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Nos/Laughing gas

Guest Alexiss

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Last year I worked, their policy was to confiscate it at the gates if they found it. One guy tried to argue it wasn't illegal etc but they just said "We know what its for, we're not stupid, and it's not allowed in".

However I highly doubt they'd even take it off you once you're in, certainly didn't see any signs of it.

You won't get in any trouble for it anyway, as it isn't illegal.

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do you mean a cannister of medical nos or a creamer?? if they find either at the gates they'll confiscate them. remember whippets and creamers might be legal but selling balloons to people to inhale is not and i did hear that a guy was arrested last year up at the stone circle for selling it (i also saw a security guard do a balloon on the monday morning up at the stone circle whilst standing up... seconds later he collapsed on his arse and looked like he didnt know what had hit him while the guys who gave it to him stood and laughed at him for ages! :P wish i'd got it on video!) if you do want to bring it in dont take all your stash in at once just incase and get one of these... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SILVER-CRACKER-DISPE...=item2c53e0ef2c

much easier to hide than a creamer although stopping your boxes of whippets from giving off that familiar jingling sound can be a bit more tricky!

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Yeah we've had a mini dispenser for years. Has an adapter for two sizes of cartridge. Very handy pocket size. No need for those great big things.

(To others) Hey nobody's saying that NOS is the most amazing thing ever... it's just a bit of a laugh and pretty harmless, that's all. (cue someone posting a dramatic story of a younf girl who died after taking NOS).

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You can get the dispenser for about £20 online, its worth the risk taking them in coz you only need to sell 10 and you have made your money back! I got mine from www.discountcream.co.uk im pretty sure it was the cheapest online n the guy gave me 10% off my 2nd order :P

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you're doing it all wrong! get with the times mate, if you want free advertising on this site tell everyone to change their avatars to pictures of whippets, creamers or balloons wth your sites name on them in exchange for the chance to win a Nos goodie bag and repeat this every week or so until glasto, you'll soon build up a loyal customer base :P remember to exclude the irish though, you dont want the excessive postage costs eating into your profits! :P
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