who spoil things for others.

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Glastonbury is as much about creating your own fun and happiness as it is walking in and going "RIGHT, GIVE ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT". But honestly... there are plenty of smaller and more "alternative" festivals out there - in a festival with something like 1/5 million people on site, there are BOUND to be plenty you don't like. That's just statistics!

I genuinely think I had more fun this year than any year since 2004 or 2005.... yeah, it's not as mental as 1999 or 2000, but those years were f**king dangerous, frankly, and the level of theft/violence was WAY higher than recent years.

Chairs.... are you honestly spending your time in the post-Glastonbury-chill getting angry about chairs? Honestly...

Perhaps they should put up an Open Mic complaints tent in Pennards. It'd be the most popular attraction for the Efests Camp.

Edited by Magma
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What a ridiculous comment. The one way system wasn't there just for the fun of it, it was there for health and safety reasons. The area got so busy, if they had just left every man for himself, there could have been some serious crowd problems, which nobody wants to see.
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Ok there are alot of young people there, but the people that belong at Reading and Leeds will want to cause a fight and make trouble and I didn't see any trouble all weekend. I just think that you reckon your in some sort of Elitist group just because you have been to the old school Glastonburys so you think you have the right so be all snobby about it and complain. To be perfectly honest with you, there is nothing else like Glastonbury in the world and if you stay away from the other stage and the dance village where it's a little bit edgy and go to the Circus Feilds and Green Areas then you will see that the old school Glasto vibe and alternative atmosphere is still very much present. Stop acting like a prat and grow some balls.



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I find this thread slightly perplexing.

I had a brilliant time, and I saw very few of any of these problems.

The odd rude person yeah, but hey, among 177,000 what are the chances eh!

The atmosphere was really great and friendly, had lots of chats with randoms, and that's not something I usually do.

They one way system is so there isn't a giant crush. Yeah it's hassle, but it's a lot better than someone potentially dying.

If i saw anyone doing anything stupid, I pointed out that they shouldn't do that and why. No point moaning about it later, make people feel embarassed into action. Totally got these guys by the JP tent to clean up their tip of a campsite.

I do have to laugh though that one of you reasons for not enjoying Glastonbury was a lack of altruistic drug dealers!

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Im sure you will tell me to stop acting like a prat and grow some balls too... some Glasto spirit that is by the way... but that's just my opinion. I can't help but think this year may have been different to many past years, after all, 135,000 people can't be wrong, but in my opinion certain elements of the Festival are over-hyped, wheras other's are completley under-hyped.

Still, bring on 2010, maybe Il get to see that side of the festival next year :angry:

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