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Taking kids

Guest lilpixieuk

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We are thinking of taking our two year old with us to Glastonbury this year and wondered who else was taking children or have in the past. Any tips you could pass along???

We are going to be camping with Tangerine Fields in the family section and its our first Glastonbury as well, but we have done other festivals in the past before the lil one.

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We are taking our lad who will be 14 months old by then, really looking forward to it and I think he will have a marvelous time. I would love to get my hands on a Wonder Wagon, any idea where i can get one?

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We're taking our little boy who'll be 10 months come June. So excited about taking him :D

We've been looking around for carts but can't seem to find a good one, the Radio Flyers look good but are incredably expensive so I think we're going to buy a garden one and modify it ourselves.

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I really don't think I would take a young child to Glasto.

Ok so I know it is 'child friendly' in that Kids get in free and there are kids attractions, but not like an actual Kids / Family event that is set up and concieved with kids in mind.

I would def take kids to something like that, but to Glasto, with 100,000 people, a LOT of drink, drugs and not as much common sense as you'd hope for.

I don't have kids, so haven't viewed this through the eyes of a parent, and obviously you have made up your mind to go. But pretty sure when ever my nipper comes along, we will no longer be going to Glasto. Reckon we would day-trip to T in the Park (assuming we had a babysitter) and would def look into a Kids / Family event.

Kids = major lifestyle choice.

Edited by scappaflow
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I disagree there. Glastonbury is very child friendly and from what we've seen in previous years punters are very respectful and helpful to those with kids. I certainly feel happier taking him to glasto than I would taking him to the football which is supposed to be very child friendly these days.

Yes kids are a big lifestyle choice but they also don't mean that your life has to stop. Plus I think involving them in the things your passionate about is by and large good for both of you.

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I'd agree with redmosquito. I've taken my kids to Glastonbury for the past 4 years and found it perfectly safe. We avoid main stages (unless there is something one of us really wants to see) purely because (being short) the kids can't see much if they are in a huge crowd and we spend a lot of time in the area around the park & the circus area / kidz field / green fields / leftfield tent. They often go off & explore (with an agreed meeting place) and know the site pretty well. If they get lost, people are generally helpful / friendly. With a baby / toddler, I'd take a sling and (as people above have suggested) a 3 wheeled buggy. Also (if it looks as if it could be a cold / muddy one) make sure you have lots of warm clothes for the little one and bin bags to put him / her in when in the buggy to keep the mud off. I know the past 3 years have been largely dry but it is hard going at Glastonbury if it is wet. 2007 was our first glastonbury & the the weather was awful. My youngest was 3 & spent most of her time (when she wasn't in the green fields / kids field / smaller tents) in a sling (the mud on a lot of the site was too deep for her walk in) or an old 3 wheeled buggy, wrapped in fleeces and bin liners. We all had a had a brilliant time though.

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Oh, and scappaflow, there are large areas of Glastonbury festival (far bigger than any 'families only' event I can think of) that ARE designed specifically for families & children. The thing about Glastonbury is that is is incredibly diverse. 10 different people could go and have completely different festivals. I have friends whose idea of a festival is to sit in chairs near main stages for most of the day, others who dash around seeing all sorts of up & coming bands, some who go for the late night areas & others (like myself) who spend the festival mooching around the ids fields / green fields etc & are lucky to see 4 or 5 bands in total. We all seem to have a good time though.

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