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ASOIAF Spoilers


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do we know that Lady Stoneheart will appear this series?

If so it will be as Wooderson says with Brienne/Pod in the last episode - and the point of introduction to the Lady - as Windy says the hood lowering - fade to credits


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Scene between Jamie and Tyrion so vastly changed from the books. Doesn't sit well with me at all. His route to the Hand's Chamber/defensive reaction with Shea all poorly handled.

Bloodraven/Leaf also odd.

Brienne V Sandor tho. What a slobberknocker! Loved it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, season 5....where do you think that'll take us?

I guess they have to get a couple of seasons out of ADWD, to give Grr a chance to finish TWOW. I know the creators know how ASOIAF will end, but I'd think they'd want book six out (2015/6?) and then wing it for book 7 (2020/30!).

As for S5, my guess:

Arya - all on her training in house of black and white, maybe end when she becomes blind

Wall - maybe drag it out to 'Mance's burning halfway through. And some wildlings coming threw the gate at the end

Tyrion - have him arrive at Mereen by the end.

Cersei - Maybe the build up to being arrested and with the fallout of her admission in S6

Sam - voyage to Oldtown

Brienne - seems like a Stoneheart finale, with her mooching round the riverlands for most of the series.

Davos - Arrested in White Harbour - though could be skipped

Stannis - capturing Asha/Yara

Dany - just dragging out the Merreen story - prob the marriage at the end.

Theon - get him to Winterfell for the 'Arya' wedding - though Jeyne was never really mentioned in S1.

Bran - ?

Sansa - ?

Plus there seems to be loads of new characters to meet - Victarion, Euron, Griff, Young Griff, Quentyn, Doran and the rest of Dorne. And kill off Balon Greyjoy.

So lots to cover, but think they may miss out a lot of the new characters / other story arcs, so could get it further ahead, but not sure it wants to.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I know this thread is effectively dead until S5 or a new book (ha!), but saw an ASOFAI article in the Times the other day which caught my eye. Apparently statisticians have analysed the books and made a claim the Jon Snow is statistically unlikely to survive to the end of TWOW. Something to do with the number of POV characters - there are too many alive, at the end of ADWD, so some culling is needed - analysis somehow shows the Jon's number is up.

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  • 6 months later...

So what did the book readers make of S5E1?

I think they eluded to the secret behind Mance's burning pretty well with some of the shots - I think the non bookies will appreciate it when they watch back a second time.

Not sure what they're doing with Sansa - any idea where Littlefinger is whisking her away to? I guess she's pretty much up to date in the books.

Not sure how much further they'll get ahead of the books by the end of the series, as the pace is relatively slow. They may snip out Aegon/Griff, as the focus seems to be getting Tyrion to Mereen,

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So what did the book readers make of S5E1?

I think they eluded to the secret behind Mance's burning pretty well with some of the shots - I think the non bookies will appreciate it when they watch back a second time.

Not sure what they're doing with Sansa - any idea where Littlefinger is whisking her away to? I guess she's pretty much up to date in the books.

Not sure how much further they'll get ahead of the books by the end of the series, as the pace is relatively slow. They may snip out Aegon/Griff, as the focus seems to be getting Tyrion to Mereen,

I've seen the next two episodes so will avoid these überspoilers!

Explain your thoughts on Mance? There was no exchange... Or are you referring to Mel's need to burn someone?

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I've seen the next two episodes so will avoid these überspoilers!

Explain your thoughts on Mance? There was no exchange... Or are you referring to Mel's need to burn someone?

There were a lot of shots of Tormund during the burning - when there didn't need to be if they weren't going to do the spell. Not sure if I'm seeing things that weren't there or not. Seem a disappointment to kill off Mance though, despite what might happen at Winterfell in the books.

Read the preview in the paper of this weeks episode so know where Sansa is headed - really confused how they're going to play this one out. I never expected them to stick rigidly to the books, but there's some big deviations coming by the sounds of it.

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I reckon that'll be the last Wall scene of the series - a good cliffhanger and fit's nicely with the books.

Not sure what else they'll cover up there between now and then though. I guess sending Sam, Gilly and Aemon away, letting the Wildlings through to the other tower, and the prep of Stannis going to Winterfell.

What are the fellow readers' thoughts about the deviation in sending Sansa to Winterfell. I suppose it makes sense, as she has something to do this season and no one will remember Jeyne from S1.

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Looks like they are going to be heavily focusing on cersei's downfall, reckon they will really play up her walk of naked shame! It will be one of the series biggest moments!

For me, the Cersei chapters were the strongest parts of the last two books, so it makes sense for them to focus heavily on her.

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On Scottie's point from the GOT thread, yup plenty of book characters don't seem to be appearing on TV.

Aegon (a shame, as think could be a big character in the next book).

Griff - see above

Quentyn - fair enough - felt a pointless character in the books, other than announcing the Dornish support of Dany. Poor kid made it all the way to Merreen to get toasted. Waste of pages.

Harry the Heir - though quite like how the telly has changed Sansa's story.

Jeyne Poole - as above

Am sure there are more.

Anyway - last night - what the hell - not a single story per the books. Some deviation expected/ welcome, but feels very different.

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Forgot this thread:

Aegon's non appearance is pivotal - if he's not in the TV series he's another one that's going to be killed off - making his growing role pointless in the novels, as is Jon's. So no mention of House Connington.

WTF: Just read that internet rumour is:

Jon Snuurrr is going to be fulfilling the role of Aegon.

Edited by 5co77ie
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