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Stone Circle

Guest The Pumpkin King

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sorry if been covered elsewhere..

but did many of you get up there this year? If so how was it compared to other years?

always one of the biggest attractions of Glastonbury for me; but a buggered leg stopped me getting up there this year

be interested to know if it was thriving/full of usual characters etc.Any pics/stories welcomed..!

cheers ;)

Edited by The Pumpkin King
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Spent around 10hrs up sunday morn/day. Absolutely mollerd, made for one the most surreal experiences ever! Some right old characters knocking around. Some of the conversations i heard were extremely funny aswell...

Got any Ket? I'll swap you some mandy for some ket!?

ive got a bit of ket, mandy aswell... i'll trade some ket for you're friends sunglasses tho?

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I usually camp in Kidney Mead/Big Ground but due to getting in the site late ended up camped in Dairy Ground so usually stopped off at the stones each night/morning to "wind down"

Usual sort of faces f**ked out of their heads, although it basically just seems to be one big nos balloon place these days.....place was completely littered with the canisters and balloons.

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Went up on Wednesday, brilliant as ever!! Sadly hurt my ankle and couldn't get up there the rest of the time, but only heard good stories from friends! That's the one place we can all agree will never change! (Minus balloons...)

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x2 on the nos, it seems to be on the decline now.

We arrived just as about 20 security were carting away one blonde shirtless guy with proto dreads (no police in attendance) on Sunday evening, we were just passing through and stopped a while to check out the atmosphere, never spent any real time there this year (for me Wednesday night is usually stone circle night, this year it was dragging shit through the carpark night) but spent a fair amount on the neighbouring hills getting politely toasted. The numbers heading up there through croissant neuf always seemed about as steady as ever.

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Spent a bit of time there with my parents on the last night. I rather enjoyed it as I'd never been there in the evening before, seeing all the wax flares was beautiful. Didn't see anything of the drugged up/weird variety, found it all rather peaceful :) It was packed though.

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I went up there a few times at bout 4-5am and stayed till late morning on each occasion, each time it was packed with loads of people, most of them doing NOS, but was a lovely atmosphere. Was brilliant seeing the sun come up Friday morning and everyone cheering, it really is a magical place at sunrise/sunset - i almost cried!! I never thought of going up there around midnight/1pm because it was usually too cold/raining, I think most people had the idea to go up there at sunrise this year as it started to become warmer.

Also, me and my sister spent ages playing on the see-saw :D

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I was looking forward to taking the kids up there and have a true earth mother moment by breastfeeding the baby!

We went up at 7am on friday morning, sat on the hill and ate our breakfast, the place was strewn with colour from the balloons that people had left, although it was all rubbish it did look quite pretty! So many cannisters left lying around which was sad :(

So we sat there eating breakfast when a guy from a group next to us got down on all fours and starting throwing up for ages.. great start to the day and lovely for my children to see :rolleyes:

We then went up again on Saturday night, i told my nine year old to not look behind her as she walked up the hill, so when she actually did her face was a picture, got some lovely shots of her sitting on a stone looking out over Glastonbury. She loved it!

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I can't remember which day it was... middle of the day, somewhere between Thursday and Saturday :P but was anyone else there when the police nabbed a guy just up the hill from the circle, he broke away and bolted down the hill, police in close pursuit, and then two randoms further down and off to the side jumped up and sprinted lengthways across the hill, timing it right so they ran straight into the path of the police, and when they got there, then 'accidentally' both tripping over and hitting the deck (hard) right in between the 'offender' and police, thus pulling the police up and giving the lucky guy enough room to make his break, down and out through the bottom? Very funny. Obviously brought a great cheer from all assembled.

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Not really. Doesnt matter if you are at Glastonbury or a concentration camp. Some dude smashing his missus around the place is gonna get some attention and 99% of the time physical interaction with fists will prevail. I know that if I witnessed a dude smashing his missus to the floor id be in there to break it up and Glastonbury or not if he kicked off hed get a knuckle sandwich.

Dont agree with random people running up n chunning him though. Grow some balls.

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