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Preferred Drink To Take?!

Guest festival_badger

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Jelly baby vodka, plus skittles and fruit salad in production.....


In the image... back to front, left to right....

mixed skittles, yellow skittles, red skittles, orange skittles, Fruit salad

Black Jelly babies, orange Jelly babies, red Jelly babies, mixed Jelly babies

WIll be tested and strained , report to follow, if I can still see...

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I'm normally a bitter drinker, but found it just too hot last year - so hopefully will have the same problem this year!

I mostly drink red wine and coke though, the ultimate festival drink. Strong enough to get you going, but not so strong that you burn out early.

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Port and brandy, decanted into plastic bottles obviously.

1/3 brandy to 2/3 port, makes a lovely evening drink, even a breakfast sup if needs be.

To paraphrase The Shamen though .... He's the kind of geezer who should never be abused .......

Drink safe kids :P

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Usually take JD to mix with lemonade brought on site but fancy a change this year will probably bring some for the hip flask.

I was thinking Pimms to mix with lemonade but it wouldn't really be the same as the full on with fruity bits and ice; Port however does sound like it could work very well.

Recommend weston's organic as a cider that doesn't taste too rank warm.

Oh and if you can find them; the Wethers with creamy filling make an excellent flavoured vodka as do Jelly tots.

Edited by ktej
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Hmm, I got a small bottle of vodka for my birthday this year and was planning to do something fruity with it. Might have changed my mind now though!!!

We'll definitely be taking a box or two of red wine along with plastic bottles of some undecided spirits. Maybe Southern Comfort as I can drink it straight but I'm not sure about a weekend of furry teeth. Maybe tequila for a truly excellent buzz. Or maybe vodka of one flavour or another!

Will also definitely be freezing some cartons of OJ, either for mixing or breakfast (or both :P )

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I would take port, but last year I spilled it all over the teepee so I don't think I'll be allowed this year. Prolly stick to some boxes of westons cos it's easy to transport and not glaaaaassssss


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for the jelly baby vodka use 1L of good quality vodka and a cinema sized bag of jelly babies. take out all the black ones and eat them [they ruin the colour!] then stuff the rest into the bottle and leave for one to two weeks to dissolve


...and as you can imagine, very sweet :P

personally i'll be taking a large flask of sambuca - though i've not decided between black or cranberry yet - as the flask can't be used for anything else as it still smells of 'buca from last year despite many many washes and soaks

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Booze at Glasto threads always make good reading!

Although my name suggests otherwise, Red Stripe is my canned lager of choice. Took 48 cans last year.

My wake up drink of choice is a power point. It consists of vodka, red bull and WKD Blue. Gets the day off to a great start.

Last year I took port in a hip flask, which was a nice treat in the evenings. Less so when it was the only thing I had to wash down an asprin at 6am on Sunday...

Boxes of wine are also a good idea. I also like a couple of bottles of the pre-mixed Ribena to give the liver a rest.

I'm going to make more of an effort to keep it cool this year but it's never that bad. I normally leave a few cans in a bucket of water.

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I like to take Captain Morgan rum mixed with Old Jamaica fiery ginger beer, stored in the Old Jamaica 2l bottles. It's the ginger beer you use that makes all the difference, as it needs to be really strong - that way it still tastes magic when warm. Use weak ass ginger ale and it tastes rank. It's dangerously tasty though. :P

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So far my tasting is going well.

Jelly Babies don't break down very well and absorb the vodka, may turn into a fun festival sweet instead :P

Fruit salad dissolves really well and tastes great, mixes nicely with soda water.

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