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Guest Olivavu

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Johnny Cash is up there with Dylan. Trent Reznor???? Avin a bubble aint ya? Downward Spiral is ok for a while...and the songs The Fragile > Just Like You Imagined are decent, but apart from that he's just an average composer. f**k his words and singing are atrocious. Continuously writes about stuff that is on NO ONE'S mind and in the most souless manner imaginable. Juat f**k off now. Crappidy crap crap crap.
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Not trying to cause controversy but maybe spark a little debate...

I find Pearl Jam lyrics to be a little contrived (though not terribly). Vedder seems to go into quite a lot of detail but sometimes also strains his analogys a little. a bit narrative for me. I prefer things a little more abstract, allowing the listener more space for interpretation and more gaps to fill in. not necessarily too vauge or having too much double meaning. I also feel, reading or listening to them, the style lacks immidiacy.

just a pointless observation. :blink:

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Not trying to cause controversy but maybe spark a little debate...

I find Pearl Jam lyrics to be a little contrived (though not terribly). Vedder seems to go into quite a lot of detail but sometimes also strains his analogys a little. a bit narrative for me. I prefer things a little more abstract, allowing the listener more space for interpretation and more gaps to fill in. not necessarily too vauge or having too much double meaning. I also feel, reading or listening to them, the style lacks immidiacy.

just a pointless observation. :blink:

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Wrap your literal goggles around this my friend.

One, two, three, four, five against one... etc

Ambiguity that bitch!

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I love the way it moves around without staying to long on a thought yet has a coherent theme and conveys the song in groups of 2-3 lines. not sure I'm articulate enough to state my case but that's the way it goes :blink:
Edited by Cultseeker
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They certainly like a colour scheme.

And I thought you were after ambiguity?

Edited by wheres the mudfight
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Thats a present day cultural metaphor belonging to the extremities, which I find so very cliche.

The apple is the life bringer - 'the kind that monet buys'.

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John, John was a little crippled midget lesbian boy

but stood ten foot tall with a knife

Pretty soon a mole had appeared on John's left leg

and real black it extended out 469 different miles

and verily verily it was 69 different nuns

speaking simultaneously to John in 69 different languages

And then it evolved itself and it was the legless dog that became

a cycle in John's father's forehead

And there it was like a twinkie with a halo storm in it

and it revolved down into the sky and talked to John

like he was a little puppy himself

And John said that I am not the magma, I am not the crust

and I shall evolve when the rain had come down here and washed on John

And he said that I will be a cigerrate butt before it's all done with

And they said no, you are the flame itself and you shall burn pure

in the South American sky where the blooddogs worship the stairway

Make of that what you will, seemed to make sense on 'shrooms

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it is a cliche, and I don't find matt skiba to be a cliched writer, certainly in style or his use of words, and the way the songs. I think that line is an anomoly, there's one or two in his songs but there's some great lines which more than make up for them. also I find him less likely to crowbar in some fairly criminal rhymes which I read (though couldn't tell you where) in the PJ songs. part of what I'm getting at is that I like songs where 2-3 lines can be taken in isolation and mean something, that when they sit in the rest of the song can mean something else or more than one thing. I find from the (ok limited I grant) PJ stuff I read, the style isn't like that and tends to develop a story more. (I'm not criticising the style as such just explaining why I don't like it so much :blink: )
Edited by Cultseeker
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John, John was a little crippled midget lesbian boy

but stood ten foot tall with a knife

Pretty soon a mole had appeared on John's left leg

and real black it extended out 469 different miles

and verily verily it was 69 different nuns

speaking simultaneously to John in 69 different languages

And then it evolved itself and it was the legless dog that became

a cycle in John's father's forehead

And there it was like a twinkie with a halo storm in it

and it revolved down into the sky and talked to John

like he was a little puppy himself

And John said that I am not the magma, I am not the crust

and I shall evolve when the rain had come down here and washed on John

And he said that I will be a cigerrate butt before it's all done with

And they said no, you are the flame itself and you shall burn pure

in the South American sky where the blooddogs worship the stairway

Make of that what you will, seemed to make sense on 'shrooms

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Hear my name, take a good look

This could be the day

Hold my hand, lie beside me

I just need to say

I could not take a-just one day - this refers to western ignorance of the facts required to move forward (the taking of placating drugs)

I know when I would not ever touch you hold you

...feel you...in my arms...never again...

This is a love song. Plenty other stuff in their though, wouldn't you agree?

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does he write footnotes or similar disecting the songs? or is that your interpretation? I can see what you mean but I don't think the lines are necessarily that explicit (which is a good thing). it's not that I don't find the lyrics interesting, more that they don't really make the hairs on my neck stand up or make me feel emotional really.
Edited by Cultseeker
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His emphasis says all mate.

I put this forward in reaction to your saying that Vedder sings in pure narrative. He doesn't, he always alludes to either the bigger or smaller world. It's a common trait amongst all grunge bands. Cornell being the master of this.

EDIT: 'Hand all over' being the most explicit example of this. Check it out.

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The point is that you can go round in eternal circles arguing the meaning of lyrics. Only the writer can really understand what they're on about and even then only the person listening can understand what the lyrics mean to them at that moment in time. Its pointless trying to argue who writes better or more meaningful lyrics, you can hear a song a hundred times with no reaction until one day something happens or changes in your life and 1 line from that song will hit like a freight train.
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