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stuck in a rut

Guest markeee

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I felt like that years ago, same pubs, same nightclubs weeke in week out then I just decided to move on, try different places and had a much better time. Now I don't go out that much to nightclubs and I much prefer an all dayer on a Sunday rather than a Saturday night out.

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I can't be assed with Blackpool ever, too much trouble with all the stag and hen parties every weekend. Preston's going the same way too... I get bored in a club now :(

I prefer a gig, the Empress Ballroom is a great venue! Failing that, its pubs for me mostly now.


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Don't tend to go out to clubs much at all these days, seems to be when us eFest lot invade Glasgow a couple of times a year B)

Don't even go out in my local town (Kirkintilloch), have been here nearly 4 years and been out about 4-5 times. Not much here though, a Weatherspoons, couple other pubs I would go in and a club I would never dream of going in.

Tend to drink more in the house, or occasionally go to Fife and see mates there as I don't know many people here.

Prefer a Saturday sesh in the pub, or just stay in and save money.

Summer though am away to that many festivals I rarely go out at all up the road.

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I'm currently in the grips of my Unis freshers week. I'm sick of clubbing for at least a month now. Every night its the same songs :rolleyes: I came in last night and just ordered a ticket to see SLF on Monday. I'm in need of a good run around :)

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Unfortunately most towns/cities just have the bog standard clubs where there's a local DJ playing R&B crap. imo clubs are only worth going to if either

a) its a rock/metal club and I get to hear my favourite tunes blasted at top volume with a load of mates

b.) its a proper club club. i.e. you go there for the clubbing experience (get mashed up, see a world class dj or act and loose yourself for the night, they're a bit more like a gig i suppose). You need to be in a big city for these type of club nights though.

If its one of the "shirts/no trainers" type clubs, which too often frequent our cities, then f**k'em. Never understood the no trainers thing. In my experience its only the nobs who go out in their best shoes. Its supposed to keep chavs out, but in my experience it ends up having the opposite effect. If I know i'm going to a place that needs balck shoes, I'm 95% certain I'm going to hate it.

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The ONLY decent club in the whole of Stoke was the Void! That was my first club ever... and set me on a whole new path...lol. I met Craig Charles there, got trollied for the first time there, fell in love with dance music there and got the DJing bug there... I was gutted when they closed it down.

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the no trainers thing is a bit silly. i don't really get it.

the palace in hamilton has a no trainers rule and it's a total riot, there's fights there all the time.

so i don't really know what they're trying to achieve by making people wear shoes.

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Yeah I hate the clubs in Bournemouth (Never really been to clubs in London, apart from Propaganda at the o2 islington and this random american punk night at the Scala with a couple of swedish girls). I will go out in actual town if its someones birthday or for a course social and think its shit, but go to save face.

I do really like our student club, the old firestation, some top nights in there, and only 3 quid entry on a friday night, saturdays it has something a bit different every week which is good. and ofc in the week the normal student fancy dress parties :lol:

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