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Emerging Talent Competition

Guest ilovelanegan

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Just wondered if any other eFesters are musical types and planning to try their luck with the new talent comp this year? (My band is - lordy I hope we get a chance to play this year...)

Just curious to see who else is out there and how you fancy your chances. It's so hit-and-miss sending in 1 or 2 tracks you hope someone will hear and like (completely subjective - and nothing like seeing an act live!) but I guess there's no easier way to do it.

Wish us luck! This is us if anyone is interested - feedback's (nearly) always appreciated


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Just wondered if any other eFesters are musical types and planning to try their luck with the new talent comp this year? (My band is - lordy I hope we get a chance to play this year...)

Just curious to see who else is out there and how you fancy your chances. It's so hit-and-miss sending in 1 or 2 tracks you hope someone will hear and like (completely subjective - and nothing like seeing an act live!) but I guess there's no easier way to do it.

Wish us luck! This is us if anyone is interested - feedback's (nearly) always appreciated


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I'd love to partake, though I'm currently without band and I have no patience at the moment to record any of my guitar type stuff, and I can't imagine downtempo electronica would fair too well.

Had a listen and I wasn't expecting much (sorry just my natural cynicism)

I was really impressed though, best of luck getting through :P

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Just wondered if any other eFesters are musical types and planning to try their luck with the new talent comp this year? (My band is - lordy I hope we get a chance to play this year...)

Just curious to see who else is out there and how you fancy your chances. It's so hit-and-miss sending in 1 or 2 tracks you hope someone will hear and like (completely subjective - and nothing like seeing an act live!) but I guess there's no easier way to do it.

Wish us luck! This is us if anyone is interested - feedback's (nearly) always appreciated


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Thanks for the kind words guys! We've applied before and never got past the first round so I think we'll send in different tracks this time - we haven't decided which though. Maybe 'Under the Gun' as that seems popular on here :P Got some new songs we're demo-ing at the moment so if they sound really strong we might even try one of those (even if the recording quality isn't as swish, I think it's better to send your strongest material... I reckon the judging panel can see past the level of production- hope so anyway!)


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Thanks for the kind words guys! We've applied before and never got past the first round so I think we'll send in different tracks this time - we haven't decided which though. Maybe 'Under the Gun' as that seems popular on here :P Got some new songs we're demo-ing at the moment so if they sound really strong we might even try one of those (even if the recording quality isn't as swish, I think it's better to send your strongest material... I reckon the judging panel can see past the level of production- hope so anyway!)


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Yep I've got my ticket already (the others haven't) but I'm assuuuuuming we'd know if we were playing before the cut-off date for ticket returns, so I'd just lose out on a tenner. We're definitely looking into other avenues besides this comp - there are so many acts who enter the chances are fairly slim, but you gotta be in it to win it right? There's some small stages (Croissant Neuf for example) who offer slots to artists but as their budgets are so small they need you to have your ticket already - and at this stage (considering the likely line-up) I think the other 3 in the band would be very, very lucky to get one now! So I guess it's down to this comp, or somehow getting Emily Eavis down to a gig and have her fall in love with us, or finding a small stage booker who likes our noise and persuading them to have us!

Richie - you've got time to get some decent demo's done, you could do 'live' recordings at a friendly little studio that doesn't charge very much?? We're lucky our drummer has a little garden shed setup(!) we can use for demo's of new material (in addition to the professional recordings we've done so far).

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Yep I've got my ticket already (the others haven't) but I'm assuuuuuming we'd know if we were playing before the cut-off date for ticket returns, so I'd just lose out on a tenner. We're definitely looking into other avenues besides this comp - there are so many acts who enter the chances are fairly slim, but you gotta be in it to win it right? There's some small stages (Croissant Neuf for example) who offer slots to artists but as their budgets are so small they need you to have your ticket already - and at this stage (considering the likely line-up) I think the other 3 in the band would be very, very lucky to get one now! So I guess it's down to this comp, or somehow getting Emily Eavis down to a gig and have her fall in love with us, or finding a small stage booker who likes our noise and persuading them to have us!

Richie - you've got time to get some decent demo's done, you could do 'live' recordings at a friendly little studio that doesn't charge very much?? We're lucky our drummer has a little garden shed setup(!) we can use for demo's of new material (in addition to the professional recordings we've done so far).

Edited by jamseyboy
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Yep I've got my ticket already (the others haven't) but I'm assuuuuuming we'd know if we were playing before the cut-off date for ticket returns, so I'd just lose out on a tenner. We're definitely looking into other avenues besides this comp - there are so many acts who enter the chances are fairly slim, but you gotta be in it to win it right? There's some small stages (Croissant Neuf for example) who offer slots to artists but as their budgets are so small they need you to have your ticket already - and at this stage (considering the likely line-up) I think the other 3 in the band would be very, very lucky to get one now! So I guess it's down to this comp, or somehow getting Emily Eavis down to a gig and have her fall in love with us, or finding a small stage booker who likes our noise and persuading them to have us!
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Yeah the late night areas would be very cool - I saw a live act in Trash City this year, Ebony Bones, that blew my mind! Ideally if we could get 1 slot we'd try and get a couple of others, eg Neuf, Trash/Arcadia. Once you're 'in' it gets a lot easier I imagine!

Jamesey - not sure I follow, do you mean tech'ing? We only have our music equipment and that's pretty specific to each act I'd have thought...

(On a side note, ooh, just noticed I have another little man - yay)

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Yeah I was surprised as well but If you are prepared to share then apparently( depending on what youve got) you may be able to blag yourself a ticket. The other option is to work ( as in litter patrol etc) and play as and when....the workers areas are always up for a band or two...or the late night slots. Get your name about as much as poss....I,m a great believer in sticking yourself in front of a crowd at every opportunity....if you dont someone else will. ( sorry if sounds a bit preachy) :P
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Theres lots of little stages you can get gigs on spec if you just turn up (but its a good idea to get in touch beforehand if you can) , I'd recommend the Fluffy Rock Cafe (really friendly stage that one), Tiny Tea Tent and Bimble Inn. Worth having a crack at Avalon Cafe as well.

My sons band played at the FRC last year and had a brilliant time. You'll get a good crowd on Wednesday if you can play acoustic, and on Thursday when they turn the amps on, and even when the main stages kick off theres plenty of audience - People seem to like the relaxed attitude of the smaller stages.

Emerging talent is hilarious - the London musos pick the acts, which are often much of a muchness.

And then ME always picks the oddball one that plays Tibetan nose flutes that they put in for a joke...

Edited by lord stradmor
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Thinking about it....why not become the Efests house band? (Does such a thing exist already?)....get to play on Thursday and you are g/teed an audience.....theres at least four of us so theres a start. You could set up a campaign....."Get us to Glastonbury!......or die trying". Today the forums....tomorrow the World!!!

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Thinking about it....why not become the Efests house band? (Does such a thing exist already?)....get to play on Thursday and you are g/teed an audience.....theres at least four of us so theres a start. You could set up a campaign....."Get us to Glastonbury!......or die trying". Today the forums....tomorrow the World!!!
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Funny enough we were invited to play at the eFests World Cup last year, but the boys didn't have tickets (again) so it was a non-starter!

But I LOVE this idea... house band sounds great! Either that or we might start incorporating nose flutes into our performance...

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It could be the start of something beautiful! Ok, I'm not sure how it would work but here goes - Neil, can we be the eFests house band?


(We've got a London gig coming up for any captal-based eFesters who fancy seeing us in the flesh- 15th December at the Barfly... they'll be free badges, cd's and maybe some T's if our hard-working merch officer (ie guitarist's girlfriend) has anything to do with it. Hand stencilled, they're pretty swish!)

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