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Toilet tips

Guest so_wot

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I love Glastonbury and just being there. The toilets are the worst bit for me. Some seem to enjoy them !!! But each to their own I suppose. What are your top toilet tips, perfect poo pointers etc etc

Mine depends on being like me ie someone who wakes up early regardless of when I went to bed and what state I'm in. Drinking water before I go to bed helps. I try to make myself get up and go to the toilets for a poo. Sometimes I go for a walk to get it going. It's a great time to see things in a different light. The toilets are also usually quieter, cleaner and cooler. Then of course I go back to my pit, feeling lighter and smug in the knowledge that I will not have to face it when they are at their rankest or risk missing something.

I've been advised to wear boots/wellies as you don't know what you're stepping in and to try not too eat too much red meat. Not necessarily practical.

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A mask sounds a good idea. Have a papery face mask but a gas mask could be interesting. Practical, yet stylish in a fetishistic sort of way.

As for being regular, I find an early morning amble round the site as everyone else snores, grunts and farts away is both another way to enjoy the Glastonbury experience and a natural way to get things going. Risks scaring the gf when I come back of course but as we're going for separate tents this year it will not be a problem.

Edited by so_wot
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Stone circle compost toilets are great?

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I don't have any issues with the toilets. The smell of a hot turdis turns my stomach a bit but the long/high drops are fine.

That said, my better half (who would never camp at a festival in a million years), having seen what they look like did say "so people just walk past and they can hear you pooing? How do you even unclench?" Stagefright - a strange beast.

I am however the sort of person who would shush a crowd of strangers, rip off a 10 second fart and then expect appreciation and applause.

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Dont eat about 10 hot dogs like I did one year meaning I had to visit the loos about 8 times one evening including a particularly traumatic trip to the african ones near the stone circle in pitch black conditions :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Also try to go in after a fragrant looking girl and not a big smelly looking bastard!

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I carry a roll of TP and hand sanitizer with me, as well as some nice mints. Pop a mint in your mouth if it the smell is too bad, and you get a nice minty-poo smell. Also, there's banks of individual porta-loos near John Peel (if my memory serves) that seem to go under-used and over-cleaned. I liked them very much.

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Always carry enough bog roll with you as you never know when the need may come upon you.

A trip up to Flushing Meadows may be worth it if you're shy/desperate/need to spend a bit of time sitting waiting for things to get going.

Other than that, antibacterial gel to make sure you can clean your hands afterwards.


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I would definately say long drops are the way to go, freeflowing air so you don't get overwhelmed by the fumes, i cannot say i am really bothered by the toilets but do tend to stick to long drops and make a mental note of the ones with locks.

My other half hates anything but flushing loos and urinals (he emerged from a long drop in 2008 looking like he had been through the most horrifying experience!) but that could be a male/female thing, us girlies have to sit all of the time (unless you're brave enough to use a Shepee), so have to stay calm and carry on so to say!

Always keep a small packet of tissues with me and hand sanitiser is a must and carry a small torch around at night so you can check out the seat to avoid squatting incidents.

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