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Gay at Glastonbury?

Guest Tabitharocks

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Totally agree that Glasto is for everyone, however in a sea of 150000 people it's not as easy to find a bit of festival fun. This isn't the reason I go to Glastonbury obviously, but I don't have 'GAY' written on my fore-head like I'm sure a lot of other gay people don't at Glastonbury and sometimes I just wanna be able to chat a gay guy up if I fancy them.
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whata bizarre thing to ask!!! i never realised homosexuality was a special needs cause. :)

hi i'm a lesbian is there anything that caters to me at glastonbury?

yes there's lots of women there and i'm sure you'll be able to buy pipe tabacoo somewhere on site!

Edited by .jay.
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God, this thread has reared it's ugly head again :)


The vast majority of the population is deemed heterosexual (90% is the figure most LGBT organisation has come up with). It is thought that only 5% identify as lesbian/bisexual.

Let's see now!

llcoolphil - 90% of women to choose from.

Chocscoffer - 10% of women to choose from.

Maths is not my strong point but if you think you have problems finding a straight girl then do you fancy trying out my odds :D

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Aye and how many are in relationships? How many don't want to be in relationships? Im just amused by the idea of making it easier to identify particular groups - maybe we could all wear a badge highlighting our sexuality and openness to being chatted up :D

What's wrong with your gaydar anyway? My gay friends tell me it's an infallible method :)

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I agree with Chocscoffer that sometimes you just don't know what someone's reaction is going to be. Especially after a few drinks. I've been at Glastonbury before now and heard homo remarks (plenty of times). I think it's a bit naive to think you could just go up to anyone 'because it's Glastonbury' and chat them up.

Not that I want to get the violins out - I can certainly handle myself, but I just don't see the problem with Downlow being at Glastonbury. It's just offering something a bit different (for everyone) and certainly not excluding anyone.

The comments like 'I'm ginger, am I catered for at Glastonbury' just seem a bit daft....

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You should have read threads similar to this one last year! I mentioned a gay meet being set. You'd have thought I was suggesting sacrificing small children :)

Oh and I will be trying to get another meet going this year, hopefully with a little more success (bloody mobile phones!).

Edited by Tim2006
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How many straight to gay people are there in the world though? Many more straight than gay, no? Straight is the norm, like it or not.

Yes the talking bit probably works, but if 90 per cent of your potential mates are just not interested down to sexual preference, you're gonna have to do a hell of a lot of talking to find the ten percent (if that's the proportions) who ARE interested.

And like choc already said - if you chat up a straight person and they don't lik eit, they'll possibly beat you up. Not just reject you.

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I wont beat anybody up because they are hitting on me. In fact I will probably snogg them just because it has been so friggin long! :)

Seriosly, I have never had any issue nor have my friends.

I have alot of close Gay mates (mainly male) and I know the crap they go through.

I would hope that Glasto is above that sort of immaturity. But to be honest I cant say as I have not been in that possition.

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"You won't get beaten up at Glastonbury for misunderstanding for someone's sexual preferences."

I am 99 percent sure that is true. But I am also 99 per cent sure I won't get my stuff nicked from my tent by thieving scrotes who have no interest in the "live and let live" attitude of most of the festy goers. It happens though.

I wouldn't be able to say for definite it won't happen - and anyway there's only 5 days, I can understand a person's desire to cut to the chase and not have to wade through acres of "not interested" to get to the right people!!

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Glastonbury is not this utopia that everyone is trying to make out. I remember 2 things from last year - my mate who is quite obviously gay asked someone where a tent is (that Will Young was playing on). As soon as my matyes back was turned, all these peole were taking this piss out of him on the grounds that he's gay. When I challenged them (they didn't realise I was with him) they said something along the lines of 'I'm from London, I'm not homophobic!'.

The second thing, was outside the tent when Will Young was actually on. Will young said 'hello' and this big group of lads were saying 'hello, I'm a bender'. Liking Glastonbury does not equate to being tolerant of people who wanna shag people of the same sex...

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