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Unemployed at Glasto

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Well I've tried to exmplain that my comments weren't aimed at people like you but you seem intent on taking my comments the wrong way so I give up. You also seem intent on putting words in my mouth.

I'm not smug, but I do think that those people who do work hard and pay taxes have the right to say that those on benefits should be looking for work not going on holiday. That's just bloody common sense, surely?

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Who are "people"? That's a vast generalisation again. My father was laid off during the recession at the end of the 80s and did everything he could to get another job, it took two years and he had to start at the bottom again. He's not a rarity. There are always scroungers but it doesn't mean all people on benefits are, and there is also nothing wrong with someone seeking a role in the area they've previously been employed in/trained for when first made redundant.

I would quite happy get a minimum wage job if I was made unemployed, but unless I cooked my CV to the point that it looked like I hadn't worked for 10 years, I wouldn't get one. I'm overqualified - it's not always that people don't want to work. If you had a business, and a trained plumber who'd been earning 50k until the recession came to you to work as a waiter, would you hire him, knowing he'd be off as soon as he could? Of course not. Would you expect that plumber to stay in the waiting job for a year out of loyalty when a job in his area comes up? No. It's just not as simple as you're making it out to be.

I hope everyone here who is unemployed has a great time at Glasto and enjoys their break. There's a world of difference between those who have landed on bad times, and those who abuse the system, and I wouldn't like to see the former punished because of the latter.

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I put all your posts on this thread down to ignorance pure and simple. This post wasn't about judging people or making comments on wether it's right or wrong to go to a festival. I just thought that given the current economic climate would that reflect on Glastonbury attendance. The restrictions put on unemployed people to retrain or reeducate are simply Victorian. I've been in the print Industry for 23 yrs in that time i've been laid off three times. The last time was March this year. On the first 2 occasion i was back in work within 2 months. This time the work isn't their full stop. Technology has taken over and with the current situation Jobs are few and far between. So with that in mind i'm trying to retrain, but you are only allowed 16 yrs per week including home study to retrain. Based on that after 3 months of trying to find a skill, trade or just get better qualifications i'm still unemployed.It would either take 2 yrs to get some qualifications or maybe even longer to get qualified to do a specific job. I need to earn a certain amount to survive so i have to get a job that will pay the amount i need. I dont need to earn a massive amount but enough to survive. I'm not lazy or a sponger but i've paid my taxes and money into insurance to protect my house, So i will go TO GLASTO FOR A HOLIDAY and enjoy myself and i'll toast every other unemployed person. I never have or will judge anybody based on the state of their finances unemployed or otherwise. Very few people are out of work by choice me included.

You need to go on that show the secret millionaire and see how the other half live and reality will bite you in the arse big time.

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sadly some people, obviously not all..do think benefits is a 'career' / lifestyle and have no intention of actually getting a job, and just blame everyone else, the school for apparently failing them, the country , the job markets, no good at interviews etc

obviously not everyone, but I do think people perhaps need to be willing to work in a job that's

a) below their qualifications

:O less money

c) not really what they want to do

and / learn new skills-

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sadly some people, obviously not all..do think benefits is a 'career' / lifestyle and have no intention of actually getting a job, and just blame everyone else, the school for apparently failing them, the country , the job markets, no good at interviews etc

obviously not everyone, but I do think people perhaps need to be willing to work in a job that's

a) below their qualifications

b less money

c) not really what they want to do

and / learn new skills-

Edited by pie_and_a_pint
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Why would I go on secret millionaire? I'm not rich and I come from a totally working class background.

My dad is in his mid fifties and has been in the print industry since doing an apprentiship at the age of 16. He's also been made redundant a few times along the way (as recent as last year) but has gone from a plate maker to Mac/Quark expert during that time and has been pro-active about increasing his skills along the way and hasn't waited until he didn't have a job to re-train. He's also had to take voluntary pay cuts as the print industry has declined and worked some pretty shitty hours, including taking an evening job as a Tesco home delivery driver when things got a bit tough a few years ago. He's never claimed benefits and when he's been made redundant he did nothing but look for work.

So don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about.

You don't know what you are talking about. You really have no clue at all do you ? This is today,now not 35 years ago or even last year. This is not being given the oppurtunities to retrain while working. I did permanent nights for 18 years 12 hours shifts 5 nights a week. Maybe your father could see into the future. I have a child and did ahave a gf. This means i have other commitments outside of the 60 hour week i was doing. I never thought i'd have to look outside my trade but i do and its hard very hard unless you finance yourself for 2-3 years while retraining. So ligthen up a bit we are all likeminded in some ways and don't tar us all with the same brush. I applaud the fact you even have an opinion maybe an opinion for another thread or even another place but an opinion all the same. Some don't even have anything on anything. So no hard feelings we can all enjoy this years Glasto irrelevant of our job,income or job status

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You mis-read my post too eh?

There are NOT 7 million unemployed people in the UK, try again.

Look, I take the point that there aren't a huge number of jobs out there at the moment, but recessions are also traditionally a time when the most new businesses and ventures are started. There are always opportunities for those who are enterprising.

Also, I would point out (yet again) that I am not talking about everyone here, I am talking about people who are on the dole and seem quite happy to stay there, people like my brother who has been claiming for the best part of a decade and somehow still manages to spend £150 on a ticket to see the flippin' Rolling Stones!

Anyway, I'm going to stop posting on here because it's getting me nowhere.

At the end of the day it's all about attitude, you've either got the right attitude to working for a living or you haven't. Most of you seem to have the right attitude, I just can't stand people who don't.

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nice one remote

Nyika, yea that is annoying - i'd be pretty put out if I couldn't get my requestedtime off (i ask for reading/glasto off every year), hardly demanding:)

but they try and make us take all our holiday during the winter, as the company is less busy , obviously that doesnt suit most people:)

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ive worked for ten years non stop and im getting 60 quid a week after paying all those taxes...i aint got no housing benefit cos my other half 'earns too much' thus she is paying double rent and we have a baby - i cant just take any job as i was on quite good money and have a massive debt that is now being covered by insurance - i applied for one job 400 people had applied - i hope misfortune does not strike you as you will be eating your words - why you come to Glasto amazes me, where is your empathy??
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