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what will you do first?!

Guest hotwaterbottle

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Or you could keep standing very far away until one of them sees you, then fade away into the crowd. Then get another mate to text one of them saying you've died in a car crash in America. That'll freak them out, and possibly ruin everyones festival but would be a laugh.

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Do it a few times and you develope a ritual.

Tent up

Unpack and sort out

Fetch water

brew up a cuppa

Sit down, turn on the radio and tune it in to the festivals own station, (radio Avalon or what ever it is called this year)

Sit, chill, sup cuppa and soak the atmosphere!

I do not consider myself truely there untill that cuppa is finished.

Then sort day bag out, go for a bimble, meet the neighbours and amble down to the cider bus whilst shopping for a blanket. B)

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Do it a few times and you develope a ritual.

Tent up

Unpack and sort out

Fetch water

brew up a cuppa

Sit down, turn on the radio and tune it in to the festivals own station, (radio Avalon or what ever it is called this year)

Sit, chill, sup cuppa and soak the atmosphere!

I do not consider myself truely there untill that cuppa is finished.

Then sort day bag out, go for a bimble, meet the neighbours and amble down to the cider bus whilst shopping for a blanket. B)

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Pitch tent.

Inflate self-inflating mattress that no longer self-inflates

Throw sleeping bag on top of said mattress

Tip entire remaining contents of rucksack into tent in a random fashion

Open up camping chair

Sit on camping chair, enjoy aperitif (or two) of canned G&T.

Bimble to Jazzworld. Eat Pieminister. Drink Strawberry Brothers (or two)

Bimble to Stone Circle and beyond.

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Pitch tent.

Inflate self-inflating mattress that no longer self-inflates

Throw sleeping bag on top of said mattress

Tip entire remaining contents of rucksack into tent in a random fashion

Open up camping chair

Sit on camping chair, enjoy aperitif (or two) of canned G&T.

Bimble to Jazzworld. Eat Pieminister. Drink Strawberry Brothers (or two)

Bimble to Stone Circle and beyond.

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Have got a nice routine going.

Put everything down, open beer, stand there taking it all in, few long sips then put the tent up whilst wife gets the water.

Put the chairs out and another beer to relax from slog of walk from car and watch other people put tents up, talking to those around us.

Have a read of the programme making a note of who seeing knowing it will all go out the window when Friday starts.

PAck the day bag and go for a wander with a few beers to see if old favourites are there and whats new.

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Bit different for me this year. I moved to the States just after last years Glastonbury. All my mates dont think im going this year so im going to surprise them. Once i get in i will just wander around the site for a few hours with a few beers and give all of my mates a chance to get into the festival. Knowing my luck though they will probably camp in a different area this year.

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1st year in a caravan so very different to last 21 years of struggling in with ruck sack weighing a tonne! So excited to have such luxury B) Will be even better when tickets arrive :unsure: putting awning up will be 1st thing we do on arrival I should think :D

Edited by purplebridget
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